Saturday 15 May 2010

It is an extreme outrage that the press are allowed to insult the primary founders' of the heads' of the land, ' The Monarchy '. My Title and Rein.

It is without doubt, that this is a democratic society, and at the Queen's pleasure, people are allowed to air their rights' of freedoms' of speech, however, in this special circumstance, the certified head's of state, ' The Monarchy ', of whom are religious and are case concerners' of issues that need addressing with care, we are not mere entertainers', though we exercise our right to jest when our emotions' allow us to feel fit. It is allowed and of moral conduction that the press express certified news' bulletins' that are of and or to credit to, with strength and or concern, in regards' to health and or any public speeches' that are part of the work that we do, regarding Queenship and or kingship, and or future Kingship of the land, and or any other monical figures'.

However; it is of a huge cause for concern, and I will make it my priority to implement regulations on this abuse, that so often leads to serious consequences, when the press take it upon themselves' to insult the monarchy to the degree that they would do, with the Queen's paid entertainers', of the land.

The monarchy, (we) are not celebrities', and should not be, by any means', and or under any circumstances, associated in regards' to this status. It is not the betterment and nor do (We) regard ourselves' us higher and or above, rather we should be addressed with respect for the plus work that we do, to try our best, to maintain civil society status, here and all around the world, with many benefits and advantages' that improve the conditions' of peoples' lives', when we can. However; there are times' when the politicians' implement ideas that have serious consequences' that impact our status, as the direct family and or blood -lines' to the prophetic,religious people that came and passed away from this worldly life.

We try to keep ourselves' away from political issues' and only intervene with the utmost of urgency's' or when, with betterment of etiquette's', are asked to step in, to clean up any under handed messes' and or issues' that have been caused by the politicians'.

We exercise our right to our own freedoms' of speech, and or jesting when we feel fit, without being made a laughing stock by the ignorance of the press, who treat us, as spectacles' of entertainment, when they feel fit to do so. With this, they rip us apart, leaving us tired and exhausted with the continual insults' and or abuses' that they subject us too, leaving us with no reality and or quality of life experiences'.

We are not free, rather we are at present, held accountable for every single action that we do, on a daily basis, and we are subjected to the same and or similar exposing to media attentions', that are truly degrading to our misdemeanor and even though it appears' that we have a good quality lifestyle, we are continually subjected to observation, of what feels' invasional. We are gentle kind people, who like to live in peace as much as we can, and try to up hold our duties' to the best of our abilities', I sometimes' think that the press forget, well, actually we was born into the Monarchy, and it is our duty to up-hold what is in the best interests' of our people and or nations' and or nationalities', that of whom are all apart of our international efforts' of bonding and unification, and or unificational projects'.

Sometimes', for expressive purposes', of the involvement of the press in our lives', we try to let go and enjoy the moment at hand, only to be faced the next day with malicious attacks' from the under-handed tactics' of the media.

I found it disgraceful and deplorable that after the tragic circumstance' of my families' misfortune, in regards' to press abuses', that instigate and or vicious rumours', would stop and or cease. But it appears' that the press, will stop at no means' to get their exploitative campaigners', at the price of a 00. 20 pence paper issuer, in most cases', of what can leave one feeling drivelled for days', weeks' and even months' afterwards'.

There comes' a time, when a future King has to voice his concerns' over his private and or invasional exposions' that are miss-used and disregarded with immediate effect, by the uncompromising and or savage press, for a measly front line status. The press work as nothing more then petty rumour mongers, who subsequently have the control to devastate peoples' lives', in some cases', like in my own (The (future)King) will have to live with their consequences' for my own eternity of sufferance.

I will exercise my right to, have my own personal press, and will implore the same demands' for the rest of my family and other monical figures that are involved with our uni fictional work. And all other addresses', will have to be pointed by my own secretarial vices' of employees', and I demand this with immediate effect, to protect and preserve my future status' as a well as my represented Kingship of the land and or further expositions' that stretch forth in the world. I will consequently implore these measures' to safe guard all my other members' of my family, and any press releases will be scrutinised by myself and or my vices'.

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