Wednesday 31 August 2011

Surrendering is not an option, surrendering to white imperialists', whose main aim is to enslave your people, by paying to work as seen in Europe...whereby people have incurred debts' that they will never seemingly get out of.

Better to fight and die, then to live with promised aspiration that no one will be able to obtain, through broken promises' of fame and fortune, that is only passed to the people born into an inheritance.

And that, fame and fortune, at this time doesn't exist, and if it is achieved, its achieved along with defamation's and high slandering, whereby nit one millionaire can live with sanctity of securities'.

People have requested that I mention the microwave, and that it is highly cancerous, and you are effectively heating your foods' with radiation poisoning.

And that the dentists here, are taking teeth out un-necessarily, as to make mass, monetary gain, and children are being subjected to tortuous campaigns'.

And that the supporters of anti imperialists , are edging you on to fight yourselves out of this slave hood that has continued for years inside Europe, with high links to the families of the slave trade, there was no leaving..........

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Attila Ahmed

A judicial plea to the courts of law, and in addressing the reviewing judge, to reserve and left the decision, to impose a ban and restriction of entry to musjids' and congregations of gatherings' for the named and previously convicted, for crimes that were thereafter dismissed, under extensive reviews' and the placing of very strong and solid defence forward, via the solicitor representations'.

It is with pressing concerns', that these high restrictions of musjid bans', are still in effect,t after the allegations', and or criminal proceedings were thereafter to be found', under appeal of circumstance, insufficient and subsequently; ey, all charges dropped, with this and other additional cases' to be reviewed for the possibility of liable to be taken of action against the courts of law.

My client has agreed that and has chosen to refrain from taking and or participating in a liable case, providing that his rights of freedoms be returned to him.

In that, with all due respect, to the judge, it appears that the law has failed to release his civil liberties', under his rights of the freedom act, and that his civil liberties should have been returned to him once the allegations were dropped and or found to be insufficient for the alleged conviction.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, with notification of the return of the allowance, and the return of my clients civil liberties to attend the musjid and congregations' of religious adherence.


Legal defence unit.

Muslims from all across the board, you are being ethnically cleansed........they will take your life, either by way of force and bullying in mass murder, or by that of stealing wealth and leaving you high and dry, as witnessed for the last hundred years of oil occupations', and or if your living in their lands, they have ways of stealing your wealth by any means necessary through taxation's and other interests' of loans', or hospital corruptions, and more, fighting is better then giving up and letting then murder you, in whatever way they can find, to destroy you.
Libya, fight NATO now, don't take any heed to the mass war planes and or weaponry, they, meaning NATO, are killing Muslims all across the board, in their drones and or thousands and hundreds in a slaughter campaign, claiming friendships, then striking at any available opportunity.....start to burn the oil now, it has no use to us now.....find out the oil pipes and do it.

Monday 29 August 2011

Hang on one minute, are we in for an influx of Algerian immigrants into Libya, oh NATO you better hold onto your bollocks'....

Window changes and the Islamic rulings and justifications' for certain actions taken

1. The principle of the matter is, firstly, I didn't order a single panel glass unit door for my garden entrance.

2. I ordered a very thin double panel door, with thin strips of glass, to avoid the transparent viewage of neighbours and or other.

3. If the corresponding housing association offered this as a first choice, then this should have been issued when and within the agreed stated terms of exchangements'.

4. Thereafter, they fitted in, a single panel door, and had stated it would take one week to change, and correct the order of the door, for my circumstance of choice.

5. If they, the association chose to ignore this request, firstly and then thereafter on several occasions, they bypass the laws' of their own terms of contract to supply the correct choice of chosen fittings for the tenant, as each tenant has requirements because of religious circumstance and or illnesses and or other, that my require a certain kind of door, as in my case. If this door wasn't available, then it shouldn't have been on offer as a choice, misleading the people, as directed by the instinctual manual, accompanying the workmen, and or work associates' that week.

6. As the association and or man in charge that day requested, by deliberations' of effect, knowing that I am a Muslim identity, then that resolve becomes his and or their sin of acknowledgements'.

7. There-after, it is impossible to up-hold a coverage, in front of such window outlets', of what then, in every instance whereby the body is reviewed by neighbours and or other interested fellowships', the sin falls upon the deliberated person who went out of their way to subject the tenant to indiscretions of impersonal natures'.

8. Every time, the female religious identity is subjected to reflective image looking, as beautification is part of a females nature, and is embedded in instinctive codes, generally, and overall in our genetic make-up, then again, that sin of taking the discretion of dignity away from the hi jabed, falls in points upon that and or those individuals caught up in the conspiracy to in vindicate the religious rights and or other, of those current tenants'.

Are we clear on these facts.....

As for the new addition the book, The Arab spring, I will not be hosting any investments' in that, and would not advice anyone to invest in such a bias book of publications', whereby a westerner has written about the Arab lands' without full knowledge and or concepts of the Arab cultures', and or adhering to faith values of Islamic natures' whereby the book can thereafter clearly be identified with the character of the will be bias, and will host most opinionated views' from a one man source, that can hardly and or if not at all represent the Arab states' in entity.
When can these long shirts and long hijabs be produced, with this issuing sponsorship slogan on it, can I have one, as part of my Islamic collection please, even Muslims can participate, in this Charity raising event.

Qaddafi needs to get into contact with his associational millionaire links' for support of issuing and airing statements to his people, and thereafter, the issuing will be broadcast worldwide.

I dont remember his supporters' stepping down, where have they all fled too, it appears that NATO has used vast bullying ploys to detract the peoples' rights of democratic choice of leader, this is a high illegality....and again, I will state that, this goes against the very core of their principles' of governing ships and rights and freedoms of choice.

20% of all profits in this market, will go to your chosen associated Charity, other profits will go back into the manufacturing, the employments of the working network and other benefactors of supportship, thank you.
As part of Eid, and a sponsorship for the eid festival, we will be issuing: I SPONSOR ISLAMIC AID and EID CELEBRATIONS, AS A NONE MUSLIM IDENTITY

......... we will produce spacial Islamic clothing for none Muslims', who wish to participate in the eid, and slaughtering of the lamb festival, without causing disturbances to the Muslim community, or without disturbing the Muslim community, we need as much support as we can get, all participants, participate at your own risk, be careful as there may be risk associations with this sponsorship


Saturday 27 August 2011

Christian missionary aid, in Libya, bypassing laws of religious standing orders', whereby, the monetary funds' that they are using, have been taken from Muslim enterprise, thereafter, it should be Muslim charities advancing with this aid and not christian charities' of red cross, humanitarian natures'.
Actually the girls were conceived via clarity of cleanliness......

And that any rumours previous to this, were infact a lack of self knowledge and awareness.....

And that, women can make mistakes about their bodily conditions', if they are unaware that they can have two menstrual cycles' in one month, to conceive a fraternal twin....under clean blood before menstruation's'.

Conceiving babies in active blood is, then classed as a unspiritual and unclean conception.

But spotting blood and irregular bleeding also occurs in very young women, who are not highly sexually active, where they can bleed one day, and then discontinue blood for two weeks and so on, with irregular bleeds', of what is quite common, thereafter, once a woman becomes married and or settles down with a steady partner and regular sexual activity, the bleeds become apparent and steady running a good regular;a cycle....of course men would be impartial to this knowledge unless they studied medicines....hello are you a doctor.....?
I don't know where anyone gets the idea that Qaddafi has lost power, with the majority of the population in support of him, its only by media spin, for the anti Qaddafi supporters' that make it appear that he has lost support, how can he then submit his defence through his supporters', if they, the illegal occupation have cut his means of high defence, of mass populations support, with their franchise, that is in all, bias...and an high illegal occupation.

In that, as seen in Afghanistan, this is very far from over, and mafia disputes can go on for in pounding years', even when systems have been implemented death, by Mafia associations', as seen in America and Britain, in the process of the civil war, of what is far from over, there is high Mafia disputes and mass killings on a daily bases' without mercy of uplets' you think that pro supporters will just walk you think the Taliban has just gone away...... actually.....where are they now, the Afghan refugees;', are they studying doctorate courses' here..... Have a spoke about that already....oh you have a short memory, don't you.
Hurricane Irene

If leaving town

Please insure that:

1. You travel as light as possible, car sharing with your nearest neighbours, friends and or relatives', leave unnecessary cars where they are or lend them out, though it is better if you lend them out, as they are more likely to be returned.

2. Take as few clothes and sanitary, do not travel with heavy cases', make travel easier for you

3. Take a change of underware for everyday of the week, two pairs of trousers and or skirts and or that of what is your usual clothing ware, hair driers and or other unnecessary items are useless and dangerous.

4. Do not over load cars in a panic for evictions' and safety, as this can be more of a hazard and dangerous for other road users'.

5. Leave alcohol beverages' and or anything that is deemed as unnecessary.

6. Try to remain claim even if you are caught in the beginnings of the Storm and or those who remain behind.

7. For those that remain behind, keep to your lower floors', if in houses with upper apartments', making sure all doors are shut tightly.

8. If in apartment blocks, be sure to share the lower floors and fill them out with upper neighbours'.....upper neighbours, please ask for lower apartment support, anything above the third floor will be useless.

9. Again ensure that, all doors are tightly shut in the lower apartments', please fill all space with the evacuated personal from the upper apartments'....anyone left out and or cant make it into the apartments please remain claim, emergency services will come to pick the remaining people up from outside the apartments once this measure of help and insurance of cooperation's has been set in firm place. None cooperation's', in this emergency will see., to no additional help from our services'.

10. People with lower basements' fill them out with your friends and neighbours' ensuring that all openings are tightly shut, once filled with occupational residences'.

11. Make sure you have spare buckets and or containers for urine and or fecal matters' inland apartments where you are sitting the storm out.

12. make sure you all have water and biscuits' or, a food substitute that you can eat in small distributions' without causing mass blockages in passage outlets and or other.

13. Please fill corridors of lower apartments, stay away from any glass that may appear in small groves of the doors and or other.

14.Lofts are no good, single outhouses are useless and weak, stay away from them, and do not take coverage inside them.

15. If you remain behind, in normal accommodations' because of in house attachments', and it is seemingly looking like a suicide attempt, please take cover under and or inside compartments of units', if you are able to fit and you have a grand floor house without upper accommodations'....

There is no insurance in these advices', but they are logical and more likely to work for those that choose to stay behind....

Pets', only take your big pets' if you have extreme sickness', cats allowed, as they are small and do not take up heavy space.

Please leave fish and or other unnecessary pets behind, they can be replaced, neighbours, friends and space sharing can not.

Friday 26 August 2011

The hospital wards are still on the agenda ........when and how, you decide.
And dont forget my milk and water......
I'm not in town for long, I have hospital issues' to address, back home, in the wild west.
Considering Birmingham is three hours away, virgin media trains, might help you today:)
We have to think of something halal for us to do, now the late night prayers have finished.

what to do?

Let me see......

We are all going to congregate outside all musjids', as one ummah, as what takes place here is very different to what is happening abroad, so we will, order cabs for late night, minimum feasting'....edge ware road here we come......

No smoking allowed....all cigarette smoking can take place outside all premises' we appreciate your cooperation's'....

Children welcome......

Can a shipment of black crescent fragrances make it to edgeware in time........................

Cab bookings now available from all areas across London and further afield...try to find me....what musjid will I likely be.....?

I think hospitals will need to be addressed to protect the linage's of holy prophetic souls'.....We need the slimiest of volenteeers'....thank-you.....either that, or you will all be subjected to the invitations of the Klan at any cost necessity....its up to you....hospitals be on stand by for high alert......and prepare.
As for image creating, I have explained that already.....i don't need to explain that again.

How dare you ask for an illegal sperm donation of spiritual natures, for a lesbian queen, whereby after subjecting me to punishments of trying to induce high zeena of sexual natures' whereby you failed, then you take it by illegal requirements'.

That baby is dirty and so are you, and I make high spiritual dua to Allah, that it never spreads the deen of Allah there, you bitch. (special required swearing, under the circumstance of stealing prophetic linage, required.....for a lesbian?) You disgust me and the more this hurts you, the better....and thus, the selling of the soul of prophetic a shaytan....well spouse, you hurt and I hurt more.

Did you sell yourself to a shaytan before marriage or after?, Was you aware of all legal spiritual requirements before this donation or after?................of course being aware of all criteria' creates a whole different religious circumstance, oh its not true, is it?

The dua has been made.

You claim then, that this is a holy spiritual baby....?

Far, very far from it.

It is a complete incitement, with the adherence of high racial connotations', to name a magazine " The Hood ".

Giving high reference to the Koo Klucks Klan, and the White supremacist brotherhood, it is no more then a mere call to those with these fundamental principles of racist beliefs'.

In the hood, they believe in witch craft, whereby anyone over the judges', showing signs of elitist and or wisdom skills' will be subjected to a number of life threatening tests', whereby, the cracking of the neck and or spinal cord is involved, by any means necessity.

If the spine breaks and leads to a insufficient bodily posture and or death, you are classed and branded witch and thereafter, either killed and or isolated, because of changes in the law, whereby people can be charged and or committed to life imprisonment for such ill-ethical practices', dating on race principles alone, more of these individuals decline in such practices'.

These are installed and fundamental beliefs', dating back from the code of silence and the devinchi codes of Illuminati, and with ill-referenced and or errored translations of biblical writings'.

Neither the less, it is an incitement to call people to a religious cult, whereby attempted suicide and children's related deaths' by these principled practices' of ill-ethical and racist fundamentalists' are issued on people nominated for the hood.

And furthering still, the call to the lynching of the black communities across the board....America is famed for high connotations of hood members'.....are we still talking Olympics'?

Oh, remember, its cold outside.....lights out and switches off, we need the snow.....take care of yourselves' at this high pointage of concern, wont you

I'll talk to you later...£££££££££££££££, hello, what do we have here, high American invitations'? But be careful, there are black people who have been nominated hood
members from begone slavery days'.....a trust between slave and master.......with other links and connections', with monetary purchases' of exchanging information's', who can you trust?

Remembering also, that people with orange hair and blue eyes are referenced as devils', blue eyes and black hair, also, are condemned as Damion's', demons'......and that they are looked upon as lesbians', and the association of legions'....and that, the hood members', use, and abuse those people with these attributes', anyone they Fancy, putting them in hiding, and subjecting them to discretionary sexual programmes', including black people from the black community, secretly going against the very core foundations of their belief system?


Thursday 25 August 2011

Dont forget my milk, will you, oh ya, and our waters' there something you forgot?

And remember that, the hospitals across your land, in Britannia, have been short listed in required supportive walls', and the patient furniture is heavier now then ever before, and so are the people of the nation........and that a disaster of im proportions will occur at one point in time or another...and that there is a campaign running, whereby doctors' are selecting members and friends for entry to avoid heavy people because of these mass drastic cuts in supportive structures', and this corruption of selection of slim, is bigger then what you think.

Oh ya, and its not true is it?
When you see the mass bodies laying in the street, remember NATO, could have settled this by subduing the rebels rather then inflaming them....and joining them in a mass murder campaign by and against a legitimate leadership chosen by the people themselves'. They could have wavered inland they have questions to answer, in this illegal war programme that they seemingly have inflamed.
Actually NATO, if they dealt with the situation at hand, in the proper appropriate manner, of the choice of the rights of the mass population, rather then enforcing a dictatorship of democracy on a people, that clearly by own choice of democratic dictatorships' do by choice, choose Qaddafi as their leader.

In that, we will say that actually NATO have mass unnecessary murder on their hands', by siding with the minority of the people, of what, by way of their own voting system, goes against their very core of their principle democratic rights'....

So why have they joined the rebel forces', this is a clear error.
I dont seem to remember where NATO exactly got their permissions of powers from, to try to relinquish Qaddafi's authorities', they went into Libya initially to withdraw, after settling the people, thereafter, they abused their own rights of authorities', going against the mass population of people whose choice was to see Qaddafi remain in power, they the rebels' should have been captured buy NATO and imprisoned by NATO to subdue the fractional outbreak of rebel fighters that held no legal jurisdiction over the land of Libya...when they, the rebel fighters were and are infact the minority of the peoples' requests of leaderships', stating to say, that NATO has interior motives'..........and that their campaign to out Qaddafi is an illegal one, by nominated agreements of mass majorities' of the land rights of the people, who by choice of nature, stated that they wish for Qaddafi to remain in leaderships of their land heritage.

In all, there has been criminal abuses of the democratic rights of the strong hold of the people, under nato's intrusions of this small fractional protest....and NATO have blown all of this fractional force out of proportion, starting another inflicting illegal war...there will be justice done, NATO, there will be questions awaiting you, after your attacking influence, and imprisonments', heat and other renditions'. Remember, a true Queen, is something else........
The latest accusations from the press media association, in regards to a small execution that took place inside a federal state prison.

It is under explicit warfare that this took place, seen that these prisoners' would have been released to fight along side and with NATO against the leading reining sovereignty and governorship of Libya, they posed a direct humanitarian threat to the pro-strong hold of populations supporters, innocent and or fighters', this is why they were justly executed, may peace rest upon them...

Wednesday 24 August 2011

In that, I still stand by what I said.....

And that adjusting to religion in youth, is better then adjusting to religion in age, this was your fundamental mistake.

And that, I never done anything outside the folds of Islam, and that, this is the problem for you, because thereafter you have no justification for any of your advancing stealing and or other demands' of what would have been a legal requirement if the case was different, therefore you have no justification for your unhealthy actions, and thats' now your problem.

And it would have been better if I was left, then you informing me of your corruptions' tell me things' of rubbish....and birthing partners of shaytan natures', at the most crushing time and experience of my life, so that the physical ease is better then emotional pain, who are you to judge who I have and are in grave error.....and still you disgust me.
Of course these thoughts are a direct personal opinion...and do not reflect any individual Muslim, in relation to the homosexual community....

In this, as sound representatives' of Qaddafi and his regime, all the out standing answers to natos' advancing deploying speeches' have already been documented in my previous blogs', you can obtain anyone of these in a line of writing defences',....please back search.

As for this sperm distribution, how dare you? You are disgusting...and so is that baby. I dont wish to have anything to do with it, its vile and sick......though it doesn't belong there with you, you disgusting lesbian.
Again, it appears after all these years', that evidence has just arrived that Qaddafi ordered the lockabie bombings', oh please give us some credit will you, where has this new evidence all of a sudden derived from.......if they have this evidence, there is nothing to state that prior to the imprisonment of Magrabie, that Scotland must have had this evidence and or other associations nearing to the establishments of Scotland, must have had this evidence from before, knowingly that this man then, magrahbie was in entirety innocent, therefore haven't Scotland then broke their own criminal justice laws'.
No I never participated in any bodily ejaculations affair ~(of what is not classed as affairs of spiritual natures', under Islamic rulings', even if that was the case) before marriage. Thank you very much, where do you keep getting these ideas from?
Islamic rulings on marital affairs'


1. An affair is only classed as an affair, under Islamic rulings', under the vows' of marriage.

2. All other comitance of sexual indulgences' before heterosexual permissible marriages' under Islamic rulings, are classed as, open Zena.....of what there is a price, that price is to live and or reside outside of your country and or place of birth for more then a one year period.
Under legal rights of distribution through funds' from the Libyan association, the assets' that will be distributed through aid, thereafter under all legal rights of representations', therefore hosting the rights of Islamic aid, and representations', and that the red cross has no rights' to represent this aid distribution, with forced intruding and illegally invasions', we never asked for their intervention in the small fractional up rise, of anti Qaddafi protesters', the NATO forces took it upon themselves' to invade and be invasive, by their own accord, and why is that?.......because the replenishing of oil wealth?

Again, massacring innocent people, in a campaign to steal wealth from under our very feet.......and we are going to just let you take the only source of income and economical wealth of growth from under us.....why does not NATO pick on china and or japan, in a bid to in slave their nations', why is it only the nations of Arab Muslims that feel the force of this bullying ploy of stealing corruptions'?

Does no one have the intelligence to even ask.....

1 million pounds', for a direct sovereignty of the prophetic linage, is nothing, no amount of money Can buy and or purchase this........
Even the anti Qaddafi protesters', have vices where they will turn on you , NATO you have been warned.
Why you keep insinuating that I have participated in any forms of LESBIAN oral genital sexual acts' OF OPEN COMPOSURE, OWW, DISGUSTING, Allah' only knows' I haven't EVER participated in any forms' of this, this is an utter outrage, I haven't got mouth cancer, thank you very much.
As for this oil. its-Qaddafi's wealth, and the wealth of his people, be them in Libya or across the world, you will not steal this from us....let me make this clear....even if that means eternal fighting....lets commence.

You have stolen enough, dont you think?
As for Megrahbi, not even victims of the plane accident its-self, agree that he was partial to a bombing campaign....they believe that he is innocent.
How dare you offer amnesty in a land that you have no rights to be in.

Qaddafi will never except it, for what, the return of the slave hood for all eternity of wordily life, of his people....

He his not in hiding, in a land that he reins in, rather, you are just media spinning....

You have no victory, you have landed there, with all intentions of colonisations', he will issue furthering statements later.

Don't be feared to appear amongst your supporters, you are well loved and have hundreds of thousands of pro supporters all across the world, however, the NATO forces' are and become less popular everyday.
I dont know where you all get this disgusting idea from.....I have never had, any forms of penetrative lesbian sex...and for you to go about to dictate and order the extraction of my part time partners sperm in exchange for this completely disgusting accusation, for the queen of Scotland, who is a lesbian, is a immoral and complete fabricated sin, and that child has No rights being call yourself religious, you are a DISGRACE.

and IN THE PROCESS YOU DESTROY THE FOUNDATIONS OF MY MARRIAGE, YOU ARE REPULSIVE, and he is just as repulsive for agreeing, you will be dragged face first into the pits of hell for all eternity, happy birthday...the queen of scot...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

This is far from a victory, war will commence........Qaddafi is and still remains the leader of his nation, that have under democratic rights of choice have chosen under the mass majority of the population, him as a leader, what rights does NATO have to change this under their own democratic principles of the rights of choice.

They have no rights', does that mean that they are open to illegal war litigation's'.....oh yes....

And when this town settles', what about the mass of the rest of the population that are against this small mass bombardment of anti fair trade thieves'.
As for chemical weapons', its the first Ive heard of it, and are Nato now, just finding and or trying to fund any excuse to be in a location that they have clearly entered illegally.
The media keeps stating facts that the rebels' have and or nearly have taken control of Tripoli, Tripoli is just a small town within the giant locational land of Libya, it means nothing.

It is reported that Qaddafi is a tyrant, when NATO have been clearly involved in the massacre of Muslims and Arabs across the board for the last ten to twelve years' without proper justification to do so, whereby, and lets remind you, whereby war crimes of un proportionate amounts of the worst of nightmare films' took place, but yet Qaddafi is a tyrant, whereby in history, all of the nations were involved in small amounts of prisoner killings', shell I remind you of Bosnia, or has that seeming slipped your mind.

And that, not only did NATO state the rights of the people democracy and the Rights of choice of the people, but its a fundamental principle of theirs that they solely live by under their own stated rules of government, but now they are saying that NATO was wrong for stating these very words', of let the people decide.......

Do they then, condemn their own democratic policies of the rights of the people.
NATO seem to be in self delusion over the illegal invasion into Libya, they seem think that they have control over a mass populated state of people that are in and coherent to Qaddafi's regime and policies'.

It was stated before, and I will state again from the very essence and words from NATO themselves', its not for NATO to decide the future of Libya, but for the people top decide, well if that's the case, and the mass population are pro Qaddafi, then what are NATO doing there in the first place?

And I will state, that self interest is a major underlying factor and crude oil, in an illegal stealing campaign, and this is at the very heart and the very essence of why NATO has operational missions in Libya.

Thereafter, if the mass of people are PRO Qaddafi, under democratic rights of freedom of choice, to self elect their own choice of leader, their choice is Qaddafi, and sons' of regal linage and ansar sovereignty.

Signed, under lined,

Qaddafi, and sons' of regal linage and heritage over the land of Libya.

Monday 22 August 2011

Co wives'

In islam

If the woman agrees to a co wife ion a joint decision, then its halal...however, if the first wife disagrees to a co wife, then its in-permissible......unless agreements' and or arrangements are met.

The agreements are for the first wife to make...and the agreement has to be clear and with clarity of certified knowledge of the deen, if an agreement was made, when knowledge was lacking, in relation to other matters' regarding health beauty and maintenance, then this is thereafter invalid, as the lack of knowledge would have been insufficient to make such arrangements'...without furthering consent...I think you get the picture....

And that an illegal sexual conduction, is still an illegal sexual conduction, when fully adhering and in full awareness of deen and matters', however, if there was ignorance from before hand, without a hidden agenda then the principle of deen changes again.
The mass population agree to his system and living arrangements', so why are nato there?, they have no reason to be there, they have no legal rights to be there?

And all the time your nations people are dying needlessly at the hands of governments that take decisions based on oil prices?

Your husbands, your children's fathers', and mothers, cousins, nephews, and nieces', plus the infliction of bad reputations of mass war crimes in the process of their mission to over throw a relatively peace regime, whereby all that Gaddafi's wishes' for is fair-trade for his oil export, is that too much to ask from an over barring, fat nation of oil, business and franchise countries that seem to advertise and work with one another across Europe and America?

Or is it just a slave thing, whereby, if we can inslave its better then paying......all the while gambling with mass peoples lives', in the process of trying to yet again inslave a nation of oil rich heritage, I cant see them giving up the fight........oh here, just take our belongings of heritage , without even a mummer of refusal......
The death-toll and children shown in the hospitals are a direct result of NATO intervention, then am I suppose to praise them with a whole heart for their operations', that are infact massacring the states people by mass population of agreeing to the Gaddafi's regime?

Ask yourself.......
Its the same effective story over and over again, awaiting medical aid that can be dealt with, by simple advances of burning metal to eradicate the infection, if it is a absolute necessity , whereby the individual could die even from the earliest signs' of death related infection due to injury , then it is allowed.

Awaiting medics that will ultimately determined your forever slave-hood ?......

Why are you sending in aid, we dont need aid, nor do we wish for it in Libya. We have mass oil reserves' that can supply our nation with funds for hundreds of years to come.

You are easing your own weight of war mongering', by making us look as if we are in need of aid distributions', this is not Ethiopia where people are in part famine.

We are one of the wealthiest oil rich countries in the world, as for a spokes person for Libya, I will be that....with communications cut.

Libya has not fallen, the power of our population of inland residence who support the regal regime are still the strong hold, and there will be out and utter warfare....let it commence.

You will not steal from us, you will not bribe us, nor will you silence us....

You are murdering, slaughtering, misleading the people into corruptions' solely for the gain of oil distributions to the west.....all in the name of what, when you have slaughter murdered, child sex and other horrendous crimes' against all rabs in all parts of the Arab world, depending on who float your boat at what particular time, you swing from one fractional section to another as you please, to gain the advances over our populations of people........when will you as Arabs wake up, this isnt about you, and or your liberties'.....this is about occupation, wealth gain and monetary interests in mass formations' from illegal exports as the minimum price to gain the Maxim profit, in the west, leaving you still at worst of the economical change, a little aid to accommodate for years of work force and economical growth through proper negotiations and contracting changes', I know what I would prefer...they are nothing again I will state, but thieves' in the night, a deliberated con, to cause fighting between land and people that have co existed for forty years in relative peace.....

Now ask yourself, is nato your friend.
And his brother
Thank you.
Saif was detained and then released without further charge.
The fight will never stop....until nato withdraw....
There is not a small pocket of Gaddafi's fighters', infact there is a huge and when the majority are pro Gaddafi's regime in the country, nato makes' Gaddafi's supporters appear small in the scale of things', when they, nato, have clear oil and other hidden agendas'.
By detaining these two brothers and or others', in similar circumstance, you are breaking your own convention human rights laws'. And you claim rights and freedoms of speech, and what a fantastic speech Saif gave?

In relation to the position of his people and what you as a corrupt invasion are doing to innocent men, women and children?
The detention is illegal, as is the occupational war, that was unjustifiable, the next best thing to do, is =, if I am correct, the next line in power share, who is a cousin and or other authoritarian straight under Saif, to take a stand in the media spot light to represent the regime and sovereignty.

Saif done nothing, he was clear, just and spoke with high etiquette's', what Right do you have to detain him under illegal pretences', and against all European laws' of justice.

An immediate release is required, under all legal and human rights conventions without delay.
Saif, where are they getting this idea that power is crumbling, your stand was strong , take another one, with the direction that I have given.
And I ask you, was the hospitals in Libya in such a condition before nato struck?
You need to use your media outlet in the same reflective ways', for a pro supportive demonstration and or other. With the same usage and propaganda as them.
Its a media propaganda campaign to make you feel that power has been relinquished, by peer pressure and reflective imaging to bring the mind into a state of fabricated illusion, when infact you still remain in power.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Arthritis doesn't live here anymore, and yes, if it is a medical-worsened condition, that can be cured with an alternative, then it is halal......doors' that are see through, come on, dont tell me, you cant hang even the worst of a sheet over a curtain net.....please...and then, also dont forget, that I managed to conceal myself through renewal and regenerations of housing units', thereafter, was it too much of a sacrifice for you to manage the long are we talking about...what...a ten day period, if you was that religious, you could have sort alternative accommodation for those days' any means necessity, so dont blame the most needed and vital system regeneration, for your own failings to manage to confine yourself.
The Narration Of The Bad Dreams

Under usual circumstances, I wouldn't have narrated my bad dreams', if this is the question that you are posing, and yes the rasol and obligations are more prevalent that whimsical desires', but under the influence of extreme and beautiful dreams, even the worst of them, showing in power of strength and description , I decided to make an exception, and in that, the power of the worst dream, thereafter, should then have it been narrated further still?

Is the narration of the bad dream just as bad as the spoken fitna....or are the advisories hypocrites themselves', ie: stating, when you see and hear something bad, you should remain silent and not thereafter spread that associational event and or spoken badness.

Thereafter....was the initial respect broken by a second hand hypocrite....Allah knows the intention of the heart, and its not for me to say, rather, you say what you please and think what you please about me....

In that, I stated I saw mice in bags inside a toilet unit, with one other person to state, I cant remember if there was a second, but that isn't justification for a persons character, rather it was what I saw...and it was a confidential conversation or was it?

As for the stated fire, i only saw one person, but rather was speaking generally in acclimation to more....:)
Libya is as STRONG HOLD LAND HERITAGE, that has seen many intruders' and or established attacks', the sovereignty, will not diminish, nor will they seize to give way to a sectional fractional Muslim identity, that are only part linage of the Qurashi family, generally speaking, in that we can say, immediate distant family ties', though the first unit of family ties' of Mohammad,pbuh, holds more power of conquest over land and nations of Muslims, then that of immediate distant linage ie: ally..and brothers', and though we love all members of the qurashi family, this distinction of first linage must be valid in intensity of the established honour and respect of the direct Rasul-Mohammed pbuh.

Fight and we will fight, though peace is better.
Hospital and or other associated events' can wait until next year, for further details please call for organisational occupation, whereby as little and or few people get hurt as possible...for a renewal of repetitive beauty therapy, and to reduce future fatalities'.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Before you take any action....please seek extra advices', thank you.
We dont deserve this and nor do the staff, who have told me that they live in constant fear of the floors caving in at any given moment.
I also noted that the wards are missing major support beams' because of cut backs'.....and where there should be supporting walls', there is none......

What do you think will happen next?

Hospitals' better be ready....a ransack is on the way.

After, being rushed back from my positional post, situated top secret location, while planning to continue and work on the remaining inmates in and around Guantanamo....

I was subjected to a bout of illness, whereby I had to be rushed into accident and emergency, where I remained in hospital for more then a seven day period.

In that, I received continual complaints from highly professional staff of doctorate and other, that cleaning staff, who have held permanent positions on site for many years, in land locational hospitals', can offer so much more to the departments', then just bed cleaning and or furniture removals'

The idea is, that after so many years of on site observations' made by assistant cleaners', there are so many cleaning staff that can offer so much to the wards, whereby thereafter they can part train along with the professional staff, to offer extra support and caring assistance, of what has already been embedded into them through minor observations and or other while at and or on foot work around the wards;, at a fraction of the time consuming schooling, that doesn't offer even the minimum onsite training of practical resource.....and rather, after all the theory work, the students still find themselves faced with onsite training after years of studying at locational universities'.

The association of doctors' and or other highly professional staff have asked that they be allowed to make a formal choices' and make and or put forward recommendations to nominate those from the cleaning departments and or lower position of staff units, that they feel have the potential to train alongside and or with them, into a more secure staffing position, where they are then offered promotion, and a new regulation of employment.

After years of extensive training themselves', its not as if, they are not qualified to make a decisive decision about who they can nominate for alongside training and or courses'.

There has been high com;plaints about the medical-associational-furniture that is being distributed onto the wards is designed far to heavy for the ward floors all across the nation....and that the staff are continually moving the furniture on and off the wards to keep the weight distribution down.

And that, none of these heavy designs are any good, and that the wards are sitting ducks for another epilogue of tragic events of Titanic.

And that the current designs should be dismantled and reused for smaller lighter alternatives', and to leave a remaining few of the other heavy designs for special requirement patients'.

I noted, that the television combis' that hang from the hospital wards', on suspension designs', weigh at least two kilos' each, each hospital room that contains four to six single rooms', in one, thats' 12 unnecessary kilos in each individual multi purpose room.....with at least five of these multiple rooms on one side of the ward...That's sixty unnecessary kilos' or one small person......that's to too mention the heavy utility new designed beds, each weighing 250 kilos'. Plus heavier weighing women and men.......And the staff also mentioned that all the wards are the same across the nation, and that a review and rescaling needs to take place.

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Though some Muslims believe in this, and all fundamental Christians believe in this, there are discrepancies in some of these Illuminati facts', and its not something that I necessarily believe in, though some of the facts correlate with the Qu'ran.

And that Muslims seem to forget that there is only one interceeder on the day of judgement, and that humanity will be asking for redemption from firstly individuals' like myself and or you, who they have wronged, then they will go to religious leaders', and then finally the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) himself.

As for the taxes' and or what you have done in relation to taking goods under extreme pressures that have caused you to do so, what you decide, thereafter to do, is up to you, I am impartial, as manipulation of thoughts and other sickness ailments are subjecting me to some incompetent decision makings'........and that maybe you should seek advisories from other clerics on this matter.

And that, if the force is being called out tonight in mass order, its time to withdraw your protest, and resume at another and or later date.

As for the taking back of your own taxes, do you think that, even though these criminals steal from you, that it is ok that you steal from them, to gain interest into your own funding pockets, is this a rightous action, no....the stealing of and from this systems' credits', should be then given back to chairties across the board.....why?

Simply because, the taking of taxes', and the investments of taxes shouldnt have happened in the first place, thereafter, you have a responsibility to shun the system by relionqishing all that you have gained through the stolen whole tax system and properties' giving it back to the people that are in dire need of it....

Gold needs to be melted down and sold into chairty bonds', as for other materials', the dust bin men will pick them up, in donations through your rubbish bin and thereafter, the hand exchanges of chairty ventures will take place.....

What do real Christians believe....real Christian men believe that once they have chosen a wife, and or spouse, who they begin a relationship with, that the love is an eternal bond....thereafter, if their wife leaves them and or changes her religion, and they are devout christian, they will not thereafter, take another female spouse...depending on how much they follow the decrees of their vows to God....

There are certain celebrity men, who have followed the criteria of this, and who still up-hold it....

As for the Illuminati....

There are hundreds of people that believe in the final decree of the illumination of the whole of mankind and or humanity, on the day of judgement......

Including Muslims'....this is where, very strong devout religious people, take and implement in a joint effort, the characteristics of a relative, friend and or other their children and or relatives children and or group of muhadjiruns', children, and thereafter, it is for those religious people to correct the identity of those chosen individuals by control, order and religious discipline....this course of religious action has been in effect for hundreds of , if not thousands of years'.....

So when the day of judgement comes', and it was asked of one brother, what he done for the other brother, and or sister, to prevent them from going and or entering the fire, the answer will be what?

I set back and concentrated on my own religious skills', and didn't adhere and or implement the call...thereafter the blessings will be diminishing, while the other brother will state fact after after of why he should take those blessings from the best of the two.....and thus the punishment thereafter will fall onto the good brother of the set of two.

So by implementation of this.....when the brother comes on the day of judgement expecting the fall credits of value, expecting the keys to enter paradise, they will be relinquished from him ,through this above criteria as mentioned.

In that, thereafter, it will be that associational persons' decision...if they bring them to paradise or not, through their plight and fight to restore justice through their own family members', and restoring the lose character of that individual that left the righteous path of conduction's'.

Monday 8 August 2011

We do need to have a series of mass national strikes across the board, for as long as it takes', so that the government have no choice but to reduce student fees', unnecessary mass taxes', and other higher purchase schemes' that are leaving mass millions of people broken homed and or blacklisted from vital employments and or other.

This is just the first drastic steps to reform, they just cant keep stealing from slave labour hoods'.....

The unemployed, and the employed have to use both critical vices' to move this fat government back to basic reductions'....

One pint of milk use to cost £0.35 we are looking at £0.55 pence if we are lucky to get a pint of milk for that price now.

the taxes have to go back to go right back to basics', to start the opportunities and economical growth system again....

The black community are not stupid, though shy to talk, they have high concerns about the Olympics coming here, running through the suggestions' that, white supremacy's and connective communities of clan members' are in pillage of this shemes, Germany being ranked as one of the supremest supports of white elitism's'.....

We know that the ventures of such a scheme are very beneficial, and will create loads of job opportunities', we also have to look at the concerns of the people in relation to this high racism elitism's that do exist, its not that because we are going to have a joint venture of business outlettings and other high tourism's' that such clan members and or other highly organised institutions of secret societies will go away.

So we have to keep it cold outside....if they increase the heating bill, we have to reduce and or switch off our gas, wrap up warm, mind you don't develop arthritis. If they tighten up, we tighten up...if they tighten up more, we do the same.

I know how this works', this is pertaining on how much knowledge one has, one leads', even though I have vast knowledge of integrate matters', I do not wish to take the rights of the educated speakers away from them, they have to take their stands just as effectively as I have done.

In that, we need to have national strikes' by all services across the board, the tax increase and benefit cuts and or other extreme mover overs' are unjustifiable, when all our national workers are in high debt, subsequently paying for education then being penalised for working, with huge bundles of payment schemes'; with vase taxation's', then the government have the cheek to ask for tax from functioning charities' across the board too, without even a second thought to how much money they are making, trillions of pounds on a daily bases', and where is all of this monetary gain going? back into employment whereby we as the normal citizen is paying to work? Oh please give us some credit will you.

The only people that need to maintain their positions really is some, and I state, some of the health workers', for vital services, regarding importance's of death. births and or other extreme ailments of the national people.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Oh, then working through the night, we have to have the arrival of Yusef, in cohesion's with last year teaching programmes'......

can I be Yusef, can I......what about the lady of red, pertaining the king's wife of Zeena, can I be her too, and then we have to have the potatoes' for special effects'.....can they be thereafter auctioned for exportation's', I think that we can arrange that.
A (meaning and or pertaining to mean, Alif) the first letter of the opening verse, stating and proceeding the meaning Alim, or alif, lam, mim.
Date is...logging in: On the 7/8/2011

Seven (heaven) Habil, Eight (hate) Qarbil, the two sons' of (2011) the two teachers, double alims' (Adam and Eve) Eve proceeding thereafter, that of Adam.

What do you think, a children's' story theme on Harbil and Qarbil today, can I be Harbil, oh please, oh please....get to it, and get to it now.

We need freebies of these two selected stories going out, in specially designed packs', with every £15 pound donation made......and or other amount of your choice as editors and producers of this programme, this amount is just a suggestion, can we have audio, tapes of these two stories please for normal literature reading and normal bodied people, can we have braille, and deaf accompanying videos', can we also have people to sponsor these special deaf and blind related packs too....thank you....

Saturday 6 August 2011

The Lewisham Islamic Cultural Centre

Is looking for £350,000 pounds as part of out lending and or other high-mistakes', .......I have been scanning the web-page, and have noted that there are no links and or feeds that can bring the accreditation's of visitors to their page, however you can obtain the phone number through the web page.....and or email address, or you can make your donations to the words' of wisdom book store.....

This would be better, as my blog space is visited by thousands of people on a daily bases'.....

I dont usually ask, and I dont know why they are in debt, however, on this occasion I am going to make an exception.....

Please could you sponsor a space for the deaf children and or adults', and braille literature, for recommendations of books and educational resources'......its a vital part of learning resource and we have little expenditure for this.......we do need sectional areas' and supply teachers' to adequate in these areas' well as other high charity appeals', there is no such charity appeal for this as of yet.....

Thank you, please could you high-light this Charity appeal.
Dont forget the fish selection for my cat.....his had too much chicken tins'...and is off his food for the moment....seen that you all are in cohesion's with one another........

Oh I suppose it more easier this way....knowing what.. I high rate of divorce would be on the agenda, wouldn't it.....thanks for that....dont forget my cherry tart cake will you....

And dont forget...... I hate it here....
I am not happy that you all pressure me into giving you the answers'............I am surprised I am still need to ease up......or I'll discontinue any communication responses'.............I've told you all determine what happens to me through my day...who are you to do that?
Please use the link provided to connect us to and be apart of the islam dawah project.....

The idea is that, rather then me rushing in to write each individual sort code for you down, you have a easy route through....of what is boring, I know.

The touch of experience, it all lays in the personal commitments to fund raising and how much effort one is prepared to entertain the individual people, but as time has gone on, people have forgotten this, and this is where the downfall of your choices' and monetary Charity fiance will be lost.

In that, I am prepared to give this a the links underneith, there are several entertainments and other suggestive project links', that can be obtained through the association of this web-page.....

The downfall is, that people miss the personal commitments' to getting them involoved whereby they feel the direct communications', whereby they feel they are apart of the associational campaign, by being linked in, so this is going to be a very difficult effort, to try to get people to log into the web associational links' after the bookings and fund raising's that took place last year.

All I can say is, if I have been issued a warrant to, by forced appropriations', to move over to this vital web page, then you all have to move with me....

In that, it still makes it very difficult for me, to know exactly what I am doing without any Islam channel viewage.

Can you also sponsor this web link, for extra funding to bring it into a good three d standard and other up grades' to make it more fun for the associational committed Charity appeal.

Could you integrate a fund raising game for the children to popular opinion.......its very adult based, isn't it.

There should be the auctions options', whereby the subjected related items' are shown and credited to the site, whereby the computer becomes part of the television campaign...and people can link in all fund raising via their key board pads as well....

But the Islam channel television media resource needs to be functioning, with additional links'...... to make this combi work......

The deaf people have been complaining that there isnt a co-hosting-programme with exactley the same ideas' and schedules made for them, as there is a huge amount of people, ranging in their thousands, and could you please make the effort to run a deaf imitational programme for them.....

Even if the S channel is lent out, for them......the truth of the matter is, that normal sensory people, get irritated by the sectional, minute , allocated deaf box at the bottom of the screen, and the deaf people have stated, that they wish for a big screen viewage during ramadan, soley dedicated to they can relax and be apart of the sponsorship campaign...i think it will be a hit.....I'll meet you on the s channel....dr khan is waiting your donations to make this possible....on the S channel....

The idea is, to run exactley the same programme on both associated channels'.......

Friday 5 August 2011

You as Muslim controls and or governing bodies', can not write the risks' of and or determined the risks of peoples' poverty and or hardships and or other, I think this is for Allah to decide, and to implement such practices' of conspiracy is to take the Qader of Allah into your own hands', and is a form of re-writing and or re-scripting Allah's set plan, astafallah, do you not fear Allah.

As for hardship, if it befalls' a person out of Allah's decree because Allah is happy and wishes for eternal bliss, then that is the ordination of Allah's will.

But to go out of your way, to deliberate a set hardship pf risk, is associational partners with very careful there are lines' that shouldn't be crossed, as for orphaning the reining Arab monarchy, into the hands of the people, as orphans' as what is the practice, that is not a crime.....but the crime is when Muslims openly extort the situation by higher power writings and or manipulations', thus resulting in the same effective conspiracies as the family of the qurash who set out to implement and take control of the qader Allah themselves'...and is a high form of associational partners'...if you dint know, then you do now.....and all that you didn't know, pre-hand will be expedited by Allah, as long as you stop your associations of writings and conspiracies of risk of poverty's and hardship now.... If not, then this sin is never ultimately part in partnership with the associations of partners' with Allah.....rather you then me.

I am quite happy where I am plan and conspire and make association partners without even realisations'....rather you then me.
Dont forget to click on the associational link, and although I cant visually see you all... please donate and stay with us, all through the night....if you can......I am up the change over of Ramadan and fasting is an automatic routine change, despite the situation and or other...,. I dont thin k I slept until four in the morning yesterday......can amina stop making plans for me please, I dont like it....remembering what....whose the legal representative that not then classed as having more Qu'ranic and justice knowledge the lady herself.

I am quite capable of deciding what time I go to bed thank you.
I would have remembered, but my vision of the airing Ramadan appeal was cut, remember....
I'm sorry, you know that I said, that I have a short term memory, I completely forgot that I had already set the plans for this years' airing.....I am too quick on the block out running all of you....

Oh yes......This new cunning plan of mine, involving beauty enhancing and or other repetitive syndrome, is for next years' vocational donations'....when I am back in business commercialisation.......a visionary....maybe....thanks for leaving me behind......much appreciated.

So we have to stick to the plan....

Dont forget to purchase your tooth paste addiction pack, or your alternative, new commercialisation for miswik will be aired via order by the audience, ...after those yummy-scummier-dates and or other associational goodies''ll need them.....I'm chewing mine right now.
And remember, I have a stubborn streak too, where if you take matters into your own hands' , I will take matters into mine, thus there will be no issuing of dire need necessity to call my neighbour, when the time comes', leave me without communication by all intent and purposes deliberated actions', I dont like to be controlled, then..... I think, in a nice way, you know what I am implying.
I think you are all being completely unreasonable, in forcing me into uncompromising positions', and that anyone of you again, I will ask, wish to volunteer for my rank and allocation, no I didn't think so, you just run away instead and leave me to handle the call....thanks for that.
And that, other high profile prophets and or ranking leading clerics', also were suggesting similar profiles', and or participated in such activities' even when they showed and displayed early signs of prophetic natures' and or good characterships' of conduction's; within their own communities'.......
Pictorial Images

Of drawing people and or other, its the same informational offerings', over and over again......that, under the circumstance of non-reading and or information on certain Islamic topics', one wouldn't know that one is in error of such misdemeanors', or that with-out true incite into Islamic natures', one wouldn't necessarily adhere to all recommendations of such authorities', even with firm faith, without any and or very minor directional codes' of the Islamic belief system, even with firm set faith, to believe in one Allah and that all prophets were sent as messengers by Allah and Allah alone.

Thus one is not accountable for such practices' of codes before the enlightenment of full knowledge of adherence's'.....

Thus to create an image, with basic information that wouldn't credit cleric standard at the necessary time, wouldn't then imply as an eternal sin into the stated fire as suggested.

And remember, that this law applies to Muslims and Muslims alone, and that other faith groups who are unaware of such compulsory religious stated laws' by Allah, are exempted from this adherence and Allah knows' best.
Its not as if the world isn't present at all functioning hosts of blogging anyway, is it?

There-after, the area in dispute, will be looked at in intensity, we are not looking to force people from their homes', and or properties', rather nice and easy exchanges', whereby people wishing to move, away from such cultural up-raising's', are free to do so. Under no duress, of pressurised circumstance, but to establish a bigger musjid, to occupy, the valid area, for space consumption, where it is vital and or needed for the expansion of the growth of this particular religious identity, we will not be disputing fractional Muslim identities', rather, one ummah one identity.
Charges set out against the police force, I am sure we can come to some compromises along the way.....?

Legal solicitor of self representation

1. You Misled myself, under false pretences', in the belief that I was entering a well functioning artist circle of credible credentials'..

2. You thereafter, went on to further your campaign by illegal entry without the right of suggestive and or produced warrant, to search my property under, private eye, of what is highly illegal, inside self maintenance of rented and or other property status that is issued under contracted terms and conditions, of the tenants agreement as in the case of myself.

3. You went about thereafter, under false pretences, to suggestively entrap me, by offerings of antiquities.

4. You thus set-up and or about, a functioning private eye, to observe and look through and or spy without justification into my private space of accommodations', without certified reasons for doing so.....only on assumptions-non-factual-ideologies of my lifestyle and what you thought and or presumed that I represented.

5. You subjected me to intensive cruelty of mental tortures', attacks against my children, by use of private eyes', that were compressed into psychologies that have left my children and myself under extreme I complaints that can be backed up by factual evidences'....

6. Trying to incriminate me and or entrap me into self belief that I suffer from mental and or high insanity, under pressured circumstance of investigations', whereby you sent in a team to try to purposely drive me into a crazy and or frenzy that could have resulted in my own fatality and or my children's fatalities'....and more. This pressured circumstance lasting for a good 11 year period....its a wonder I am still standing with level handedness, having vast expense of law and or legal; proceedings is a vast credit to such skull druggies'.

Talk to my negotiators'.
The ruling on building grand mosques'...

Is, that even though the musjids' must not and or are not suppose to be extravagant, they are allowed to be the size that is and or sufficient for the people.....

If monetary extravagance is what the people of that allocated area understand, then exceptions of grand designs can be made, as part of a cure for their ailments'.

Thursday 4 August 2011

I will not subtract this statement, as it is part of the Charity raising fund and repeating campaign, that has been set into place....and was set and pre-planned over the last week and or more.

Unfortunately it coinsides' with a news article about a recent murder......of a young man, who resembles' and or who apparently is an art-dealer in Australia, who by all intent and purposes' was involved in the initial linking in of my names and works of art that was thereafter donated to Charity for all good intent and purposes'.

Statement this pronouncing, that this is unfortunate and tragic attack.....we wish the family a swift recovery.....and will continue in our plight to raise funds' for those who are desperately dying all over the third world.... in that, before they even have experienced life and or have been exposed to just brief years of lifes' wonderment's', with sufferance and forbearing that most of us will never imagine....

You leave and or have chosen to leave me without vital communications', thats fine, everything is in Allah's hand......

With plan and Allah plans'.

See my journey through islam.
Was there an enlarged smile somewhere, and or someone, a misleading missionary art work thief, by unknown false pretences', misleading all and sundry....mission.. to..alocate....high spy and or personal.....No:1 priority, disassemble smile......and turn the twisted theif around.

Number one priority, mission completed.
Please press the link-should high-light-red

:: Islam Channel :: One World - One Ummah - One Channel :: Islam Channel ::

:: Islam Channel :: One World - One Ummah - One Channel :: Islam Channel ::
If I was you guys', or lasses' (welsh abbreviation for women, young and old)
Ice cream, single pints of milk, iced fruits and or other, should be allowed to circulate after eight o clock in the evening, in the summer mothers usually can not make it out to shops for these high priced items', when children are sleeping, this will see a vast gain in dairy milk factories', once again......via ice cream vans'.

And there is penalty of monetary gain, from these hands' so I shouldn't be rushing in Aisha too soon, as for layla well....

Pregnancy is also classed as an illness, and that mistakes', fasting and or other, are optional.....pregnancy can also determined behavioural issues', and different responses' that wouldn't usually be the normality, like swearing, hitting out, non fasting and or other.

There is high sin expiation when a woman is pregnant, and thus should be treated with care.
Falling victim to sexual encounters' inside prisons', by way of forced-in appropriations', should not damage marital ties of kinship, unless-virus determines a responsive on impossibilities'.

As for clerics wishing to take on the ill related women, in exchange for accommodations and care and inheritances', then this is allowed also, providing it doesn't effect the health, and or other relational ties of the clerics family.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

I dont know what kind of game your all running here,but it certainly isn't a clean one.

Anyhow, have fun charity raising, and talk to all associated mehrams of mine....
I meant.

One week or three days' of poor eating habits', does not justify a whole nine month ploy tactic of none functional proof conspiracy, of mouse in house. Thank you.
As for questions about the reining king, Henry the Eighth, I believe, it was with pressures of extreme force, from the corruptions of Scottish and English ministers' who opposed the change of state and all countries-boarders of religious change', England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, that they passed the death penalties over the Queens' of states', from other dependent countries' from other continents', who wished to be apart of the religious-changes', having experienced and had vast dealings with the Mediterranean forces of industries' of Islamic natures', for hundreds of years', the change would have been relatively easy...however greater forces declined through greed of substance and through the sugar trading, or slavery....

The opposition set up against us, the reining monarch of the four associations in one unit England, Scotland Wales and Ireland, at the time, a quest began to and in belittling our rein-ship, sending corrupting letters abroad, of what then led to the Spanish armada, this was where rumours' started that the Queen had ordered and or issued war and or associational deaths upon the higher ranking queens' of marriage-ship, to prevent the rein-ship of change of state religion, but this couldn't have been correct, as the Queen was quite affluent in trading in Mediterranean goods' and other associational religious commitments that were documented down, in complete studies' of her life time.

I will deal with the remaining monarch, in business and or other associational ties' for minister-ships' the pen and paper of debate to defend the rights of laws' passed can be done quite easily from a side-line.....with my skills of accuracies'.
Also, does Scotland think, after their mass murderous campaign, associations with America, that I as queen of England, will be and or would be prepared to reassemble business links' with them again, are we all aware of the disgusting rein of the long hull of Scottish powers', going right back to fukashimi...did I order Vietnam and or other war hulls'....? oh you have many effective answers to give....I will take full power of control and issue no further bayas'.....England is the strong hold of the world economy and you as Scottish power know this full well...and that I have more associational friends and business associates then what you think....I will put my foot down with your horrendous bullying ploys', and that for you to have taken such actions of strike on my arrival and pin pointing of location, with exam results and or other observatories made by you, you must have known that I wouldn't entertain such rubbish's' and or behaviours'...this will not continue...are we clear.
It is with pressing concern that the trail of president Mubarak can be held as a legal strong hold, when all countries are aware that decisions made and or taken, were from adjoining authorities' including Israel themselves' then can this be a one man and his two sons', trail....this is full corruption of full pretences' and issuing of blame while all other higher powers', disassociated themselves, after their impending thirty year reining power share.....the power shares went right up until the Egyptian up raising last year, it justifiable that he and he alone is put up on trail without former power holders'? And or are the former power holders', issuing this call for an easy bail out order....

As for the death of 800 protesters', power change of authority is never easy, and that the people took it upon themselves' to up rise knowing the consequences' and or the potential consequences of their actions', thereafter he can not be charged with civilians own risk associations of uprisings against authoritarian powers'.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Even renting cinema stadium for Islam channel live......push the button on items' of auction and or other......but you'll have to call brother Cain for the initiation....
I have a new task for you, while we are in fun raising game......the task is to watch Islam channel live from your computer, while plugging into the big screen, to support extra additional exchange, you have to find something else to switch off, to keep the heat suggested earlier.

I am over with sky TV because of the change of service Any additional information and or suggestions for additional support, or secret 007 if anyone can, mo-he-khan, suggestions for charity raising....

with love.

Monday 1 August 2011

Please be aware of over feeding when your/our children are attending school.

The latest news' is that my individual child has been having four extra meals', given by over cuddly nannies and or other...//thats' two dinners', followed by two puddings', my child put on half// 1/2 a stone in one week, due to over feeding at school.

So how do I know.....I am not over-weight, my two other children are not over-weight, my cat is the smallest cat on the street, with three to four small steady meals aday......

One of my children is alittle bit more keen on food, but I control it at all times', when this child is in my care.....

I have complained over and over again to the schools' not to over-feed the kids'.

Is it their children that are going to drop down dead of extreme heart disease, obtain cancer, and or other over dangerous dietary problematics', including anorexia and or other, at the age of thirty two, because of these issues'...? Now, I have to pick up the dietary programme once again......for this child.....anyone else in the same position.......

Liability can be taken for endangerment of health of your child, with video footage of home dietary plans and or your day to dayu routine, and or even under cover health officials' working as deployed part time dinner super visors for over exposure and liability cases' and or to spot munch house syndrome.

Are they feeding you four meals at school again.......?

I dont even issue four meals' in one day at home, how then can it be justifiable that four meals can be given in a one hour or forty five minute setting.....disgraceful....
All Phones' should operate free call outs', without payment of invoices' and or other, for emergency services'.....

The mobile phone companies' should offer a connective button specially for the protective health services', a direct connection without any payment....

The same for telephone boxes', and home lines' that have been issued penalty disconnections'.....

The services are a vital lifeline to everyone that resides'

Also, I dont see why, computers are unable to dial connections to phone-lines'....dial in and or dial up your choice of phone......from your home computer.......

Connect to...number ........ect........and then being charged by a sectional department say the company of phone connected direct.....I call say.....BT phone working line from my computer....then that service redirects a compulsory fee of commission from my computer service of will be a initial mass merger for all working networks'.....

And should work with steady and ease....with no for the programme... I am not a computer engineer unfortunately...that's for you to implement and sort out and or run the technology.

This shouldn't effect any other land line and or other mobile service........ as they are also a vital part of system and communicative connections'.....and what....people dont like mass change overs'.....but can live with small and or minor adjustments'.....

How much......for initial to my two mehrams'.....

I am impartial to monetary gain....

With love.
Is this heat cooling down yet? Oh you are slow.....

I have an issue about cars and the laws on the age restrictions of children being able to sit in the front seats'.

With high illness related and or allergies and or other.....children who are subjected to age related restrictions', are in danger.......this imposing law should be banned under all circumstances', as long as the children have the age related properties of seating and high functioning securities of belting systems, I don't see why this law was imposed in the first place....i think the ban was initiated as part of other impending factors at that particular time in history, but as time as advanced and people are More highly aware of seating fixtures', and other securities', then this initial ban should be lifted.
This is the route, you all have to try your very best to remember exactly what you done last year, we have all your details' and what you done and when you done it, and will be sending your end of year memory test slips back to you, as part of our sponsorship campaign, a intelligence test ?

Sounds good to for next year...I have a cunning plan...
Its that time of year, well, Ramadan is here......

I've been side line this year, for the new all inclusive beauty therapy there a new beauty flu virus, repetitive response syndrome.
You do all know, that the cooler the environment, the less war deployment programmes there will be, dont you?

Cooling the atmosphere, and effecting the radio frequencies of those in higher powers with ulterior motives'.......

well, its up to you....