Saturday 22 May 2010

The Cutty-Sark

What a magnificent-ship

I don't see why a ship of such beauty should be left standing on a proposed platform, for the etiquette's' of museum purposes', when in all due respect to the conservation schemes' that have been established across the board, with museums that cater for such information, such as re-modellings' and smaller versions' of such.

With the proposed plans to re-establish the Titanic as a beautiful re-constructive museum for the children, it seems' a waste not to propose the re-opening - scheme for the cutty sark to sail once again, across the Thames' into open waters' and back again.

A beautiful historical-ride, for historical teaching purposes', the like of what hasn't been seen before, and a fun entertainment scheme as part of this united-package.

The Arabs' are re-constructing such historical schemes' for the purpose of teaching the children the real essence of what life was like for the original-ship-mates'.

It seems' pointless having a beautiful-ship, just for a sight-seeing tour and visitation, of what has little or no effect on children's' passion.

Rather, the children need to experience with teachers' who are trained in safe-guarding the interests of the health and safety rules and regulations( I don't see that this issue will be a problem in this day and age ), to take them on a journey or short tours' and or touring' of the rivers', they will never forget, enlightening them and inspiring them to learn history, as nothing seems' to inspire them to take up this subject as a past time and or recreation.

Day and night journeys' will bring in a substantial amount of fees' that will see any issuing repairs' and or damage replaced.

It seems' with the latest accident of fire, rather a pointless crusade to hold her down, when we can re-construct and or pay for any damage that will occur in the future.

Why would you be allowed to re-construct a ship that had been burnt to the core, and then after we are not allowed to do the same for, historical purposes', in regards' to taking our children for a real adventurous historical tour of the river.

You conservationists' are pure hypocrisy' to the very core, and I reserve the right to air my opinions' under the democratic law of the freedoms' of speech act, to save guard myself from slanderous and illegitimate story telling' from the savage press who are apart and partisan in association with the conservationists' whose main theme for preservation is to make money without the issuing' of any credited foundations', the children have lost interest in this site visit and the ship consequently needs' to move on with the times'. And the only way to revive her and the history of her, is to let her sail as a touring site once more.

And if she is successful, who knows' what other ventures' of such schemes' could be resurrected.

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