Monday 31 January 2011

We Will ask all business to sign in with us...and give us a portion of their wage to sponsor the carrying of exports to independent countries', that will deal with us, as a sponsorship to run our own governing body and states of control and affairs', we will plough back all extra funds', into our local communities when we can.

businesses', people and countries of alliance will have to be prepared to help in our sponsorships' to boycott this illegal occupation.

It will be a state government of powers that will run against this illegal occupation, it will run under all the proposals set in the last documentations of posts', we will not instigate and or break any promises'.

We will have a building situated in each town, that each individual business will register with, in that registry, the businesses will give us a stated portion of wage to help the progression and boycott of this, Now Classed, as an illegal occupation.

We will set up alliances as soon as possible, when functioning communications are restored...we will ask for the business links as proposed, to plough in a set amount of funds to help install small aircraft instillation's to import and export, by-passing this now illegal occupation.

We will, thereafter, with the funds distributed from the businesses', employ security from the old regime, to insure safety of local businesses', when called for extra protection of any forced and or illegal attacks', by the illegal occupation.

We will not, go against our stated terms of conditions proposed, and we look forward to doing business with you all.
All the rights of the people, and the negotiations have been made, there is no more democratic values and or principles more then these dialogues that have been posted.

If these demands are not met by the call of the people, then it is clear that there is no democracy, and that the powers are corrupted.

The people wish for Islamic state control under set terms of agreements', whats more easy to understand then that.

You are again oppressing the people...what we will do is gain access to a building and set up our own Parliaments of Independence....and state controls', and run separated alliances of contraction's with small aviation business to links and other.....and by pas all regulatory illegal laws imposed by a bias government who refuses to give the people their current Democratic rights of the call to a solid leadership of their choice, and what you are doing as a governing body is now classed as another illegal occupation..
The fact of the matter is, that after an illegal war, there are thousands of war victims left homeless, disabled, raped and vindicated of all self respect, death tolls' and shattered hopes, lost family members and devastated lands that have taken an entity to build..with people suffering from war side effects', sleep deprivations, with Muslim counsellors everywhere, there will be mass sums of monetary funds coming their way.

Now we can either do this the easy way, or we will pick out each case one by one, with billions of pounds compensations on the cards', how many families, how many fraudsters, the option is yours'.
With a new free islamist law and rulings, we will ensure residence who are willing to follow the course of the law of the land,can remain in peaceful abodes'.
He also said that he looks upon the nation of Egypt as all of his family....he said that he felt as if his first sons had died the same day they joined the army and police interior, and the only way for the up-rising to take hold is for all hands to stop the industries', as all people are living in high oppressions' and occupations'.
The president said, through imagery of pictorials, that these men posted to power, are nothing but mere actors', he said, that to sustain the people at the time, he done what he had to, but his outward call to religion died the same day that the wealth was offered to him and his people, he vowed in secret messages of codes that I only know, that I must come back for him one day.....with the medicine for the people, even though he died in appearance, he sustained all religious values inside his heart.
To help the progression of change, halt all funds and or exports and or imports from outside friends and connections, halt all work and retail industries,....this will help and or enforce a dismissal of the current leadership.
as for the mention of Saddam Hussein, I thought I covered that, the argument between the bush administrations', a deal that wasn't going their way, something for nothing.
We will not host a war campaign on Israel, rather we will stick to our proposals and singed contracts of powers, whereby if any attacks' and or breach of contracts occurs', we will hand powers back.

We cant be more fairer then that.
All settlement agreements', and other, will be halted and stabilised, for a three year period, until the new settlements' of Powers of controls', are implemented, and that there is a clear up date of all settlements and educations on this very sensitive matter, before negotiations and resettlement's and or other, are discussed appropriately with opposing Israel under peaceful terms of talks and other.

We have decided and stated what we wish for.....
You are dismissing the peoples rights' of democratic for negotiations elsewhere...we have to take one step at a time.......

Negotiations in Israel is something that can be looked at once the establishment of Egypt's powers of controls are handedover to the peaceful islamists'.....

We will not force our advices....and those advices will be over the courses of years' not something that can be resumed and or resolved in one day.
Over one hundred people died on these streets, millions of people took to the streets in demonstrations' for change, and now you say the people wish for security rather then change, who are you kidding, yourself or the people...the change will happen under the peoples rights of change, under the current democratic rights of choice.

You are stalling, we have made our proposals, now its time to hand over the powers of control;, that's what the people wish for....we will sign the contact of approvals in relation to he submitting of our proposals now stop the stalling and hand the power over....this will not go away, it is the people rights' of Land and heritage, and that we told you before our goals' and or business proposals'.

Why are you denying the people of their rights' links will create a race relations ties', we do not hold fundamental racism, we are sick of the hijacking of our land, in the name of tourism that leaves the people impoverish of livelihoods that can be established with business opportunities of fair trading and distributions for all the residence of Egypt, as for the black and or our native race of darker coloured people, are you as ignorant as to think, we don't have our own native dark people, who also share in equal status, we will create and offer all people the same farming, and other in business ties'....and links into economy on work visa bases and other.

You shun without the appropriate excuses', it is better this way, then the way that America has gone, we dont wish for our crime rate to grow into un scaling and uncontrolled proportion', as seen in Europe.

Sunday 30 January 2011

And yes, you have decided to incur a penalty on me , in what I say in the privacy of my own home, saying I am slanderous, even if it is the mildest of or lightest of offences', because you happen to tap into my home for valid reasons of benefits in other conversations, seeing that you all seem to know that I can help you in matters that no other can help you in.

And you will say, on the day of judgement, we have come for part share of your wealth, because you said such and such on such and such day, and I will say, you enjoyed all the benefits of privacy in your own homes', and what did you do with mine, you stole it from me..and Allah will be awaiting for you.

And; I suggest you look up what it says in the advices' of benefits of the soul, about the people who push their ears up against the doors of others to hear their conversations'.

Now I dont mined you listening in, for the benefit of wider society, but don't abuse my generosity of hospitality's, I am allowed to have my opinions about outside influences', just like any other person.

How much /

I will speak to you later
It is clear that the people are not listening to the Powers of control at current positions', we dont understand what the delay in the transition is, it is clear that under the standing laws of democracy the people are allowed to chose who they wish to lead them, it is of a surety it is not the current regime.

The fact of the matter is, they wish to have Islamic state control, and someone who can work with both sides as an intimidatory of affairs in politics and religious rulings', it appears that they have chosen a clear representative for their issue son state affairs and choices, when working and planning shares of exports'.

This shouldn't be taking that long to understand.
This is all very well, propaganda ploys against the native Egyptian people, who are in the middle of a disaster zone that the military and police systems have failed to control after the initial historic changes in powers'.

The youth have been neglected by the state powers of controls in relation to education and social foundations', there is so much for us as a peaceful Islamic body to change over the course of time.

Remembering that most of these young boys / men are still very much like the youths of the 1970s' Britain.

You can not expect any other values from them, when their Islamic heritage has been crushed for over thirty years of powers of controls that failed education systems and other investments in social teachings'.

As in Saudi Arabia, you can see the complete difference in education and standards of living, and business ties and other relations of diplomacy's'.

It is to be expected....we understand that these young men have been neglected in a proper Islamic traditional family value of education, that of what we will be re-investing in good wholesome education and foundation of manners and other important communications of effective ness', remembering that most of these values were learnt from the tourists , drunk and disorderly taking advantage of the freedoms of price and monetary bribes of a corrupted police force that needed the wealth to sustain their families at the time of violence and other, perpetrated by loose tourists'.
The way to pronounce any changes to calm the people down is to use speakers through either helicopter and or cars that have been designed for political purposes, they must still be floating around somewhere. letter distributions via helicopter, various ways to pronounce changes'.
We dont know what the people wish for, we are just mean they are stalling...the people have made it clear..they wish for a new Islamic rule of peaceful living and livelihood.
This young man from Palestine, who has returned to speaking in relation to the Palestine disputes between Israel and Palestine, it is a separated issue and should be kept separate in relation to the current events and historic protests and change of powers that are being under taken in Egypt at present.
If this is what America is paying for, then we will discuss what better uses' the monetary funds can be out towards in other shares that we would be more hospitable to, after a withdrawal of powers of controls'....we will not abuse our powers', and rather, again we will state, that we wish to have Islamic rule and law, under peaceful terms and conditions as proposed.
America has supplied Egypt with 1 billion pounds a year to keep the army and armed forces and police services in employment...but wit this mass protest of Independence, the army and police services have failed to control the people and get the state under control of law and order....

Not only that, but within the services themselves', there has been clear breaches of corruptions' and systemic abuses' against the native people, much the same courses of abuses' seen and witnessed worldwide in Abu Garib.
This is a clear oppression of the peoples' rights under a ruling democratic power...who do they think they are, are they going to start another war, to oppress the rights of the Muslim lands, where clearly people dont wish for democratic powers, take a look at American, look at what it looks like...corruption, rape murder child abuses, everywhere...people fat...dying of eating disorders, cancers, dying of clear abuses of hospital staff, murder in care homes, sex in care homes, we dont wish for it...we wish for Islamic states that have clear controls with the consent of the people, to rule as a clear litigated country of peaceful are a clear bitch who wishes to massacre the we have made our proposals for business and other, isn't that enough for you......or you would rather rob the people of their heritage....and be a sole profiteering association, while all the other country resides in poverty, you will not get away with this.

With mass wars sweeping across the Arab world at your pushiness of illegal entry without certified profs', with mass killings, rapes and murders of the native people, yet you still hold your position on the native people of Egypt, that dont wish for you there...

We have set out proposals, and we will not leave and or retreat until our democratic rights under your leadership is heard and respected and a retreat by the opposition made.
What will they do, massacre the people in full view of the world...never will they do it, ifthey do it, on innocent people, there will be up roar...
Listen, we know that people across the west has concerns about this up-rising, this has nothing to do wit the west and or any other nation, in regards to the peoples' rights' in Egypt....we will up-hold what we have suggested in previous posts', of the cross over of refugees' and that we will offer advices negotiations with Israel.

As for how we will run the state, thereafter, will be much in line with how Saudi Arabia is run, and people of the west will have no concerns' and or fears' and that we will up hold our promise to that, in relation to active roles in Geneva conventions, and other diplomacy's we will take, our Que from Saudi Arabia who has extensive working knowledge of such ties and communications'.

We wish to practise our Islamic laws; peacefully, without the potential to advance on any other state of political powers', we will only advice and offer livelihoods and or protection to refugees that live and reside in Palestine that have no alternative income after structural damages and in relations to
other in pounding conflicts'.
To over throw the regime, you must, I repeat, you must, leave all business and or work transactions, no one must return to work, hands down.

No work, no monetary income, no reason to be there.

For as long as you can, buy only food from your local retailer who is an independent seller.

If the regime doesn't change now, it will never change, the regime you are living under, claim they represent and up-hold democratic principles, where is your democratic rights', they have taken them away from you, they have withdrawn your right to have and be governed by powers of control that you wish to have and be seen to be implemented.

If you dont make the change now, it will never happen.....

Migration for this regime is on the cards and still a very very strong possibility....

Dont die of tiredness, dont get tired.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Geneva conventions

It has come to light that in Egypt, there has been apparent looting and other small fractions of criminality's'.

In light of the circumstance, that can be much described as a national disaster, all looters should be realised without charge, at the discretion of the police and governments' failure to restore and or control or police the states people...thereafter the people have found themselves in a state of almost national disaster as, what has been seen elsewhere, in the world, when flooding and such hit certain other parts of the world...the looters were not detained and or arrested, why? because the state was under national disaster zone.

So we will ask, that this be taken into consideration, and that the current detainees be released without charges', with a warning,of further prosecutions if found to be looting again.

This is a national disaster zone and should be treated as such in light of the circumstance.....peoples' irrationalities get the better of seen and witnessed elsewhere, where national disasters have hit and or struck under the promise of mother nature.
We try to make things applicable, we try to help reform, giving ideas and sharing in the knowledge of controlling violence and other, and when we ask for the Americans', to host a family who has been ousted out, as part of an up-rising directly, by indirectly, caused by the effects of their illegal war campaign...they say no? and turn needy people away..yet they claim what.....our Islamic values are from the dark ages', when they have the highest murder rate and crime rate in the world....

And only out of desperation would people sort for refugees in your land.....and you still refused...How very dare you.

There will be contact and findings out of how they are treated.....they are people that are in need of help...and this is the least you can do under the circumstance.
I am not happy at the arrogance America has shown towards these refugees', after they instigated a call for an illegal war.

Remembering what?

I have been through all the dialogue with you in regards to responsibilities of status, in relation to all the illegal arrests and other atrocities that America made against the poorest nations in the world......and they clear got away with this. NO, they have to take their share of responsibilities, be them directly and or indirectly as a part association, in the call for an uprising in Egypt.
I am absolutely astounded by Canada refusing to host refugee government figures of the Egyptian regime.

After all the in-convenience America has caused to the Islamic world and mass mess of diplomatic positions', after a mass push for wars' on the poorest of Islamic nations, its the least they can do, to offer respite to refugees, that are IN danger and need protecting under witness and identity of personality.

And remember; just what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo bay...or has America all of a sudden lost its memory status of effective persuasions for a push to illegal wars'.

And that if they didn't push towards these unfounded illegal wars, Egypt may not have chosen to up-rise as they have done so...

And that it was clear by some footage that people were clearly distressed at the footage they saw of the films and pictorials of Guantanamo and the other notorious prison in Iraq that was over thrown for a short period in time by the Americans, whereby mass abuses took place.

Then they have the cheek to turn around and say, we will not be accommodating any refugee of government interim powers of the former Egyptian powers', that have clear status of effect of residence in Canada.

And that, after all the illegal arrests and detentions that have been perpetrated by the Americans in light of the Muslims across all international callings' of identities, because they happen to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, detained for up to ten year period and further, with mass abuses', of American powers', on the poorest nation of people in the world, they cant even be polite enough to show compassion to a ousted government of controls and family that need aid and help to resettle, because their lives are in danger.

Its the least they can do, and they have to take part responsibility in this up-rising, due to all the anger and hostilities incured by the poor Arabs that have little knowledge about the Western ways of life and why they even attacked the Muslim lands in the first place.

And in light of that, they are still finding the means to incite religious slander by allowing cartoons', airing Muslim identities in sexual indications on the news, for all the world to see, without even putting a block on it as a form of offensive material, in light of the circumstance of religious sensitivity after all the abuses of rapes and other incurring penalties of the illegal war campaign, how arrogant is that of the news broadcasters of sky international to allow such derogatory pictorials out, even if the officials are of the opposition in relation to the over throwing of the shia regime.

Then they wonder why the Islamic world is up rising for greater freedoms of Islamic leaderships and laws' of majority Sunni natures'.
I believe that, there is now a power share between the Shia and Sunni Establishment in Egypt, if this is the case, then the people can retreat, we will deal with the rest of political and religious dealings'.

Our sympathies again to the lost lives and up-sets caused from both sides'.
As for fruit harvesting, we can do the same initial proposals for the exporting of wheat from Egypt.

We will sell to consumers that are alcohol free buyers', there is a door in this market of retail...with other fruit sellers from other places of origin that barter in fruit produce selling their products to the other retailers' who do mix alcohol and fruit fermentation's together, it not as of there isn't enough industry of investors to go around.....
I suggest that all major companies that are investing in climate changes in relation to the environment, atmosphere and other heat related admission///Algeria has vast lands , ready for new investments of tree plantations for producing supplies of paper and other...with a renewable farming.

What we propose is that we crop tree farms on a yearly bases, one after another, in rows', by each yearly date.

2011 such and such land and farms', will plant such and such relation to area mass and ratio.

2012 such and such another farming of lands will plant such and relation to area mass and ratio.

And so forth until we get tens years of tree growth and or more.

With the first year if harvest...we will chop the whole if 2011 crops and replant.

and each year after that, we will do the same initial process'.

This will then stimulate oxygen in the environment and a paper producing and other ,material producing industry.

The first harvest might take up to twenty years but once this industry kicks off it will be a huge asset of estate.

I suggest you invest in this scheme, it maybe a slow industry, but it will insure future sources of resource, create oxygen admissions', at regular intervals....

And will be rotated in a twenty year harvest one year after another of decline and replanting if that's clear

The first harvest of twenty years, chop and replant

The second year in the line the same principled manner

so if we have twenty plants going. by the time the last crop is choped and harvest the first one will be ready to go out again.
Wheat fields will be a mass industry across all international waters' cutting out all modification fields of wheat elsewhere.

We need all scrap metals and burnt out building materials to make our other structures and or invest in our other structures across other proposed ideas for better economics and managements'...

We have to start shipping immediately...the car industry, the dames, and all other construction plans, are included in this...the raised funds will go to the new leadership, to get them started in line of new business links .....we need mass fields of wheat....this is where the major consuming will be.....

The Nile water, as a distributing on donational funds to get it running in shipping ...will be another stabiliser.

We will have to train civilians in farming wheat fields, with the same initial programmes set for Pakistan.

Oil industry can remain the same.....with slight negotiations on prices if they are seen to be corrupted in line with 2011 economics of the world.

We need the metal and the destroyed building materials left behind by the protesters'.
We propose that the president resigns', just because we dont wish for democratic politics', doesn't mean that we will not be prepare to work with international democratic powers', in business links and other negotiations'.

We know that there is a vast amount of investments and shares wrapped-up in Egypt, in regards to other international communities', we are not saying we are going to throw all economics out.

What we are suggesting is, that if a Arab-Muslim leadership of stronghold is implemented, under other proposals', that seem to be working in Tunisia, we will re-address only the tourism trade.......We will keep most other ties of business links' with proposed concessions here and there, in light of the change of powers'.

We will not be initially interfering with our neighbours', in relation to their problems with other state controls', we will make suggestions', and even help negotiate and other....we understand that there are a vast majority that will have concerns over the boarders between the restricted boarders and or powers of control, in regards to all sensitivities' in relation to the cross boarders'.

After my diplomacy of worldly affairs in regards to peaceful business links and ties', and negotiations , and plans of investments', with proposals set for withdrawals from our land with open access to our fertilised soils and other links of industries, why would U doubt that I and or our other Arab states of holdership, will put the lives and or other stable conditions of contracts at risk by opening the boarders ' for a free for all.

You will have our assurances that we will not do this, instead what we will do is suggest visa entry on work bases' for families most at risk and or seeking refuges after a homeless situations arises, whereby the family doesn't have the self means and or status of income to support themselves in neighbouring Palestine.

This will relieve the burden of the over population of Palestine, who seemingly dont have any chances of leaving a war torn land, we will offer a re-identity and a co-ordinated work placement and home placement, in a wittiness protection units of controls', whereby; thereafter the other states of controls', will have our surety that these young men and or families', will not be networking and or leaking informants of plots of any revenges that might be a concern for all involved in the disputed territories in Palestine.

The take over of Egypt , is not about our neighbours, it is about us having the correct powers of the majority of stronghold belief system, whereby the people are no longer subjected to forms of terror and or abuses by a minority of other fractional belief systems', within Islam its-self and the Muslims as a whole.

We will offer the current shia, and or other Hebrew and or Jewish residences', in Egypt protection and the rights to continue to live and work in relative peace under the call of the correct Islamic rulings' and teachings', providing they abide by the laws of the land, of what law is implemented across all lands and or countries whereby residence live and or work.

We will ask the current government and leader to step-down, whereby other internal administrations can offer sanctity and protection, for him and his family, with him feeling that his and his families life is not at risk.

Our concerns lie with the tourism trades', but with a re-shuffle of business ties', we can make up for monetary gains that are lost in new proposals and or other.

We can not say any more then that.....we have made our list of proposals for a re-in statement.....and that if they are not considered, then the protests will continue, in light of the peoples' demands and their rights of protests under the call of implemented Democratic powers'. There will be more damage, more civilian deaths and other up-roars that can all be avoided if you accept our proposals', this is the people that are calling for change.....

I am only acting as an intimidatory, speaking on behalf of them in light of negotiations, and terms, as a ready set take over, a easy transition, to avoid further problems on the streets', that will cost everyone involved in investments more time and or money.

Friday 28 January 2011

In Algeria.....I have four brothers' awaiting opportunities in the coffee industry, their coffee is good...peculated, with a good ready made peculator to match...can you find shadow for all movie admissions and or contacts'...
Why is America so strong on them holding their position, because they know that they will loose a vast sum of monetary fiance from the tourism trade and oil...when they are killing us with their wheat and barley cancer breads' and other modifications.

Please, we implore all nations that have stood by me, in these business and opportunity campaigns', and wordily affairs', to improve environments and equity shares, to apply pressure for a standing down...thank you.

We dont wish for Americas help, we dont wish for democracy, even though is exists today, they are still not listening, where is there fundamental Democratic values'...they are hypocrites', The Egyptian citizens dont wish for the most corrupted land in the whole world, to dictate to them, they have caused havoc in Iraq adn issued death penalties to all nations of involvements in their pushiness for international war on the poorest regins in the world, with death of men women and children and rapes and all sorts', mostly perpetrated by who? By the American forces'.
Your backing of international support, for the standing down, will apply added pressures on the Zionists to submit in their strings that they hold on the Egyptian president, do not underestimate your contributions.....

There were very gentle movements' of imagery that signalled his message...if you study it, you will see them.
And the president of Egypt said, this is the message that I received....through imagery, The Zionist are watching him, and that he cant stand down without more demonstrations, they are forcing him to hold his position.

The only way that he will be able to implement a new Arab leadership as in Tunisia is for the protests to continue until they submit his positions.

All countries in sponsorship with me and my proposals please back our mission for a standing down..the Zionists can not get away with this any longer.
We send our deepest sympathies' to all in the latest regime......we know the transition is not easy.

We send out deepest sympathies to all the protesters, the families who have been struck by death in these protests'...

With our love for a better condition of morality .....

Your family.
This Will create employment, people do not like modification products'..

As I stated before, even though it states', such and such about food and other....this is a better solution then full blown harams that will cause vast social disorders and a decline in morality, with widespread criminality's on the up-rise...

So its your choice.
To prevent a lessor Haram in Egypt, we will invest in major wheat industries of exports' in relation to the conditions of bread and other contaminated modified wheat from America, where as Australia, and Pakistan will host major vegetable crops, because their soil is more sustainable to such ...negotiations of crop shares and who will deal in what will be discussed.

We know that Germany has wheat fields too, whereby they distribute aboard to Europe, so we propose a split of 50% 50% straight down the line.....Whereby wheat imported from Germany will have yeast extracts and or alcohol added to its contents due to different cultures and religious principles....Egypt's bread and wheat will be used in bread industries and cake industries whereby they dont host yeast extract and or alcohol additives'....

So we will divide into two.....Germany will cater for all the outlets that add yeast and alcohol and we will cater for all other industries that refrain and or do not add such products to their breads and of bakery industries'....
I suppose you are all off making contributions to the film.....why would we do generate monetary funds'...whereby to create a economy base link into homelands to improve conditions of the native people....worldwide...why would we do that...because where theres mass industry, there is mass migration.......where there is mass migration, there is better standards of improvements of conditions of the poor without the need of vast sums of charity raises and such.

Where the migration is needed , for rehabilitation purposes', of behaviours and manners to prevent the spread of criminality's, and not the other way around....Thus creating lessor Haram in both states of country welfare, in relation to their own individual status of crime ratings and crime associations'.

So we say, to create an economy whereby we link business industry , into the equation , with immigrations to the right lands' where it is needed as a permanent residence', we keep innocent lands away from the corrupted with the right industry of import and exports', and we rehabilitate with our knowledge of marital ties and family mannerisms with afew bits of other areas whereby, our native people may be innocent to the corruption of the society and needs out side extra support of community to aid and assit in re-shuffling the mind that immigrants are aware of the criminality's of natures here.

Why do I have to keep repeating, because if I give you chance, you Will devour me...and throw ME to the wolves and say, Ha...this one is no teacher!!!!

See older aired Olympics'....for further details of my nature....IF YOU REALLY MUST KNOW!!!!

Always assumptions...

I think I have done enough explaining previous for you to know my religious values by now.....slipping in conduction's is not one of them....

Thanks for that .
What does this president not get, there are thousands and hundreds if not over the double millions mark, of people demonstrating their democratic right, not to have him and any of his cabinet in power....He should step down, retreat out of the area, under secure internal international bonds of ties that can secure his safety...We will announce the stepping down, tell the people to retreat to their homes with a new implemented government, as in Tunisia, a Muslim Arab leadership that is versed in dealings with the west in relation to business ties and other peace talks and such what.

The sooner this is done, the sooner the reaction of people will return to a good state of affairs,the longer you drag this out, the longer the campaign and uprising of the peoples rights will continue, destroying and marking alot more damage to public property that can be utilised In the next administrations'.
They cant use the will be open warfare.....on what...a demonstration of the peoples rights'.

And then what? another war of bullies on the poor.

Its their right to say who they wish to govern them...why is there a resistance , isn't that democracy in its entity?

Dont people ever ask?
We need people to turn up outside the Egyptian embassy in support the change, every support wil help.
Can you please tell us what happened to the boy in the green jumper, on the bridge......where wer all the emergency services and ambulances'. Doesn't anyone ask?
What does the media mean by, this is " state terrorism ", I don't understand, because the abbreviation is not clear.

Is the media trying to indite the civilians who have been subjected to extreme violence, abuses', governmental-imprisonments of rape and other.....extreme murders over the years'...

Do you think it is the other way around?

Suppressing the people from a peaceful protest by incitements of inflammatory behaviours from the government commissions'....with even death of some protesters in relation to the retaliations of the governments control orders'....if there is no media network the governments are pretty much allowed to do what they wish to the is a sure corruption of the citizens rights to shut down all media posting outlets to inform the world of the abuses that the people are faced with.

We know that people need help, in relation to race discrimination's...we will not shut you out, rather we will find alternative business out letting schemes, bonding of marriage schemes through religous accpetance and many other doors of releasing racial pressures and other internal experiences of countries' that have high racial discrimintory inner beliefs'...
The latest attacks in Kabul

It is with pressing concern, that after relative peace, with suburban fighting, with fractional civilians and the international forces', that all of a sudden, out of nowhere at all, there is a bombing in Kabul.

It is amazing how, with all the protest movements springing up across the Arab world in relation to their oppressive governmental regimes that have promoted violence, abuses', midnight sieges' and many other torture campaigns to keep the people silent, why wouldn't Kabul follow the same route as these other nations of lands'...

It doesn't take a genius to work out that there are similarities between these bombings and the last bombings that happened in Kabul with the plans of international bonding with set business links into the Olympics with initial foundations....

We will not be blamed for something that the new democratic powers have layed down as underground traps for the more majority Sunni Muslim populations of the lands'....and that the Democratic governments are killing us because they do not hold the same principled values as most of the occupy land civilians as seen in Iraq....and described in other dialogue between myself and you in relation to the events in Iraq...we can not have a minority of people running the majority of a strong hod of Sunni Muslims as they will oppress us very much how they wish, as seen with previous investigations of health care , prisons and many other abuses' of undercover sieges that have left the people dead .....

These people wouldn't be in up roar about just anything, things must be really bad, in relation to systemic higher power of control abuses'.

You have to prepare for a Arab Muslim government as done in Tunisia..

We will allow the security of all other leaders to seek refuges under different states'.....out of compassions for life.

As things that were more acceptable, like corruptions and others' in past years were unnoted and passed through all international allowances'...however the removal of power must be done.
Moving over for a brief conscript of a new story line...the home of stories'....I'll meet you there.
For once a year supply of zam zam....

limited number per family............I'll meet you at the next Islam Ramadan special appeal live....

What's in store for the next programme?

I'll come up with something ....
The Niles' water

Famed under Christian belief for the purification washes of Jesus......Can I have a bottle of...

Please read small print.....

Non drinkable...Nile water.......

Please contact the Islam channel for arrangements'....all donations will be accepted.....people use the Nile water for the cleaning of their skin and other....their belief is, that it holds natural purity of illness...qualities....

We will ship as soon as available...please make donations within cover the costs of bottling, shipping and carriage and delivery....

Get your once a year supply today, limited number to, per household.

We can not do this if donations are poor.

Thank you.
The nations' government take control of all communications systems'.....leaving the nations' people vulnerable to open abuses' of powers by the government, themselves', then they have the cheek to turn around and say that the mosques are going to influence what takes place today....No I am sorry, this has been planned for over a week...all international news and media knew it was going to happen in light of the rights to people protests' about a corrupt government....,.they can not indirectly lay blame on the mosques implementing Islam as a Key factor to the protests when it is a nation of people, who have been oppressed and abused by a systemic powers that have inclined to torture campaigns of the native people, this isn't about an uprising of Islam..this is about the rights of the people, in relation to their homeland that happens to be of Muslim origin....

I cant stand the way they use Islam as a indirect ploy to discriminate against all Muslims when objectives of the governing powers and other administrations are not going their way...they are power bullies', that suppress the people into submission to implement other laws' of other lands' that clearly spread crime and other social diseases' ......
Opened air Olympic stadiums could be utilised into a four way-or four screen central cinema major movie productions, the x factor and other top televised shows' that people enjoy and or flock to see......I would go.......IF MY RELIGOUS VALUES ALLOWED ME TO, BUT AS A PRACTISING MUSLIM, I REFRAIN from such worldly desires'.......But for race relations and other.......not to be attempted by those who have a lessor understanding of unity ties and Qu'ranic values'.......To implore a lessor Haram, in-home lands' of Muslim natures whereby exploits are made under the name of an unjust democracy....sorry if I wasn't clear......

Some central stadiums can be recycled into top apartments for business personal who wish to take up Central residence in the center of the or prime locations of the top worldly cities'.....providing them with, a courtyard gardens, of what can be also utilised by the public with parks' for the summer time.....either way..both moves would be wise for economical growths and business visa and links into internal affairs of international ties.....
The New Film release

Turkish Agents in Palestine

It seems' so hypocritical that America's Hollywood is allowed to produce films on numerous War zones', such as the conflict in Iraq....where thousands of people lost heir lives at the hands of the Bush administrations', of what was a pushing and incitement to religious hatred without a determined set validation to bring international forces into a full blown war....

No questions asked, no compliant issues raised by anyone in relation o these white supremacists films'.......When we initially make a film, reflecting Hollywood's stance in relation to the arts awards , it's condemned as interfering with diplomatic ties'...

When America does it, it is classed as the art's awards'.....?

That's not justice, that's hypocrisy.

Thursday 27 January 2011

I like this, the term, Muslim brotherhood, used in the news'......isn't it the nations people of Egypt, protesting in awe of a corrupted government.

When the news puts it like that, it appears as if we are violating our rights to protests against a regime that is oppressive.

And this government will topple, if the protests persist.....

We will push forward in our rights to protest, our young men are being persecuted in prisons all over Egypt, by corrupted administrations of affairs', and many other abuses'.

We will not close the doors on people, rather we will deal in integrations of business links and ties'....
All aircraft companies will have to do the same thing, all Major cruise tourist shipping's and or Major fishing industries Will have to do the same thing..the costs will be comparisons with your individual profits', but will be an extremely vital investment for the atmosphere, and environment that we all have to live in.

The over-all Monetary gain will be huge , and will sustain tree plantations and other green issues' for future generations to come. Resolving at least 50% of the issue in one hit of small investments' from you all, as a minor penalising, and good promotion too.
All car companies will have to do the same thing...I think the cost of merger will be a 1 to 2 % share of penalising contributions of all.
Please complain about the airing of extreme crimes' during daytime televisions'....such as murder , rape and other, these should all full under the water-shed of nine o'clock can be very disturbing for some children, if they have never been exposed to such propaganda, when they happen to full upon news exploits', during a switching over of cartoon channels'....this will in turn reduce crime and other affiliations, with a slow decrease in subconscious hypnoses' and the memory glands, that will in turn produce a certain amount of and or produce a chemical stimuli...of the brain's response, that can be proven by graphical studies of scientific recordings'.

You will see a crime rate reduction, over a ten year period of study, if you implement this scheme now.
All mobile telephone service companies should be penalised, in a merger to make up the percentage of contributions towards environmental programmes', because of the heat related admissions', broadband and sky mergers' likewise...this will reduce carbon admissions', contribute enormously to a greener and cleaner environment, without effectively disturbing the profits of such major companies'...

This will in turn generate millions of pounds a year to the ozone effect, re-investments' of tree plantations' and other concerning carbon admissions', creating a cooler environment.

In this we will set the same proposals as the newspaper industries, how and where the funds are spent can be negotiated.
In relation to the latest hit by sexism claims'...and dismissals'....

I thought under English laws', anything said in jest', surpasses all laws' of discrimination's'....or does that only apply to televised shows', oh sorry this was televised, wasn't it?

Maybe comedy laws should be up for re-view....they are not clear..

Can a comic remark be classed as sexism....?

If thats the case, we have to bring all laws' of comedy shows under re-view...what do you think ?

While we are on the subject of newspapers', beer industries and other law and or legal managements' of rulings'....

The same penalties of contributions should be made by the magazine companies in relation to tree plantations and recycling of their own waste produce.

Each company would work together to raise the appropriate funds' for re-investments into the environment.

With the same initial recycle schemes' as proposed in light of the newspaper agencies'.

None of the industries will be exempt from paying a small contribution of penalties',, if all the companies work together, the news of the world , the sun etc etc to raise the fees', the amount will be a small penalty incur, the same with the alcohol industry and the magazine industry,the amount will be small profit loss, but a good contribution to all those effected by the environment and or social and or drug related diseases'.
If you have complaints about your NHS Managers', who refuse to listen to you in relation to your complaints about YOUR doctors surgery, please call this number, leave all your details about the treatment and or the abuse of powers of position.....the number is as follows'

0800 587 7027

This morning I went into my local surgery to make a complaint about the telephone service administrations', that don't appear to be picking up their phones in response to emergency appointment this is the fourth time and or occurrence, it is completely unacceptable, not only did the over-seer of the NHS department refuse to note my compliant down, she also called the police in relation to my response, in relation to her response of shere ignorance to re-write the notes of complaints', and thus I disputed with her about her unreasonable behaviour.

If she was doing her job properly, by taking notes and passing the details onto the appropriate higher powers', a dispute wouldn't have occurred in the first place.

Please make you complaints NOW.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Alcohol advertising's should be only allowed and or restricted to places' where they have special licences to sell and or distribute in alcohol sales'....

Clubs, pubs, and or stores that retail in alcohol, adverts will be just as effective, cutting impressionable children out of the advertising industry, with sponsorship campaigns for hosting clubs.....for internal adverts'.... this will compensate for televised adverts'....and or other adverts that are published along with children participants of what is totally unacceptable these days'.

Advertising alcohol in football stadiums alongside families and or children who are vulnerable to impressions and adverts is a direct abuse of the company.....and should be made illegal.....

Of course they have to re-invest so we propose the for internal clubs and the other listed a alternative investments of alcohol companies' as a responsibility on part of them in relation to their costumer.

Gambling is slightly different, aiming at a different consumer.

Superstores will be exempt from this, as children are often accompanied with parents', and adverts will only be restricted to the lines whereby the alcohol is sold.....and that there will be set limits to the size and proportions of adverts in super stores that retail in vast amounts of other consumer goods'.
Smoking laws should be imposed; non smoking pubs and smoking pubs, each having their own licence terms of agreements....

Public smoking should be band,because of passive smoking effects and carbon admissions'...... and only allowed in outlets that serve and or specialise in smoking licences at the owners discretion.

These particular topics are advices' for lands hit by these for all other advices that can benefit other countries hit by other problematics'.
Drinking companies should be made to invest in the same scheme for patients who suffer alcohol related illness effects', with the same proposals of each company investing in 12.5 % to the NHS and 12.5% towards homeless sheltering for alcohol users', with rehabilitation's councillors.....with a 2%share from each company, they will not even feel the make up the overall sum...

We as the tax payer shouldn't have to be made to pay for the side effects of such industries that are indirectly killing and or abusing the people, without even them paying any forms of comfort and or insurances towards the departments of health and other.....

Litigation's are far more costly of course...if one person wins that will open the door to your companies losing thousands of pounds in compensations claims' that will make you eventually go into administrations'......and it will only be a matter of its up to you, as investors'.
Smoking, if you can, please give-up and or smoke in private places, such as homes', .....smoking causes' huge effects on the environment....peoples health and other.

Missing relatives'...children orphaned and many other side-effects', children watching their parents dying of smoking related illnesses' and other....

But its your choice...and its never to late to reform.

Immediate changes.....better conditions of skin.....cleaner teeth...and immediate internal cleaning....

Smoking....also produces carbons' you know.....not only that....but millions of paper roles are used for cigarettes', and that they should be made to invest in tree schemes', and paper recycling plans too....why should they be solely profit, when they are disturbing our atmospheric pressures , causing landslides and flooding worldwide as a major contributor to carbon with newspaper production industries'......the same negotiated terms'...the smoking industries dont even contribute to health care.....benefits for smokers who are hit by disease'...and that the only contribution made is when a legal battle is taken up...and that a percentage of their proceeds should go to nhs health care for the smoking departments of cancers' caused by direct smoking links';...and that a portion of their profits should go to tree plantation......negotiations will be made.......

What we will do is drop all litigation's in exchange for a percentage to go to nhs services for the well-care of smokers' with disease as a direct result of their companies transactions businesses'. We will say, 12.5 % to NHS and 12.5 % to tree plantations...

The billing will be a direct association with the smoking companies , who will all contribute a set agreed percentage to make up the over sum of the 12.5% that will go to the NHS for the people effected by smoking illnesses', this will then reduce their burden of expense, b y each company only having to plough a 2% fraction out of their income to make up the over all cost of the NHS departments that deal in these diseases'.

The amount will be insignificant and will be an insurance.....of comfort for their consumers' the same time it will be a credible income for the NHS service and reduce the amount of monetary funds' and billings that are picked up by all other members of the regular work force that do not entrepreneur in mass industries of profits, whereby we are forced to pay for the damages caused by such companies of effect....they have to be part responsible for their carbon admissions and sicknesses and other ......bad consequences of such an industry.....
I need all of you to boycott newspapers for as long as you can.......until they agree terms of reinvestment's of tree plantations and shares in tree refinery plantations', with a 25% of all proceeds going to rain forest investment schemes and other schemes'.

It appear very SELFISH...that all their proceeds are kept as shere profiteering' without any contribution effects to the environments'.

While we are on the subject, the government are cutting back on paper issuing to schools, whereby are children are suffering at the hands of the newspaper industries of mass productions'...They produce far billions of papers world-wide everyday....they are contributing enormously to the effects of the damage to the environment at our expense, all the while they recline in luxury...this has to stop...they have to be responsible for issuing recycling bin units at stations and other places to reuse and collect old newspapers...instead of using clean paper everyday....roles and roles of paper many trees'?

Does anyone ask?

We have to push for reform an change into the modern industry of environment and economics, why should they be any different because they have been established for many years', we all have been hit by environmental programmes that have seen some loses in our businesses', but we have had to change tactics of approaches because of the damages and effects that these industries are having on our planet.......

We need newspapers recycle bins at stations', whereby the newspapers will go to a mainstream factory to be sorted out by hand and reposted back to the companies'.....if this works, other bins can be left in small coffee shops. outside huge office outlets and other places where newspapers are often thrown in the bin, day in and day out, with pick up services for recycling, even industrial dustmen can have a separated unit of a shut effect to recycle straight from newspaper bins'.

This will save millions of fresh trees and paper resource being used....from scratch...reducing by at least 30% a day...thats' alot......Creating factory jobs for local people.......

and other....and many other benefits to the enviroment.
Oh, just four protesters died yesterday...oh but it doesn't matter because they are only Egyptian.

No one asking how ?

Silent voices' ?

No wonder they are protesting......Advance awe of the boycotting of democratic governmentship, they are now at their weakest, in Muslim lands' where law and order is already implemented at the pleasure of the peoples' faith.

The links with international ties' will be with industry, farming and other.

We do not wish for rape, violence, night siege killings of acting-impostures-claiming to be Muslims' Muslim homelands'....We do not wish for disruptive and unruly children as seen in the west, we do not wish to see a mass of convicts for rape and murder wondering our streets' free to do it again..under the call for democracies'...

We will compromise, in exchanging our families for work aboard and visas' in exchange that we will help rehabilitate the west...not imposing but reeducation of past family bondings and values that are still very strong in the east...

We do not wish for our fa miles to be broken and children left without fathers , roaming the streets and free to abuse in any manner they like...

Jamie Bulgar and his friend done what....under who, under the power of democracies'.

We are not saying that democratic powers don't work in the west, because of the states of control in England and or Britain is quite good in comparison with their American counter-part.

However; we do not wish for states of power, where there are clear failings', when Muslim governing powers', in Muslim lands, have clear, better, managements' skills because of religious insight and rulings'. Whereby our religious rulings act as deterrents for crime and, more often then not, the stricter rulings are not needed and or implemented because of the fear people have of Allah (God) and the belief they have in their own faith values, that are clearly not broken from their culture of background and other, but have seen a decline in religious values, and other morals of conduct since the Democratic powers took controls'...and that, they have seen a clear rise in crime and other, not as vast as the west...but they are calling to throw in the towel because of the lack of Democratic ability to rule with strong managements'.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

In reference to the last entry on the book of mercy, it is, with the oppressors who abuse their monetary funds, on lavish lifestyles' in arrogance of behaviour, and to corrupt and manipulate their position of powers..this doesn't apply to the normal every day industry and monetary accumulations of lifestyle benefits, that do not hinder faith values and or others'.
This is not bribery...this is preventing a lessor of haram of killing sprees'....of reflective bribery, into other submissions'.....I think you will find it in order of law
I suppose they would like incur more penalties'....When America's economy starts its regrowth....

Job entitlements and such...we know who you all are!!!

The Latest Attacks

In relation to the latest attacks'....yet again blamed on the Muslim congregation of communities', but how do they know for certain?

With the approaching Olympics and some people feeling the pinch, of the turn in economical growths', with internal links', within other functioning countries, it could quite easily have been arranged by the countries, and or other great influences' that are most effected by the spread of Olympic powers of economics and other great commissioning works'.

But yet again...they call on the Muslims', to take and or bare the responsibilities for these latest attacks', without valid profs that there may have been someone imposturing the Muslim identity, to cause rifts and or more strife to destroy international integrations and stability ties and or negotiations', to return Muslim rule to lands that were striped, and there after oppressed under regime of democracies', whereby the democratic leaders abused their powers of control, to shut the people up.

In murderous rampages and others'.

There will be a full investigation and we will, like we said before, cut those out, in the economical growth and or other, if we find it out to be...

The luck of who?

There will be growth in America......with the new constitution of Geneva conventions and other, and we will not let the American civil war of Independence that was high-jacked by who?


I already did.

The person and or persons involved will be scrutinised for linage....

Monday 24 January 2011

What does a female referee, for a male football team, wish to prove ?, it seems pointless.



Egotism trip!

Benefiting who ?

Lesbians ?

And or only lesbians ......?

A small female-working with men of huge-physical-stature, in a sport that flourishes on the male chemical-TESTOSTERONE, in a male dominated arena, What do you think will happen, again and again, and again...crying rapes'....and other manipulations of women's' liberation a male dominated arena, we have seen it time and time over, with male etiquette's of behaviour, heated arguments of debatable violence that can irrupt at any given moment of period of time.

It has been recorded time and time again, that male footballers contervinning the referees, on the spot decisions, have led to outbursts of outrageous violence and even unprecedented attacks.

If a woman referee is attacked by her male-counter-part, SHE WILL DIE. There is no two ways about that.

And that, in placing a woman on a field of men is shere stupidity, and that feminism's should be kept in the female arena, of female football, whereby women are of the same temperaments and counter-strenth as their female gamers'.

What will happen, when she is sent aboard in the stifling heat that causes mens, temperaments to flux and heated reactions of spontaneous violence, to break out in irrational behaviours..that could result in court hearings and battles of assaults', losing vital players of great persona and credits'.

A complete waste of time, monetry funds and energy.

And that two commentators who are not used to regulating a match with a female added admittance and therefore should be reprieved for lack of education in speech tactics of renewals'....for if the game is renewed in this manner, doesn't that mean there will be extreme other renewals that will cost more money of training and re-trainings'.

And that. What did she expect ? And that, why should two credited commentators lose their job on the first day of introduction, 'a female ref'? Two commentators who have been a credit to football for a number of years' for a singular girl/woman.

She shouldn't be there anyway, it is a male sport, females have their own version of football that doesn't differ to the male version, and that, with this progression of feminism's', top jobs will be lost and vast sums of investments in players, because of remarks and or abuses that may not be quite as acceptable in light of a host of referee status.

Her life is at risk....and no risks of this nature should be tempered with.....In light of a sports activity that is mere entertainment......It is a high-man's sport, and integrations, is not possible in this area, and shouldn't even be attempted and or allowed, if is not a gentle sport.

We dont have females competing against male runners and what such...simply because even the fastest and strongest of the same physical stature of bodily weighting , wouldn't be able to outrun their male couter-parts and that is a fact from records and graphings'.

And thus we say the same with football,.

The feminists won their day, when they won their Rights to host female football ...

The point is?

There is no point....

Or I don't get it.....

Do they wish to incur death, by throwing fresh bait to hungry lions', and don't let me tell you I didnt let you know...

What is it that these ladies/""men""

Don't get.....

DO they wish for me to be crude......Do they know what it is to live with a functioning dick.

The answer is simply NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!

And as much as they try to be men......the answer is simply, they are NOT!!!!!

And don't let me state this again, these views are my own.....and I do not implement any other person in my thought and or freedoms of liberty and speech.
Why is sky and or Israel bringing up old documentations on past historic TALKS on proposed settlement concessions and agreements', under old leaderships of administrations', and new administrations that wouldn't even think about agreeing the same terms NOW.

Agreements may have been talked about and or discussed, when Palestine was in a poorer position of power under linguistic skills and monetary alinement's than what they are now, thus things they were prepared to agree with in the past, wouldn't be what they agree with now.

And terms and conditions need to be discussed, in line with the present time....for peace processes and other unification projects of bonding tactics', to begin.

Sunday 23 January 2011

The night killings and sieges of Muslims' government officials employing military combatants, to organise...a on slaughter, and then cover it up with camouflage of the Muslim body of religion when it is not us. The government body have been practising this for many years' and the people are too feared to speak in case of retaliations'...

I tell you this...they stay..they do it again and again and again, whereby life is lost again and again and again..and or you protest until get change and some deaths occurs...its got to be better then living in constant fear in this double oppressive, claimant of democracy , when in fact the government are far from implementing any kinds of regulated freedoms'.

You have to protest for your rights of land ownership, please prepare with back up Muslim leaders that have had dealings with British democracies and who know how to work with international governments'.That would be sunni.

It is with great concern that the government in Algeria will take the demonstrations into their own hands', with limited exposures of technologies', it is vital that the democracy withdraws from the nation immediately.

They are extremely corrupted...and impose look alike attack innocent people in their homes' dressed as religious Muslims', when in fact they are from the government body themselves'.

Without direct contact and press coverage, they governments are pretty much left to do and take military actions much as they wish.

With the continuation of the up-rising the democratic-french powered and or other will have to withdraw even if it means that lives are lost...these township killings to keep the nation quite have to stop and have to stop now.

Algeria, if it doesn't happen now, if will never happen and Allah knows best.

I am truly concerned over the corruption of the government that keeps slaying the nations people, under the name and dress codes of the Muslims'...these people have lived under oppression of democracy for many years now, and know the word hush...they do not openly expose their religious identity in awe of a night siege....and that most practising Muslims....who are very religious....dress and act like Europeans to avoid such military government night sieges'....

It has to stop and it has to stop now...protest is all you can do...even if life is lost.

They have done it before.....

And claimed it was Muslim intifada...when it was themselves' as a corrupted government who sent the lambs to slaughter in their beds'....
The point is, when such neurological senses' are triggered and they are triggered at a time when adverts and or other materials are airing, the brain remembers the visual and the impulse consecutively-together. And then it becomes' an easy addition of release and or subconscious sponsorship of these young ladies, to take control when beautification's of women are aired at the same times as gambling promotions....
In relation to the statements that I made early for the sky sports and other....they are my own personal opinions'...and I do not speak in awe of any other Muslim character and or religious identity.

However; the statistical facts' and evidences of neurological impulses are scientific facts that can be gathered under factual graphs of impulse related stimulus, in the human brain and activities' relation to the male gender, in viewing the female gender, generally we say it has more effect...from gatherings of statistics'......As for female gender, in relation to another female gender, and or male gender, in relation to another male gender, maybe the impulses would be significantly less but still there, as the brain and neurological impulses' reacts to niceties of all natures', as when we see a nicely decorated room and such other examples', that doesn't mean that people, incline themselves to haram natures because of such impulses that are are exposed to in a nation where it is the norm, and that after a certain amount of exposure in certain areas' of dress codes, the neurological impulse decrease with time and imagery, and that is why it is advised in the Qu'ran to cover the female and or male gender body appropriately, to stop such inner desires' of the heart and other neurological senses' reacting to those who over-see beautification's for attraction purposes'. Reasons are obvious, to prevent, the on-set of marital affairs', sexually transmitted diseases and other extreme consequences'.

And that if one is inclined to religious scriptations and life devotions of belief it is easier to control the desires that one is exposed too in relation to neurological senses'.....But neurological impulses and desires of the heart from unnecessary exposures cause reactions and stimuli in the brain as does any nicety of adult nature, such as the decorating of a room after It has been left to deteriorate and or left to pass its sell by date in appearance and or fashions'.

That doesn't mean that people who have such impulses are lesbians and or gay, rather it is the individual who has taken it upon themselves to over beautify and trigger the neurological sense.

This can be proven factually under scientific natures of graphing and other in relation to stimuli and neurological senses'.
It is only by an independent Israeli investigation, within their own bias commission of affairs and interests, that they rule in favour of their own self invasions on a humanitarian vassal, carrying thousands of pounds worth of aid, in awe of the destitute women and children in Palestine.

And in that; all other member states and international committees and internal affairs in light of humanitarian aid distributions', repel the Israeli over summary, of their own decision to attack a international recognised aid ship, that was bound for the oppressed, poverty-stricken people of Palestine, regardless of the ship being in uncharted-territory doesn't justify a precedents of attacks', on innocent men and women and elderly, whose sole purpose was to relieve the burden of the continued oppressions' by Israel, in relation to their Palestinian counterpart.

And in that, we have decided to call on your office to release all evidence collected so that we can review the data and other...for the purpose of our own investigation of affairs'.

Criminal soldiers and or orders' from higher powers of corrupted powers', need to be brought before the courts of law, in account of why they decided and what was the sole purpose of why they decided to attack a humanitarian convoy of peace activists that were internationally sponsored and recognised under law, to carry such supplies' into a land where people have suffered on a continual bases' since the over all occupation of affairs'.

And from their, we will appropriate a correct judgement.
I suppose a change of dress makes it ok to exploit poverty stricken women and children...then does it?
Freedom of speech

Oh, freedom of speech is it, only when you like what you hear....all other opinions', are then after, disregarded.
Oh, I see, sky sports', have moved the gambling babe over to football commentary, but hang on a minute, isn't football also associated with gambling ploys'.

Are you going to let them get away with this...what is this, a god damned, night club!!!

And, what....yes indirectly another underneath- sex-gambling-seller-prostitute.
Vincent Burbeck

It is incomprehensible that the police, and investigation's team, have chosen Vincent Burbeck as a prime suspect in the Joanna Yates murder inquiry, and or have even taken his profile as far as charging Mr Vincent Burbeck, this morning, with first degree murder, without any conclusive evidences' and strings' of DNA ties, in relation to Joanna Yate's untimely death.

Vincent, a well educated young men, with a whole future ahead of him, a PHD in architecture, a steady girl friend, nice accommodations and a bright future. No standing previous convictions, no established ties of past histories to relate him to any suspect activities in regards to unlawful tastes' of sexual natures'.

On the other hand, we have a small Zionist-Jewish- Family, with ties directly to Israel, with a young woman who has links into commercial networks and Job identities, through her architecture.

Having a substantial idea of mass plans and builds' for the Olympics', with a direct hit in Jewish-Zionist Job-list community, it wouldn't surprise me in the least, if it wasn't a pre-meditated plan, of a suicide, to hinder relation ties of international networks' across the board, the likes' of what hasn't been seen before, being able to plan such a vast expansion, being able to employ millions of people worldwide, without the help and aid of the much planning and accounting of constructions and or business links', that the Zionist-Jewish-Community had before. Having been handed direct notice of no Job-availabilities', having heard through the grape-vine about the extensive plans' and builds' in relation to new ideas and other concepts', there was little chance of her ever establishing any routes', in an up-rise to a successful career, with international connections', employing all other administrations of working networks of architecture across the board, all her hard work, had seemingly been for nothing.

Having an idea, that if this was the case, there would be a sudden up-rise of economics and Job opportunities for millions of people across the board, over-seeing and putting the Zionist_Jewish -Community at the back of the list for employments'. The type of employments that haven't been seen, internationally, for decades'.

The mere fact that Joanna went to buy Pizza that night, at a odd time, with no other purchase,that is a direct code of implementing mafia ties in her apparent murder, dropping a accountant receipt, that has also, coincidentally has, a direct link with the accountants of the Jewish-Zionist- Community, that is a direct code, also, to incite, Mafia in her deliberations of effects', it appears there was a cry, of photographic imagery, of what they also have extensive knowledge in , in photography, to reach out to a business link of Jewish-Zionist-Community- to pre-warn them of up-coming unemployment's of effects'.

And that the conclusion is, she pre-meditated her own death and murder, and payed an associated hitman to do it. Without any promise of any future, that she had spent her whole life works' studying for, with employment programmes given to all and sundry across international waters of progressions and ties'...she saw her whole future slip out of her hands', and due to her links in commercialisation's', she saw the future of the entire Jewish-Zionist-Accountants and constructions and other, also go into administrations', putting them, as a first world network of bullies', running the waters of Israel at a extreme disadvantage.

Also having heard through the grate-vine...a employment scheme for orthodox Hebrews', pushed her to the fresh hold of a revenged and planned suicide.

Such manipulations, will not hinder our future plans for the Olympics and we will continue in our unilactual ties of peace and progressions regardless.

And that, there will be a full investigation of the Joanna Yates' family, in relation to the new theory of self inflicted, motivated-suicide, by mass Job-Loss and other, within the Zionist-Jewish -Network of employments and schemes' of higher-powers'.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Are you taking me to the Dog's, or her....?

Are you going to leave your kids' without new shoes', new uniform and other, to give your money to the gambling shops, because of her ?

Who is....Her ?

The; should I dare to say it (a underneath prostitute).... a pimp exploiter of beauty...on sky sports, to sell the dogs and races' to innocent husbands', and or men, with families......that spend all of the little family wage, on this other woman......why...nerologocal impulses'.......of the male sex drive.......

Complaint letters in regards to the selling of sex in relation to gambling by the use of sexy women propaganda, that leaves children and wives and or family structures destroyed, thousands and thousands of bet ya.....

Why ?

Because of monetary fiance.....and gain.....and profiteering at the hands of the the price of selling these sexy women to the male sex drive....

Pick up that phone now...

Why will they not use men.......because it doesn't have the same neurological impulse in women as it does in men.....

Poor broken families...destitute children, broken homes';, and missing husbands at the hands of this industry, a murderous industry...responsible for an increase in ignorant and bad behaved children that effect society in adulthood, with bad attitude and thefts and other.....

A beast of corruption for wealth of mass proportions'...when all of our children end up where...behind bars and a life of crime....

Its your choice...

I think some strong vocal cords need pushing here.
The True Narrated Televised Story



Co Hosting

Robert De Nero

And Robbie Williams

I have another task for you.....

I need all of you to view this film...from where ever you can get it, there are details at the end of the film in relation to searching out and finding the location of the Hospital and doctor involved in this recovery.....

There appears to be a top medication that can cure disabilities of extreme natures relating to neurological disorders'.....

In this ,the trails appeared to work then fail...but I noticed a floor in the medication and trail and error of the chemical medication distributions of over prescribing, and how they were testing.....

The way to have a complete cure, would be, once the medication takes effectiveness, and then starts to decrease in its' nature of effectiveness, the doctors' would then have to increase a Little of the dosage....then with the next dosage of medication, decrease the dosage, slightly by half a gram and or other, in conjuntive line with their findings',this will keep the medication at a level balance, keeping the effects of cure under control and stable.....

I need you to write letters' of protest in relation to the viewing of this film that has been aired recently......To allow the tests to begin again from scratch.....with a medical expert writing.....a conclusion of balance...stating that it may result in a stabilisation of effects and controls' of the neurological system.....Please send your donations for trails to begin...again....

These people were effetely given life...and then left to return to their normal situations of states of affairs....a life of decay awaiting death.

In added response, I would also like you to state, that when their is a normal recovery, that there is no reason why these members of patients shouldn't be allowed to return home, under a strict list of do's and dont orders, that they must follow in compliance with out-patient allowances'... Or be sent to a open hospital much like a open prison whereby they can be implemented back into general society with the help of staff.

I think that if they do this, with the correct medication of balance, it might work, but there is obviously no promise of success'...though ...I believe that if there is a slight increase and then a slight decrease, then a slight increase and so on in a patten, this may prevent side effects'...over medications of experiments in relation to the balance of neurological senses', thus effectively a cure.

State in your writtings'..that it is a response to the airing of the films and that all documentations of letters have been photocopies for legal representations for future proceedings of litigation' relation to a form of mental torture and confinement acts...when they could be sitting on top of a cure for neurological defects'...and that they will surely be liable if they do not allow the progression of such trails to continue.....

Thank you.

Friday 21 January 2011

Can you make sure ...that you look after shadow and friends, for donations....and business links'.....we appreciate your generosity.....Will there be a football theme tonight...Oh I dont might mean lots of ladies looking for football look - alikes',.....

Where did Shadow get minute.....

If you wish to buy the Olympic stadium for a football investment.. rather then spending millions of pounds demolishing it and rebuilding it similar to its original simply have to lower the green into the ground....then raise another station of seats to host more fans...Some seats can even be for special circumstance children.....front row seats, I'm in , are you.....
We are not going to suggest the sack, but what we will do, is put people we have concerns about on watch lists'......, past drugs and or other..that haven't seemingly effected workships ...will be disregarded and left in the past, all records of work and other documented status of character and or other will all be taken into consideration.
On that note...we would also like to have a shake up and wake up ...of nurses' who are entrusted with disabled children...profile checks and that systemic internal abuses' are crushed .... the same with schools, nurseries , policing and other...if government had a criminal check...all the British and or American standards of social employments of higher powers', need it...this Will reduce the chances of criminality's.....create a cleaner environment of better, nicety people, and stop fundamental racists', abusers and others'...from abusing their positions.

This in turn will see a decrease in crime....on a huge national bases', reduce prison sentences', act as a deterrent...and save millions of pounds of criminal law suits and investigations in futures to come...and what? Investments are always better then thousands of loose cannons ready to explode and rip the state off.

It is time for reform.......and extensive profiling checks'.....we will scrutinise you all.
I would like to comment on one recorded incident, whereby a current royal.....had visited a poverty stricken Muslim land hospital.....

I am sure there are thousands of readers that saw this televised production....should it have been allowed to air, under censorship acts of European standards commissions'...absolutely not.

Why ?

Simply because the footage may have disturbed some of the viewers in relation to the occurrence......that took place at the extremely poverty stricken hospital...whereby funds' for training in appropriate nursing skills to meet European standards are just not available.

What maybe acceptable standards of practise, because of the lack of funds to educate staff appropriately, may not be in line with the standard that have been set by extremely advancing in criminality's of all abuses', the west.

Whereby something in the east, would be considered harmless in regards of the circumstance and condition, would be seen as something more sinister, with the progressions of criminality's of sexual abuses' here.....

We are not saying they dont occur, we are just giving you some insight to the appropriate actions for the appropriate economics of status and affairs in light of poorer wasn't that long ago when similar practices were carried out here...what separates us from advancing in hygiene's and other areas of disabled health care and other hospital units of affairs...simply the funds for the appropriate up to date teachings and trainings'....

We would therefore ask the government if they would start a sponsorship fund for medical staff in African nations to come on three month training update practises under reforms of British generosities in sponsorships'....a three month training in every one year.....for a period of five years'...This member of staff will then be allocated another sponsorship fund to retrain fellow staff and employees under a management criteria of practises'......

In this, standards will improve in Africa....and or Arab lands'.......

We would need a Charity sponsored fund for this to happen.

If furgie didn't like what she saw...she can always volunteer to host the sponsorship to improve education and training skills', as so can all of you, who have concerns about medical staff in Muslim lands'...Oh I suppose that will be to much to ask...just sit back and accuse instead, or start another war, because simply your too stingy to help and or aid a sponsorship.....

I dont think the British public are like that, I think they will be more then willing to open a training sponsorship for a three month yearly course, for a five year period, until all advancing medical experience is appropriate for the century we live in...with conditions that these characters will not be allowed to work and or reside here, thereafter.....or with special and or further allowance for follow on trainings in other departments and an extension campaign to cross skills of work base over to Africa and or the Arab' lands'....This then will improve over all standards of practise, enhance understandings of what is acceptable practise, educate a string of other nurses that lack European standards without them attended European courses'....

It will create jobs in British health care... and decrease the number of immigrant status and claimants who wish to seek job and or employments here.

With a regulated checks' of inspectors from Muslim authorities making listed checks with photographic evidences, that will be distributed from the west in regards to standards.......thereby the checks will be done, filed under the appropriate documentations for future references to any queries of where and how sponsorship monetary funds are being located.

There would have to be a section of monetary funds'....allocated to the hospitals themselves for further improvements'.......

Or even better, if Furgie wasn't so quick in her televised show.....then maybe......after investments that have been layed down for farming and other...we can get a 10% share to go to Muslim hands organisations, to rebuild our own sponsorship campaigns' with the same initial foundations and proposals set.

The only thing we would need, is the permissions to do all training...and twin up nurses' and or doctors with segregate nurses and doctors' who will be able to give them the appropriate, correct trainings in health care and or disabilities' of care, visa.
For the benefit of the Muslims', we know that in the Qu'ran, it states clearly, not to allow non believers and or non Muslims', to eat our food produce, but the non Muslims, also have extreme problems with dietary and other imports that have been modified, that causes diseases and unknown illnesses, yet to be discovered, so in that, we will is better to have a food industry exports' of good vegetables and wheat's, bread and flours'...we will leave the meat out of this....then to have a enforced colonisations programme, whereby non Muslims will be eating the food anyhow....

So; the ruling, would full into the category of.....a lessor prevent a bigger wider spread of extreme Harams'.

By that, we will say...a colonisation will cause the same effective freedoms of democracies that will lead onto a huge state of failures' seen in the west, with wide spread murders and other.....

However; with the agreements set for the Olympics and security measures and profile support of neighbours', with signed contracts, there will be a rehabilitation's programmes' of mannerisms'......of what we, as the west, need.

And of course, Britain, for a western country, has more controls and state well-fares and controls of the people, then other democratic countries'...and that, in this..with similar implementations...we will say... that is why we are seen as an example and advisory for other democratic countries that have seen a failure and floor in the rights of democracies and freedoms for all.
Of course we are not all sex rampant, here in the west..though the Bush administration did let that get out of there advices to be offered, with the new establishing Geneva conventions and other base foundations that have been arranged, there sure is......

Satanic clubs'....

For the benefit of the American people....Do what?

They practice the art of witch craft and what?

Sacrifices'....and what?

Blood drinking.....and what?

Murder of animals and human sacrifices'....

Hang on a minute, the youth that agree to be sacrificed at the hands of cults'.....Oh I suppose that makes it ok then, does it?

Should there be an automatic ban on such establishments bet ya.

Why should there be such a ban ?

Should there even be a justified answer ?

With such clubs breeds' what ?

A manipulation of the perceptions of realities'......

When this occurs...what then are the effects'....

The effects of a distortion of reality can trigger paranoia....

What is paranoia famed for ?

A state of destructive personality disorder, that can do what ?

That can cause significant harm to residence, neighbours, children and other associated members of their community, where these known satanic worshipers reside and or live.....How?

Have you ever lived, resided, and or had experience with a multi-personality-disorder....Are these individuals unpredictable...?

Oh Yes....

It is a known fact, that such organisations'.....participate in suicide packs....and encourage and or write in page documentations of joining of sites that are associated with such distortions of perceptions'....the ways and hows and or means to in act a suicide, with certified advices'......of how, what to use and how not to implement anyone in the suicide....

The effects of such clans' and or gangsters of satanic groups' are devastating for families who have brought and worked hard to establish good foundations of installments in their youth, only to see all their hard work and love be washed away within a matter of seconds'.

The psychological impact of satanic members of the community in relation to religious neighbours and or old couples that are from traditional backgrounds of stability's have dire consequences, leaving neighbours disturbed...for days'...weeks...months....years...and or other...of what either leads to trouble.....arrests and or other moving away from a residential area that the innocent victims have resided in all of their lives', only for the council and or irresponsible homeowners that decide money is better then the insurance of their neighbours safety......

With the increase of such clubs and other associations of networks'....we have seen a satanic associated death and ritual murders of sacrifice all across the board of the American waters, whereby these cultures of distortment are vast and wide spread......

Licences should be revoke on the promise that these clubs hold a substantial threat to the mentality of relation to compliance with sacrifices and other....that they have helped increase crime rates and have had a significant impact on this fatality rates, of murder and other distorted and disturbed personalities of disorders that have left relatively normal people in their formal lives', institutionalised for psychiatrist needs....and other ....

Do we as Muslim have these extreme rituals of Satanism'

We do have people that practise the art of ignorance of their own religion...but it is no-way as devastating and impactious as what is witnessed in America and or other states that allow and permit such practises'...that have seen...the wide spread and unsought of suicide packs and human sacrifices and can these actions of allowance that lead to other murderous consequences be classed as indirect murder?

Revoke licences......I am sure there are more enlightening businesses' that are ready to invest in empty spaces'....

What will happen if you revoke satanic licences'?

The chances are...the numbers of people associated in such clans will dwindle...they Will become inner....home based and not as wide spread...with the availabilities of mass open spaces' practice and or arrange such crimes of indirect murders and or others'.....

In that, we will see a few murders'...and sacrifices in retaliations to the new laws imposed...however, with the enactment...the chances are..that murder and human sacrifice will drop 15% in the first half of the year and decrease on a regular bases' thereafter, until there is only a quarter of the cult left....with lessor crimes and or deadly impacts in society on the whole.

Most of the time people participate in such affairs because it gives them a social outtlettng....because they have social issues of engagements within the normal standing community....however with on-site counsellings in college and other....supportive friendships can be arranged with out the pupil and or student knowing..thus keeping them on tract and bringing them out of isolation's'.....

Well its your choice...your country, your people.....

And no..because things happen in the open...don't mean that there is a regulated control over what is planned outside the premises'. of such gatherings'...and that it is better not to have such clubs for everyone knows is better then a cure that can not be found.
Oh this is good, oh this is the best.

Now I know who we are as a nation

Student fee protests'............

There was more fuss made over student fee protests', with a fantastic response from the government in relation to a compromise....then there ever was about....................

WAIT FOR IT.........


This is just great !!!

Can we have a withdrawal please..OH..WHEN CAN WE HAVE A WITHDRAWAL ?

When you get up off your bums'...and react the way you did over student fees'.....all across the international waters were troops are dying at the hands of the bush administration...maybe then something will be done......

Or just lay back and watch all the horror photographs being spread over the net, by the few corrupted American soldiers'; in the forces'...that perpetrated mass sexual, humiliation crimes'.......on innocent Muslims', that haven't experienced and or seen the life of the murderous , sex rampant, criminal west.....

Thanks for that mate.......

I'll meet you there....

But hurry........before more lives are lost in a pointless battle.

Thursday 20 January 2011

There are several brothers', who own a fresh bakeries', in Algeria....the bread is fresh, they deal in cakes of pastry natures'...light and puffy.....without the calories and or dangerous added preservative extractions...they are looking to expand and maybe open marital invitations...first come first serve bases'...they will need coaches' of business natures to help them deal and or import or export their produce from Algeria....can you help.....shadow awaits your kind generosities'....for more information locate him and his friends' there an adventure on the horizon tonight.........

For added industry benefits'....those wearing black crescent scents and or purchase......tonight, will be first in line....for answers and invitations of business links and marital advances'.