Sunday 28 February 2010

Home Schooling

It is not acceptable; from any point, that home schooling; of what has been hugely successful, in regards' to results' and mannerisms' should be closed down and restricted because of several incidents' involving unfair treatment and death.

There are deaths' and attacks all the time in society, from other aspects' of life.

There are subsequently more deaths' and murders' from such abuses' as binge drinking, underage smoking, night club fighting, of what the government always' seem to put on the back burner of their concerns'.

We have naked sexual magazines' filtered in shops' for underage and toddlers' who are in full view of such productions'. It appears' the government have got their priorities' wrong.

The Death of Kira

There has been an allegation made regarding the biological father of kira, against his precedents' of character.

The press have by intention; slandered an innocent man; by making a allegation that he, as the biological father, should have pressed and pursued the issues' of entrance, into his Ex-partners/wife's home, to inspect the welfare of his biological daughter.

It appears' that the news-paper-reporters' can not make up their minds' on the Male-Sector of the Muslim community. They are either; of terro-istic conduction, or they are of immature status in regards' to enforcing their male dominance, in regards' to the welfare of their children.

If he had pursued in conduction of an illegal entrance to his former wife's property, he would have been arrested and taken for questioning. It appears' that after the circumstances' relating to the terror attacks' such as the 9//11; incident, the male sector of the Muslim community have unprecedented concerns' for their involvement with any kind of authoritarian communities'. Be it social services' and or police enforcement.

It appears' that the press have much to answer for, in regards' to the slandering of a huge majority of innocent Muslims' from vast communities, that have fallen victim to their on-going biased opinions' of sector faiths'. This is just the latest victim /victims' to fall into the slanderous occupation of the unconcerted media.

The family involved in the death of Kira; had been concerned and unable to voice their concerns' to the involvement of the social services' of what has now resulted in a death.

The involvement of the social services' must have had a detrimental effect' on the psychology of the parents who was subsequently the soul careers' of Kira. Thus resulting in punishments' and restrictions' of what must have resulted in her death.

It is of a concern for parents' who are unable to articulate their concerns', if they have poor articulation skills'; it is only reasonable for them to shut down and become segregated from the pressing social services'. Living in constant fear that their children and family would ultimately be separated and or split up. Thus because of the involvement of a slight incident at the pre-school the whole of the social services' took it upon themselves' to enforce a unfair and hursh involvements, thus resulting in home schooling and segregation, of what may have caused kira to fall victim to anorexia. It is a common and cultural aspect of the Muslim communities' to live in humble and minimalistic lifestyles'. Eating from blows' with hands'; from seating positions' is all part of the humble teachings' of the Islamic faith. If the media understood the Islamic faith more, then maybe they would be more careful in their allegations' that they have little or no knowledge of.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Re-Opening of the whale sanctuary; it appears' that a eaten rat; has more rights' then a person who has, as a result of captivity-entertainment, died, absolutely appalling.

Friday 26 February 2010

As I have been doing my research of the area of the complex; there are issues' that need to be addressed by the council regarding disability access.

It has come to light from complaints' that at the bottom of the path that lies' in the middle of the field at the back of our complex; there is a stone-stairwell-issue.

We have a group of elderly and disabled users'; who wish to cut through the public-filed, of what is the councils' responsibility. It has been often reported; that when careers' come to visit in groups', they have made their way down the path, only to be faced with a steep-stone-stairwell.

It is an on going problem; and complaints' are being often raised with me and other staff members'.

The disabled teams' and elderly carers' wish to see a new-designed; modern-slope; that will make wheelchair-accessible; access; easy, to groups that need to pass through the center and field at the end of their visits'. The stairwell is not publicly satisfactory, and therefore the conclusion is, this issue needs' to be addressed. We do host events' for disabled and elderly communities', that do need to use this public stairwell as an access point, could you please address, for all public users'.
After an over-all review of the leisure-facility and merging team meetings', it has been made apparent that there is a call for supply NVQ; teachers', to come in and fulfill contracted terms' of study. An ideal opportunity for the local unemployed women and young men, who otherwise failed, or didn't, due to other circumstances', fulfill their term of education.

It is with this in mind; that a joint plan has been established with the library to host such courses'. The government would benefit, by drawing-in local-people who otherwise dropped out of the educational system. By investing in the hosting of such supply teaching, the government would be saving more money from tax services' by increasing the number of people who could possibly be future employees', from such benefits'.

It seems' such a waste to have a fantastic complex; that is the center of a small, well -founded suburban-village, without the investment of the local peoples' interests'.

For most of the residents in the area; the idea of going into a gigantic study complex, can or could be perceived as over-whelming and confidence knocking, so not only would this Idea benefit the local community, it would also be an investment for the funds' of the government, in the long-run. Cutting unemployment rates' and offering people who would normally not think about further education, the opportunity to do so. And I believe that it would cut crime rate, unemployment and social issues' in the near future.

As the over-all manager of this complex it appears' that their are a high number of unemployed mothers', who would be delighted to attend NVQ courses' at their local library or community hall facility. It would also be an ideal place to host such supply covering courses'; with reference books' and other materials' available. It seems' that the government would be doing themselves' an injustice if they refused to host such an opportunity, for people who refrain from attending great complexes' due to confidence issues'.

Best regards' K.

OK xxx.

From the reports over Kira's death; it appears' that the social-welfare-governing- body, has taken it within their own interests' to interfere with the; already-well-established- working well-fare systems'; currently in place. It appears' that even though there has been a number of failings' within the systemic-care services' of the Birmingham borough, it doesn't detract from other systemic failings' elsewhere, within the country.

It is better to provide the systems' already in place, with more information of how to handle vulnerable situations', rather then, stepping in; and taking over the whole area of concern.

If you as a independent governing body, steam-in, without the thought process of case loads' that are already well established and underpinning, you could create further family up-sets' and delayed cases' of what might result in further and more extreme failings'.

Therefore I urge you to re-think your decision; it is not a problem from one failing borough, more a over - all, national-problem. Letters' of renewed courses', needs' to be look at, at decreasing the amount of risks', with correct risk assessments'.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Whale Enclosures' :

The whale enclosures' from Theme-Park-Natural-Reserves'; if you can call them that, are classed as natural reserve parks'- in this day and age!!!; they were originally designed for the educational purposes' of youth. However, today with the vast amounts of technological-advances', it seems' rather pointless to keep such enclosures'.

Whales' of such extraordinary-sizes', should be in the oceans', swimming-free. The compounds' of such parks', have tiny swimming-pools', that no-way, fulfill the needs' of exercise, and brain activity , that they need, as part of their natural-instincts', to survive, in a healthy-way- mentally and in a good physical condition. It is with concern, the amount of fish the whales' are fed as part of their captivity. They are fed, with few fish a day, that doesn't meet the amount of fish that they need to survive on, naturally. A natural- whale in the ocean, eats' millions' of plankton everyday, there is no-way that enclosures' of these sorts', can fulfill the eating needs' of these beautiful-creature. It is not fair, to deny them their natural habitat. It is appalling to think that such huge whales' can be kept in small-swimming-pool, size-cases'. Whoever deemed the enclosures' as safe for captivity, of gigantic-whales', must be of lunatic-status.

Attacks' on the human trainers';or are they, whale tamers!!!. It is nothing more then a freak-show of entertainment and should be band.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Another pressing issue

There is another pressing issue, while I have taken my time to address you on certain aspects' of our facility, another social-community group, has approached me on the use of the community hall. It appears' that there is a small growing Islamic community in the area, that wish to use the community-hall to host a Friday-prayer-gathering, and or teaching service for Arabic learners'.
Two hours' a week- one hour for the community-prayers', and thus another hour for a children's' Arabic class. It appears' that there is so many activities' for other members' of the community, yet as the overall manager of this fast and beautiful complex, I am faced with and continually pressed by the on -going section of the Islamic community, to appeal to you, for the use of the community hall.

It has come to light-recently, that France has band all forms'' of public gambling. Of what benefits', are publicly seen.

The on-going Gambling-Associations'; has to go into an extreme review. It is without presidents', that gambling destroys'; lives', families' and children's-welfare. And with agreement; children's' sole-welfare, is our main prerogative.

The addictions' of Gambling, leads' onto, other forms' of addictions', such as binge drinking, loss of adequate housing and break down of marital homes' .

The effects' of the addictions' of Gambling, therefore, puts' a strain on the NHS. This, therefore loses hugs amounts of government-al funds', in paying out for alcohol related diseases'. Now the consequence of Gambling leads' onto Alcohol, through the abuses' of the wives' and children's' sustenance of finance. Then we have a subject of breakdown in martial and or household- family-ties', of what causes'; the male gender to turn to alcohol. Thereafter; we have women, who have lost there husbands' through such an aggressive illness' and addiction, stemming from the subsequent abuse of the Gambling addiction.

From what many broken families; are still feeling the effects of today, without any form of compensation and or subsequent support. From of what; the ill effects' of these Gambling associations', have caused a increase in anti-social behaviour. Not only from those who have fallen into this crazy addiction, but the children who have informally been raised without that of a father figurely- role.

It would save huge amounts' of governmental funding, by thus banning- these unhealthy Gambling associations'. Action needs' to be taken, and it needs' to be taken now, before the next generation of virgin Gamblers' fall victim to the disastrous-consequences' of its' extreme social ill-effects'.


The decision to send small children; without parental consent, to reside and live-in, not only another residential area, back worse still, abroad. In unfamiliar surroundings', without any family members'- available for support, was most definitely, not only a drastic-unnecessary-measure, it was done solely at the expense of the lives' of innocent children. Who; with or without parents', were subjected to a informal-yet formal, form of past- historic; child-trafficking, of what would be completely unacceptable by any kind of standard; now.

Under the pre-circumstance; of rigid-church-teachings' of what was, extreme by the teachings' of the churches' standard, we was subjected to, unpaid child labour of, at what cost the government funded churches', a few pence to sustain our food and clothing.

We was subjected to child abuses' such as lashings'-beatings' and sexual crimes' of what has historically gone unnoticed. The ties' to our children's'-heritage, have been stolen, of what is still evident- from our residing in Australia, today.

We feel that, as part of our tormented-treatment, from these government funded schemes', it only seems' right, that the government should resolve our anguish, by making our lives' or enlightening the last of our lives'; with a few pounds' of compensation, to ease our continual depressive burdens' of our lost heritage, of family ties' etc...etc.

Whose Responsibility

From recent staff-complaints', it has been brought to my attention, that there is a vast growing accumulation of public-rubbish on the field, behind our leisure complex.

The members' of staff from our multi-merger-agency; are now refusing to participate in voluntary-cleaning.

As the field is subjected to the council; as their own property, it is therefore the councils' responsibility to clean up any domestic rubbish, that is either disposed of, or littered by the general public.

It is not only displeasing to the custom of use, for our facility, it is also a health hazard to the wildlife that participate as part of a natural-nature-reserve.

The members' of our staffing team, feel that the issue of littering is an on-going event, and have refused to clean it up, as it is not part of their Job- Description, they have stated in accounts and recent interviews' of concern, that they know that it is the soul responsibility of the council and therefore; members' of the lewisham-industrial-cleaning programme, should be sent in on a daily bases to inspect that there is no litter on the field.

It is not only a health hazard to the natural-nature-wild-reserve, it is also a danger to small children that participate in play activities' on the field.

So it is with a cause for concern, that I am asking you; could you please resolve the littering problem. Also; a part of the staffing complaints' are assigned to the clearing of Gum, and cigarette ends', there will be no further action taken from our staff in these particular areas' and all responsibility for any accidents' will be souley the council's responsibility, outside our premises'.

Best regards';

Sunday 14 February 2010

The latest tragedy

It is a pure disgust and disgrace; that after a death of a sports' person, that the sports' governing body seem to think that it is perfectly acceptable to carry on hosting a competition, without any regards' to family members'.

It appears' that the main concern of the sports' body; is the continuation of the event.

It is a sport, of what is derived and pursued as a entertainment, it is appalling to think; after such a terrible event, that the continuation of such entertainment, could be allowed to continue.

It is without doubt that, sporting events' do cost money and time, to put them together; in hosting, however, it is also a disgrace by any means', that sporting events' should be allowed to continue after any kind of death.

It is a rare occurrence; that death part- takes in sport, so when it does occur; cancellation should be at the forefront of the sports' body.

Is entertainment before, the life of a dedicated sporting person ?.
The Bible, verses The Political Law

Isn't it so; that the British law was based and derived on Biblical teachings', over the course of time, when Parliament was less educated in religious matters' and historical events', they took it upon themselves' to change the religious laws' to that of their own minds' leniency's.

It is with fundamental concern; that the laws' have been changed so much; over the course of time, that very few religious based laws' remain as part of the British land, of what was dominantly a Biblical Christian Country .

It is without doubt that; Britain has lost all connections' with their religious identity and it is time for the Bible to be revised, and laws' to be updated and changed from the very core of the religion.

And with the implementations' of Parliaments laws' the country has found its' self in a extreme up heaval, with murder, rape and all sorts' of horrendous crimes' that have proliferated over the years' of parliamentary control, that of course were previously under control by a religious identity, and morality had the upper hand.

Revising will be on my agenda, God permitting :).

Thursday 11 February 2010

The recent images'; that have been released by my former wife; are absolutely irresponsible. You would think that, after all the attention over the former nursery workers'; that were exposed on face//book; that she would have had better sense then to establish images' of our two year old daughter, that is nothing more then child exploitation, to the extreme limits', if the images' were more subtle, however, it may have been more acceptable, on none other then that of the Internet, where people from all walks' of life, be them sane or insane, and I think we all know what I am talking about. Can get hold of images' for their own personal gratification.

A complete motherly letdown, I am shocked and appalled, by her irresponsibility; in regards' to the welfare of our children.

Writing from his prospective.
(~ )
It is without doubt; that the T/v=licencing scheme; that has been running for numerous years' in Britain, needs' to be addressed, subject of change; regarding technical advances'.

It is apparent that the licencing-fee, is an unreasonable; one- sided; affair. It should be abolished under the parliamentary act; by that of popular opinion.

As technology has advanced in Britain and elsewhere, the T/v licencing system has remained in the folds' of Britain.

In all due respect; it is without doubt that no other country, has to pay for such a ridiculous bill. The bill and licensing was introduced; as a measure of reasonable and responsible usage for adults and children's' viewing.

As there is no amount of reasonable use and or responsible viewing; this present day, it is hypocritical to implement such taxation.

The excess to other companies' is wide and has fast social effects' far superior to the effects' of BBC viewing.

The subsequent advantages' of such tax; is only beneficial for unreasonable wage of chair members' and people of high statures' within their own company.

After deliberation, it must be a fundamental exploitation of the British people' rights' considering that they are the highest tax payers'; most probably, in the world.
A peaceful march, can undoubtedly; topple a government- security -building.

To enter into and pass any secure set foundations'; the march has to apply science.

How to do ?.

Well; the push and pull effect; of rocking against the established authority will create a stampede into unauthorised complexes'.

It is a risk of a few deaths' and crushing, or the implementation of a dictatorial- powership; of social disease and deterioration.

The choice is yours'.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Local community services':

It is without doubt; that you, as a government body, have made set backs' in regards' to what you offer to the local communities' in regards' to what is made available.

Lone mothers'; whose families' have moved away, and who are single parents', fall victim to the subsequent cuts' that are made in our areas'.

In all due respect; the women here, have raised complaints' that they are unable to attend the fanciful courses' that are on offer, in such great establishments' as a college complex and or university.

Of what happens' to be outside the district of what they; themselves' are able to reach, within time periods' sets'. As a consequence, the mothers' are prolonged, in the amount of time that they will spend on income based allowances' that are provided by the tax service of our country.

If you wish to reduce the amount of lone women on benefits'; then you must first address the real underlining issues' of why these women are unable to get to these fantastic complexes'.
Time is one; and child care is subsequently the other.

How to resolve this oversight :

To begin; you could release funding for supply teachers' of NVQ levels' of the most courses' that are in demand, on a years', contract, and or sign up. This would supply the local community, who would not otherwise attend gigantic and confidence squashing facilities'.

A good opportunity to supply the most venerable members' of our society with a certificate into work.
Swimming :

It has come to my attention that there is a big demand for; segregated swimming sessions', for both men and women alike.

There has been numerous men and women, alike, requesting a segregated; time -slot; for the pure space of men/women.

It has been brought to my attention; that there are a great number of both sexes'; that wish to have separated time slots'; who reside at home, as lone parents' and or women from religious of ethnic minorities'// and majorities'.

It has been made apparent; that subject to the freedoms' act; a whole section of the community misses out on the benefits' that are held in segregated swimming sessions'.

From minority backgrounds'; women are coming to me with complaints' about their and their children's' health and social welfare.

The effects' of the freedoms' act; is and it is apparent, having a systemic effect on the health and welfare of religious sects', that without the help from government founding, this matter will incur further degradation of health, among these majorities', I believe that by neglecting this segment of our communities', the government will be faced with the future impacts', and consequences' on the health- care; system, with such occurrences' as rheumatism, arthritis, the lack of bonding techniques'; it is a well known fact; swimming is a fantastic use of therapy, which could also have implications' on local communities and societies', without the implementation of segregation, the children from such majorities' will become the next slot of Vandals' and criminals' to hit the streets' in the near future. It is a well known fact that swimming is a fantastic opportunity for mothers' and children alike, of great and many benefits' that are deduced from the effects' of this therapy.

To have the government funding' would be an excellent opportunity, I implore you to host a regulated time slot for the needs' of those who wish to swim in segregated sessions'.

As the site manager, I have interacted and spoken with the residence of all the different members' of the community , and at their request, they have stated that they would be prepared to either have the same sex, watching, in regards' to insurances' and such issues', or a request has been made , that if this is unattainable, then could they possibly sign a contract that they, as members' of the British Rights' of Speech Act, would be prepared to sign a contract that under lays' any injuries that occur, they will hold themselves' solely responsible.

With best re -grads'.
Currently; we have a situation that has arisen with the two; co-siding fields'; regarding dog walking and or// littering.

It has come to the attention of staff; and other members' of the leisure- facilities'//library/doctors'/and dentists', alike, that Dogs' are a hygiene and safety matter regarding children that currently use the councils' fields' at the back of our facility.

In all due respect, we understand that the TWO, GREEN areas', that are provided by the council, for the use of all public members', however, it is with my understanding that the field has a co-existing field; that lays' opposite the leisure facilities'.

I have had numerous requests' from local and outside members' of the public, that use our facilities', to request that a field is reserved for the members' of public, that wish to use the field externally, for such issues' regarding play areas', football, running ect, ect.

In all due respect, these opportunities' are missed, in -regrads' to the fact that the fecal matter that is continually left behind as a result of the dog walkers'; is an extreme hygiene and safety matter.
As a result the residents' from our local community and outside members' of our facilities' are cautious at using the fields that lay at the back of our beautifully catered premises'.

This issue keeps' arising and the complaints' are frequent, I feel that it would be in the best interests' of the council to prohibit dog walking on the public field, and dog walkers' can co walk their dogs' on the other field that is just minutes' away.

In all due respect; Dogs' are not only a hygiene hazard; they are also a safety issue. It has been reported frequently in news' statements, regarding domesticated dogs' and spontaneous furious attacks'.

It will be just a matter of time before a child falls' victim to a brutal attack regarding the councils permission to let the dog walking take place on both fields'.

I hope in the near future that you could possibly provide a sign to direct dog walkers' onto the correct filed.

Thank you.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

You wish to launch a strike and a mission into Iran; you claim it is because the present leader, said that he was going to wipe you off the face of the Earth, can we remember when he made this statement, wasn't it when you yourself started to imply that he and other members' of his committee was gathering such weapons' to use as an offensive. Didn't he, say such a thing under a retaliation, therefore it can not count as a aggressive, offensive statement.

It was only after you accused him, of collecting the material for other purposes' of what he did claim, at first was for solely innocent purposes', of what will benefit his countries' economy.

It is with better arrangement that if accounts' and baya or barter is established between lands'; then the subject of use of such materials' wouldn't be at all necessarily, as a means' to establish a better wealth system for the land of Iran.
A strong hold of what ?.

You claim that there is a strong-hold of congregational alignments' against the occupation of what is perceived, by the general population of the land, of the opposing and occupying forces'.

By attacking and forcing a siege, of what, I believe can be handle with a curtain amount of humanity and planing, you will by reinforcing the doubts' and suspicions' of the native people.

Increasing fear, and establishing more rouges' to join the bandwagon of the ( what you claim to be) An insurgency against the established occupation.

How can you declare war on a small town, of what only a very few minority, will have participated in warfare at the very early stage's of the attacks' by our/your forcements' of hounding out, the supposedly, head of the insurgents'.

Now you are going to send the force in, to attack a majority of civilians' of who will no doubt, feel at threat of their lives' and will have little or no understanding of what will be happening, and will then have no choice but to join in , in any strikes' that the occupying force will carry out.

We have to resolve to other means' of looking for any loose insurgents', of most have integrated back into the society.

Are you about to start another war?, or haven't you got enough on your hands', already, with the mistakes' that have taken place in other Muslim lands'.

Of what has enviably - failed.

Monday 8 February 2010

To overcome the infection:

There is only one way to overcome this infection, and that is to have the children, starting from now, in the nurseries', to go back to the basic principle, of the strong- plimsoll. And the re-introduction into schools' from the youngest first; and as the next year goes' up the plimsoll goes up with the child/children, until the infection has been wiped -out.

Updates' to the following blogs' will be soon, or in the next few days'.


Or the unlawful-taking; or extortionate- prices' on products'.

With huge brand- named companies', it is a well known fact, that the general British public are unhappy with the extortionate rates' that have been enforced in our high-street shops', imposed by unlawful, high income-rates', otherwise known as taxation.

We are fully aware; that a pair of trainers' that hold material wealth, and is propagated by medias'
attention; at the senses' of the children's' development, the huge name brands' pay little or no regards' to the fact that they are aiming their brands' at families', be it in the west or elsewhere, regards' of the families', income, or security of fiance.

As a result; Europe and the western society in general, are feeling the impossible results' of subconscious- hypnotic, arrogance and selfishness, of the children's' bitterness towards' their parents' for not spending more then half of their income on a pair of trainers', that are in fact, the same or very near the same, as anyother- foot-ware, apart from the ascetically pleasing aspects' of the, income- taxed, based product.

As a nation, and on behalf of the western society in general, we are appalled by the fact that a pair of trainers' that are made for the price of £3.00 pounds' sterling, or it could possibly be less, in India, or other poverty stricken lands', we are aware that these items' are sold at almost 100% profit, or the profit margin could possibly be more on certain production lines', I think this is otherwise known as a slave labour, or impossible slave-prodution, most definitely a rip-off. And where is it that these brand names' orginiate ?, well, we are all sick of it!!!.

It is without doubt, extortion of fundamental rights', of peoples' social degradation. If companies' such as these huge branding extortion's', over price their products', then they should do so in the name of charity and anything that hits' more then the half mark, production-prosperty margin should be donated towards the welfare of societies' poverty schemes' ect ect.
In other words' social poverties' either here or elsewhere.

A drug siege or offensive ?

A drug siege, or an offensive strike, can you please make your mind-up ?.

If it is a drug siege; then diplomacy of military effects' can be taken with cautious and courteous steps', without a severe and damaging attack which would involve mass civilians and cause more on-going and strenuous effects' on the military personal and or the structure of the nation of Afghan. Increasing further hate campaigns'; within western and or elsewhere -societies'.

It is quite compiling to think that a organised military, such as the British forces' can not handle the strategic plans' of an organised drug siege, with minimum effects', be them disastrous to the ties' and friendship-links' that have already been established. Caution should be taken, with utmost sensitivity, and strikes' should be on the bottom of the agenda

Wednesday 3 February 2010

In all due respect

In all due respect, it is of concern that an innocent man, who without firm evidence of pure calculated manslaughter, could be put under trial for involuntary manslaughter, of what is otherwise known as unconscious murder.

How can anyone be trialed on the grounds' of unconscious murder, it doest make any firm sense; or it doest take, any firm hold , on any evidence, what-so ever, given.

What is clear, is the fact that, like any high key celebrity, the effects'; of high pressure and exposion of deliberate medical and unorthodox means', of supplying drugs' of all kinds' , underhandedly, destroying the very foundations', of effective realism etc etc.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

The Rights of Religion

It is with regret that; a few activists', could deface the whole principle and concept, of the foundations' of the true church, of what it sets' its' standards' upon, the truth of morality and humanity, and it continually tries' to reach the levels' of forgiveness, that the preachers' of the old doctrines' had obtained and reached. With full- forgiveness of crimes', of when, returned to full repentance, does not constitute the rights' of gay activists', that go against the whole threshold of the churches' door.

It is not, at the hands' of politicians'; to set the standards' of the doctrines' of holy-religion, them being versed in economy and social issues', do not by anyway and or means', lead them on, to take decision on the preachers', who have spent many years', at the study of historical and factual evidence, in, ( majority and minority , cases').

With the politicians', residing in the favour of the people, they devour the rights' of the religious evidences', without any regard to the effects and impacts' of social disease of what is evident and clear from their mis-leadings' and understandings' . What-so-ever, do they care, as long as they please the people, be it mayhem and murder, for an unconscious vote, to have hold over the state of the economy and monetary funds'. It is with sickness and disgust, that a few men, who as stated previously, have no idea of the true extent of religious facts' and documents', who studied religions' as part of a three year course at university. And go against the preachers'/male leaders of the church, who as stated before, have studied the scripts' for many many years.

It is with regret :

It is with empathy, that an unjust- judiciary; that had little, or no understanding, of Islamic concepts', could expel and condemn a Imam, on preaching the injustices'; of what and still is, an unrealistic oppressive regime, and or occupation; of the extremest-unorthodox, Jews'. Of what I might reiterate, have nothing what- so-ever, to do with the Hebrew concepts', of religious and Holy law.

A Imam, with family ties', has had to resettle, with apparent separation of all family units', and has been isolated to the hardship of the hills', in the republic of Jamaica. It is with solice that an unjust and bias board, has equally refuted his presentation and honest announcements', that he was, preaching against a unfair, oppressive state, of what is recognised, on the wordily stage, as murderous and dictatorial at times'.

It would be in his interest to return to the UN, to be reunited with his family ties', and live in a way that he has become accustomed to. It seems' too much of a radicalisation and Islamic phobia to expel him for, mis-interpretation and hate crimes', that is apparently and clearly, not what he was preaching, at the first hand.

Justice needs' to be given, on the mis-understanding of the preaching, of the historical facts', of an oppressive regime.

It is with evidence that, peace activists' and other members' of religious sections', have protested against the Jewish unorthodox means' of holding the state of Palestine at ransome, consumption of lives' and many deaths' have been lost in all due respect, and the Hebrew people are aware of some of the above facts', as from their point of view, as being authentic and correct.

The British Paper

For men that are waiting, and who have entered the country without documentation, this is easier then what you think.

After marriage; make sure you organise your folders'; from the first page. Photocopy one for the government and one for yourself.

Everything has to be photocopied twice; with a brief note in your documents' and the documents' that you send back, that you are photocopying everything.

After; the marriage, you need to obtain, a temporary NI number, you can do this by, phoning your local JC, from there, you explain that , your husband has been out of work for a certain amount of years', and is suffering from depression, and that he needs' to be working.

They will call you for an interview, where by you will have to state your concerns and welfare for your partner/husband.

In return they will issue him a temporary NI, he will be called in for on going interviews'.

By obtaining the temporary NI, this is a major key in the access, to gaining the correct documents' to remain in the country.

If they ask you, why you are claiming income support, you have to tell them it is because your husband is unable to work and you was forced into an illegal act.

Fire- man- sam

Riots' are a result of racist, unfounded- hooliganism; it is with great British concern, that a respectable colleague of the judiciary department; could be put up on trial; and accused of such hypocrisy.

Working in a department, where men are trained; at the highest levels', to save lives', it is of a high assumption, that the accusation are truly unfounded. And by accusing one good man; who had devoted his life to the services' of the fire-department; it just seems' to be a fabrication of the Spanish- authorities'.

Monday 1 February 2010

After the mess!!!

And now; after years' of on-going death, the American government are supplying weapons' of mass destruction; out to the very heart of what they were working against, to begin with.

It is working as a huge war- lord, turning the Muslim- world, in on one-another.

It is hypocritical, that the whole concept of de-arming; has now given way to re-arming, it seems' that America cant make up its' mind, as what stands'; and what is perceived as weapons' of mass destruction.

As for the Arab world; it would be a holy embarrassment, in excepting such gifts' of slaughter
, if peaceful solutions' can be found, than the neighbouring countries', is where you will find your resolution.

Why would you go to an aggressive land, to seek advice on restoring neighbourly peace.

Do you think that, it would be in your interest to be seen, getting and participate in such affairs'.

It would be better for the spread of your/ our concepts' to politely decline.
Regardless of the strength of the opposition, and let me remind you, who it was that ordered the thousands' of troops', Arabs'; and none Arabs' alike, to their mass death.

It seems' the only thing on America's mind ; is as much war as possible. Why would you after all these years' start participating in war, with your neighbour.

Politely decline; it is better for the health of your religious call.
The News:

Yes sorry; sometimes' the information, and or answer are not always' there.

The Freedom of Speech

If you wish to have the freedom of speech, about diplomacy and other wordily affairs'; then that falls' under the constitutional rights', of the people of the land; and so the freedom of speech is found through votes' and founded or unfounded demonstrations', not that, that kind of freedom of speech goes very far.

As for people that have a career and responsibility in the limelight, of the social welfare of the wordily communities'; then the media give rise to the irresponsible slander of well established and inspiring people.

It is without doubt that, a man of such calibre, has worked to balance family ties' and has devoted most of his working life, in sponsorship of giving some inspired hope to the youth. It is hypocritical that when the press feel so, they can print whatever trash they like, and destroy the heart and hope of his fellowship of fans'; and inspiration to the kids' to aspire and obtain a healthy lifestyle and other interests' such as coaching ect ect.