Monday 24 May 2010

Tap Water

Is not naturally filtered through sedimentary and rocks', of what would be a more natural beneficial system, then bleached filtered water.

The water that comes' directly from the tap, is filtered because it comes' directly from the Thames', and or the sewage farms'.

The sewage farms' recycle all the Shite, Poo and any other materials' that have gone down the drain, period blood, needles', dead fish, the whole lot.

It is disgusting to think that we are re-drinking all the waste that we dispose of down the drain, again and again, and again.

The sewage farms' should be filtering the waste produce, only to produce good quality compost for plants'.

Even if there is an over production of compost, they need to ship it to the Mediterranean for re-introduction to green pastures', where needed.

Flattening the Sand in the arid places', and covering with dampens' of sprinkled water and seedlings', will reproduce grass life, of what will make the arid environment cooler in respects' to extreme heat.

The Sands' of Arabia, were once greened pastured, until there was an exportation of sheep and goats' of what subsequently ate through the grass, leaving the land barren on the way through, the heated lands' of Arabia, of course the Arabian lands' weren't as hot as they are now, without any filtering systems' of condensation and evaporation's' of the natural air respiratory systems', it's no wonder the heat has reached a peak of altitude high.

As the sheep herds' and goat herds' originated from European coast lines', it only seems' fair that these lands' should be part responsible for the re-introduction schemes' of re-grassing the sands'.

The tap water is filtered shite, and the sewage plants' should only be used for producing compost.

It is disgusting that we are mis-lead into believing that we are drinking safe water. Safe water is only filtered through sedimentary and rocks' of what leaves' all the rubbish behind.

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