Friday 29 July 2011

Ok, I know that the Ramadan appeal is coming in, but my sky, virgin-media has cut me out, so the repeating method for those that missed and or were last year out, will be in or is that big-man, slim? Are you out or are you in,.....youth pending advisory-bureau, and or other....too, I'll be catching you next year.....

Pertaining destiny states', along the way, a blind path of and again, I am sure will not hurt.
How did the YouTube venturing go?

I caught sight of the new established commercials'.

Whats the plan for tonight, it's a night that calls for a last minute dash towards the car, and or taxi services', the car is raving, raring to go.....where? the famous last words are, Nobody-Knows'?......

So, here's the plan, and take the keys' and lets' go.....

The brothers are calling for scented candles and fragrances', date-palms and milk, kalbousa cake and mint tea, Ramadan is approaching and the time is near, when all your sins of nought and no fear, will come together in fasting forgiveness and tides of tears', Allahs' love and compassion of life so frustrating and down, Ramadan a pick me up for crimes of committing, fasting is nearing.....

As for the bad brothers of sin, who expiate only during the season of Ramadans'-spring, the time for your last crimes of fun, for those that are not shaban run, better hurry to cash, dash and hurry, because the tandoori-and curry will be cut short....the days are I am not the one who led you into any sin......?

Thursday 28 July 2011

It has been suggested over and over again, by thousands and millions of people across Europe and or other, that with the American death penalty imposition, that the two solders in question, over the assault, filming, and broadcasting of the suggestive homosexual images of the two innocent Muslim brothers/men, made to imitate a high ranking sexual imposition, should be put to death.

If this is what was suggested, in front of the naked-eye of humanity-broadcasting and television cinematic, then what was the other high crimes committed without photographic footage on display, I'd hate to think?

These soldiers', were in the land to search for osama bin laden, not to incriminate, punish, torture and murder Innocent Victim's' of own land residence.

The acts that these two participated in, were under all circumstances', un-called for, under the highest degrees' of social and or degradations', and that there was also subjected rape on women within a neighbouring prison compound, whereby the women in question was subjected to abuses' unimaginable by any standards' of human rights affiliations and more, the soldiers in question , are American and thereafter should be tried, detained and hung under the death penalty of that associated law, for the crimes that they committed for and under inhumane-accounts of documented footage, and more, even child sex, these two commandeering officers' are a disgrace to all of humanity.

All land associations' are in agreement, that the crimes of perpetration, are classified as A grade physical abuses', even Geneva conventions', that oppose the death sanctions' are calling for a special order to take place, to agree that all laws' of the land in Arabia were broken, and humiliations were set that were unnecessary in the [process of finding out any small fractional group and or individual that were a apparent threat to America? In regards to high terrorism's' that are yet to be proven?

And that thousands of hundreds of people were massacred in this American on-slaught, in the name of protection, from the Muslim world, without credible proof that the Muslim world was involved and or participated in such a crime as demolition of two prominent buildings'. Even to the effect of, that there was a few hundred Muslim people working that day, on and in site location of the twin tower associations'.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Latrice Foster

Defence puts forward, review of circumstance and appeal on compassionate grounds' of accidental-death, and her loss of grief, in relation to her child.

Under factual accounts of hundreds and or numbering thousands of associated events of same descriptive natures', happening internationally, from the lack of housing support, and up-dated maintenance's', whereby death, fatality, injury and or near death experiences' have taken place, under such circumstance. The defence states, even under the watchful eyes' of good-parenting skills', of two partnership natures', these tragic events' happen and are not uncommon.

Under her own circumstance, she left the house unattended for a few moments', to take respite, and or leave, without the intending purpose to be long and or uncommunicative and or abusive, milk and or other items', such as shopping, she left the infant untended, and asleep, when she slipped out for a few unregulated moments'.

During that time, the infant child must have awoken, clawed up onto the window-sill, open a small catch fitting, only then to drop to his'/ hers/ death.

In that, the mother in question , has suffered trauma and other related illnesses' whereby she hasn't had time to acknowledge the full of and the death of her infant, with the added pressures', of court hearings and again unsightful accusations' that, she, herself endangered her child, when even the best of parentage, come up and are faced with similar circumstance of near death and or death related matters in relation to window fixtures'.

A release needs to be granted with immediate effect, in relation to compassionate grounds' and statistical and graphical evidences of documentations of reports that can verify national databases' of such actions occurring across all international European continents and or other. It is not, and again I will state, uncommon. These are the hard barring facts'.
Mondale Artis

Pending appeal, status review, legal aid, description and case-reallocation

1.Mr Mondale Artis refutes allegations of full-blown rape, in regards to his pending appeal

2.Stated reasons' for being with the two women in question, at the location mentioned: 2a. To get high on drug recreation, a common attribute amongst the black community, and thereafter, have adult sexual conduction's, of adult natures', by agreement and consent and further arrangements', made prior to the rondevu at that appropriated time.

3. This evidence put forward by the prosecution, is more then weak, even with DNA fixtures', there is no reason to assume that Mr Mondale Artis, went out of his way to attack and force by uncompromising natures, two sexual felonies' and assaults on two women that, by means of same situation - associations', were found to be in a car, and or even the same car, without their own consent of committals' to obliging with agreement to attend entry.

4. All the prosecution have, is two women claiming rape, under DNA evidences' collected in fragments of the car its-self, that can only state that sex took place, without injury to accompany facts', and or other extreme exposures' that could indite Mr Mondale Artis for such a serious felonies as aggravated rape, assault and or other.

5. Mr Mondale Artis, goes onto admit drug usage with both women, that led to two sexual affairs', that both women agreed too.

6. The defence attorney implies' to the Magistrate and Court, that the impending verdict be over-turned on poor-assuming-and non evidential facts'.

7. The defence attorney implies to the Magistrate and Court, that Mr Mondale Artis is charged with only the admittance to handling small contraband, of no weight description, only at a handful of night usage and should thereafter be released back into the community, or furthering hostel accommodations whereby he can be given a bail order of community service and reallocation housing under the circumstance of unfair accusations' that were intended to see him sentenced to half a life-term, and that the two women in question may have vengeance's and set out against him in further campaigns to discredit his persona of character and or even, arrange furthering assaults and or other.

Note to readers', do not interfere with my data base and or credited reports of legal aiding and or legal advice documentations', if you do that, and wipe out my representation again, I will refuse to help anyone of you, I told you, you have to wait. I will help. I am the best at this, so dont give me any shit.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Abd Al Heela

Date of Birth: 30/01/1968

Place of birth: Yeman

Internal serial number:US9YM-001463DP

a.In relation to this case hearing and review: Detainee is being accused of, under ' ONLY', assumptions of continual accusations of accounts. Without verified proofs of continued threat associations', only by assuming, and or assumption, and can not be submitted from the prosecution of effect, to the courts', as a verified submitted evidences of factual status, by internal army official.

b.In these accusations of accounts, pertaining to be submitted, is another flimsy statement, made by the prosecution, to the effect of, that the person in question, was refusing to give furthering accounts of his circumstance, and help with official documentations'. The person in question pertains to state, that after hearing more then numerous accounts of other detainees', whose transits of accounts were mishandled and mis-appropriated, to the effect of further incrimination's', he then went onto further his rights to non-correspondences' within any statements of accounts' of his own accord, until further notice from advancing solicitor help.

c. Person in question, states', that he admits having knowledge of these factual incidences that took place at different locations across the Arab lands and or on other coastal area's, having been an advent reader of Media coverage, like any citizen keeping up to date with worldly issues' of concerns' in relation to his own native people. And in this, he was neither partisan to any individual attack and or planning of any such incident himself.

d. The individual then states in actual accounts', that he was a general employee of the Yemani Political Security Organisation, that he does not deny, and that this employment, wasn't in awe of any breaking's of the laws' of the land, in his country of origin at that particular time in history. He also states', like any individual-persons' in a position of being able to pass through documentations' and fast track peoples' legal rights', depending on family ties' of kinship and or outside friendships', and or other people in question, who knew of someone who needed a fast tracked application, and even though authorities', in even the most advancing countries claim, that these fast tracking applications of peoples', families and or other, are not made priority, make official references' through association affiliations', to fast track such documentations', if the real truth beknown, and it is of a most common practice....of course, it is a most silent policy, considering high profile jobs can be lost at the hands of such actions'. Therefore, he is not disputing that he did some minor illegalities', that would have foreseen to a job loss, but didn't have any idea that he would be set up for charges of conspiring against internal international forces', for helping and aiding or abetting, other then general ties and links of people, that have asked through connections of town residence known to and or associated with any near persons of effected status as described, for fast tracking documentations, a and I state once again, a common, usually under normal circumstances', harmless action.

e. Under circumstance of job description, working in interior administrations', there was at that time, un-noted threats' made by unknown persons' and or personalities', that would implement words of unnoted actions', that would otherwise be an immediate threat of lives' and or other campaign issues' within the work place its' self , in a means of aggravated position at the disallowing of any applications being refused, and other internal affairs of nation status' and high profile degrees' of conversational leaks' from other international forces of administrations' getting wind of other known threats, before these actions of threats were actually declared and or carried out, as well the Judge knows'.

f. The person in question also states' that, in such job descriptions of professionalism's', there is always a chance of being linked in with other groups', unbeknown at the time of passage, to be a threat to either state and or state security, and that these associational links', were not seen and easily slipped through as non-accountable and or non-existent at the time of associational ties', correspondences and or other, through a high profile job of internal administrations of affairs', and that there are hundreds of 9/11 workers and employees that also had links with other people that were then associated with the attacks', and had no credible idea, that these individuals' were and or had other connective personalities of associates' not necessary, indicted on convictions themselves', but with known associational ties and or lines of correspondences'.

G. There is nothing to suggest that, by self intention, the personality in question had any previous criminal outlets of associations that can even be suggested and or proven as factual floors to self criminality's', straight in all graduations, and a high profile law abiding citizen, with no and or past history to suggest otherwise, who rose to his position through education and graduation , coming from a well-to-do and monetary family of accumulations', to support his educational needs from the off-set.

h. After the threats and high security deployments of cross war confusions', the person in question states' that he sort out by all intent and purposes', security before travelling under deployment of work in progress, through the credible steps under the correct legal proceedings to safe guard his national reputation of character. The person in questions states that, after the events of international administrations' pressures' to interrogate Arabs' across the board, he knew the associated risks', and that's why he went ahead to secure his travel before hand. As can be verified. When he reached the otherside, he was arrested and apprehended, without any given reason to the effect of why he was held under interrogation acts and or other. The person in questions' states', that he was not aware that fractional members from his nation had deployed various telephone and or other communications of threats' under his name association for further release without negotiations' and that he apologies for this', but believes that some fractional groups thought that furthering action against that native homeland people, would be in continuation of further abuses' by higher powers of authorities'.

i.The person in question states', that he understands some of his behaviours to have been unreasonable at times', but pertains' that he thought he wouldn't get a chance for any kind of appeal status, with any legal representative, who would thereafter be prepared to take on such a high risk and high profile case with the impending accusations of falsity brought about against him under his case profile of effect, and or under the criminality charges set out against him, releasing a potential of life-time incarceration, was enough to strike unreasonable behaviours at times' , as seen with other life sentence victims', accused of crimes that they were neither engaged in and or partisan too, thereafter, they were found to be freed and convictions of such natures dropped, with furthering apologies.

j.The prison in question states', that the thought of being incarcerated under false accusations sent him into a temporary state of erratic behaviours', that were also brought on by provocative behaviours from higher ranking guards', who appeared to be farcical at times', in regards to disregarding his basic human rights and or other.

k.The person in question states', that prior to any unbeknown source of fractional groups and or individual that went about to form further groups', thereafter, at later dates of time passages', he passed legal documentations through, as stated in his job description and his right of work, and under all legal settings and above board through existing extensive reviews' of characters as seen in all interior administrations of authorisations codes' and commissions'. The person in question states; that all his prior history of education, graduations and or other, was done under and all above board without prior convictions and or other to suggest otherwise, as can be verified through media resource, such as places of study and legal rights to travel through other obtained legal documentation to declare such correctional facts'.

l.I state as a legal representative, high suggestive assumptions have been made, that can neither be proven as factual evidences' that the person in question had known links of a personal nature with the individual groups as stated, prior to the suggestive remarks being made, nor can they be brought to the legal table to continue such an illegal imprisonment.

m.We will be looking for, immediate release, into witness protection, after such affairs' of discrimination's', the person in question will never be able to resume a normal lifestyle, and or return to his appropriated place of employment. The person needs his immediate family, a workplace and compensation for illegal imprisonment, accusations that can not be proven against his self, and other abuses' of incarcerations'.
Case File:

Sharaf Ahmed Mohammed Masud Gharib


Reported place of birth: Sanna, Yeman

Year of birth: 1978

1.Defence-Administrations-Team, is going to address a forwarding case profile, subject to appeal before the judicial series', and review hearing for associated acquittal and witness protecting programme, with status in regards to high concerns for prisoners' well-being and threats to associated life, if deployment of reintegration is offered back into country of residence at the allocated time of; capture on demand, held and transferred by extraditions, deployments of American forces', Afghanistan.

Personal note to the case-profile-handling-Judge:

2.I am sure, after extensive case reviews', and other documented-case-profiles', from historical, war-psycho-analysis, you are well aware of the high-risk-factors and dangers' associated with reintegration of cross-war confusions and civilians', that have been held for several year's in an outside country, that from the off-set is seen to be an immediate threat to any individual who has experienced any furthering extreme abuses', from the forcement placements of the American association', with rumours of child sex crimes and other horrendous vindications', the chances are that this individual will be captured, detained by own hostility personal who have personal vindications against the vile abuses' witnessed, while the American forces were seeking out Osama Bin Laden.

3.Not to Judge: How the administrations team, working on behalf of this individual can presume that the combatant zones' of high mountain residences' who still are partaking in fractional-separated-social and society-warfare, will open their arms' to such an individual without further questions of liability and Cross over confederation allegations, is beyond all rationalities'.

4.Not being familiar with the life-style and culture of America, having witnessed ill-treatments and degradment of other personal individuals, in often mentioned, documentations of vast extracting confessional torture campaigns', it is all in Hy-sight, logical why, then, thereafter, such dispositions of mental circumstance would have led to certain disruptive actions', and behavioural issues' from the named individual in question.

5.In relation to the direct above entry, of obtaining false confessions under duress of circumstance, and therefore in-submitting of this evidence, can not be gathered and submitted as actual accounts of verified facts and configurations'.

6.Facts' as stated: That the named individual, travelled through the lands', to neighbouring Afghanistan: Fact: Migration is not a uncommon factor, amongst Muslims' who wish to benefit,plough, obtain and or purchase land holdings' in and or around the poorest Arab free holdings and or settings', whereby life is three times cheaper then middle-eastern -countries' that are highly occupied by western links' and highly expensive to set up house, home, and family ties'.

7.Once established in Afghanistan, being a highly male enterprise, of travellers', the above named individual, was welcomed and shown all tourist attraction sites', as a on-site tourist with in-experience, of nature and nomadic life at the first hand, with a generous hand of monetary fiance to feed and support the travelling band of tourist allocate group, the group was more then accommodating, in helping this individual to set about, the quest to seek land location for all intent and purposes', permit and residence for free holdings' , tax inabilities', and the setting up of a good life, in a poor surroundings', whereby, thereafter, the above named individual, then went onto make these plans' while travelling through the land. With all intent and purposes' to show and teach other members' of the community in the poorest lands', skills' and other accompanying benefactors of western based education and obtained knowledge.

8.The above named individual, states', that all countries' host army faculties', and after being shown several routes' of nomadic life, he was also offered an incite to the countries official military units', but because of the lack of fiance and other lacked resources' of educations in relation to authority recognitions', lack of communications with the outside, world that are vastly in advancing of other material wealth's', the comparisons' for such illogical assumptions', that the military combatants' were not all regulated and above board, there was no fighting and or associated links' of murder at that associated time of travelling and tourism-insights to military commandment posts' and other operating functions' of authorities' that were all under government control and regulated under legal authority in Afghanistan at that particular time, therefore to state, that the above named individual was within all legal rights' under the law of that land at that associated time of travelling and placement requirements of free-holdings' and settlement agreements for the possibility for migration for the sole purpose of easy living, at the expense of few hundred pounds', then, rather then a continuing struggle to obtain a apartment of extreme expense and trying to subsidise a family in a land where credible taxation is far out priced and unattainable to certain individuals of the Sanna Province.

9.While the named individual was staying and residing in Afghanistan, the occupational-American and other forces', caused an apparent military feeling, if you can call these band of travellers', militants', with small amounts of riffle deployments', of what was and not uncommon to be seen to be holding riffle utilities by normal everyday sheep herders and other farmers' and or normal male civilians'.

10.In this country of residence, there was no illegal laws' to state otherwise, whereby any individual could be prosecuted for holding a small riffle, unless stated otherwise by government officials' and or higher ranking authorities' that would have the rights to take hold or this utility if seen necessary to do so. Thus this individual who was in the holdings of the military bases', at the associated time for explorations', in exchange for a better life-style, found himself in an uncompromising situation, whereby he didn't understand the full implications', of the situation at hand, with little and or no radio access' and or television and or other communications', the named individual had to take hold, hold-on and follow the group, who seemingly led them out of harms-way, into mountains whereby they held other retreats' that would be a safe-haven, for their own individual priorities', having a little bit more money set aside, to be able to afford accommodations in the mountains' as government carers and authorities'.

11.The named individual pertained the right to non-responsiveness' of further un-sort and valid confessions that would be against his own self character and also untrue of the accounting-pertaining-situation, because of his lack of other western advancing knowledge's', he then found it highly disputable and mind-crunching in regards to the knowledge differences of Western and other advances', almost a mental torture in its-self, to put forward his factual accounts of the situation at hand, then, when residing in Afghanistan. He also states, that he has found his treatment, while in detention of the American authorities', highly concerning, and has suffered a certain amount of mental trauma at the expense of persuaded confessions, that were extracted under duress, whereby this individual couldn't think clearly and give the appropriate accounts of his own circumstance and accounting's that would qualify him for high priority protection and resettlement's into and under witness protection in and under the state province of the American institution of, and all in clearings', innocent until proven guilty and or otherwise, in the land of liberty.

12.It can not, with all due respects' be proven that this individual was apart of an illegal military operation, with intent to con-spire against the Americans', when the Americans haven't any business links' and or military campaigns' prior to this individuals explorations and plans of settlements', in that associated land, at the associated pre-time, to the forwarding time of the American operations'.

13. After witnessing the extreme hostilities from the formal torture campaigns' by the American securities at this high profile prison unit, the above named individual, has stated that his actions have been slightly erratic because of provocations' and incitements by higher ranking inside official guards', that engaged him in anger and sponuity of actions that would otherwise be thought to discard because of incite natures';, that he has only displayed at intervals of times' and not on a regular bases' of effect to determined that this is necessarily the case, and that he states', there was high incitement, that due to a action from the pertaining guards', provoked him into an opposite but equal reaction, under the circumstances of high duress'.

14. The named individual has stated that when in claimer settings, he only talks about prayer times', peaceful Islamic matters', that would otherwise counteract his actions under other legitimate causes of concerns', that would and have provoked him into actions of bouts of undisciplined anger at times'.

15. The named individual has stated that, while in a state of provocation, he has written expressive war literature, that neither expresses his own value systems' and that the writings were more of a release from reality of situational circumstance then any other under-lining motive.

16.In all due respects', to the Official Judge, most of the American-army official documentations' in regards to this individual, is mere speculation, and army jargon, that neither this individual understands and or comprehend as sustainable and or feasible knowledge, and that, in this, many mislaying questions were asked, with difficulties of communications' in relation to official army jargon's' and other languages of pertaining etiquette's'.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Oh I see how it works now, thanks for that, you set me at twenty, making me feel comfy, and now its bordering one hundred, oh you are good.
I'm out for the night.
For other sites' that host and deal in diplomatic prisoners of war, like, cage prisoners', please could you allow for other substandard diplomatic prisoners', with other circumstantial unfairties', we have many people being held for false accounts' Irish people who are serving life sentencing for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, amounts' of payability, subjected to your own contracts of established agreements', thank you.
subheading: McClatchy , whose still being held at the GITmos'

I'll be over seeing this, as a summer project.
Merouane Benahmed

To the french interior ministerial offices' of control and diplomatic immunities'

Writing in relation to the high disregard of the position of Mr Merouane Benahmed, after experiencing and witnessing the assassination of Mr Merouane Benahmed's brother, along with nearly the height of a dozen other official members of his village of residence, reasons for the assassinations, still unknown and unverified, with political issues' of enforcements of village, towns' with high amounts of control orders', submerging into colonizations tactics', to impose a enforcement of fear on the local people (it is believed, is more of a credible excuse for organizational and assassinations deploys then any other motive at that particular time, with the on-set of change in regulation of governmental affairs', as you, with great dealings in Algeria, are highly aware of and know.

Not only was Mr Merouane Benahmed subjected to the witnessing of the fatality of his brother's on-slaught, he was also partisan-witness and known participant to the burial of the other known dozen and or more so, villagers', who were horrifically shot, that their own identities of town residences' was unable to make verified official accounts of the identities of the persons' who were assassinated that day, thereafter a mass communal burial was commissioned, on behalf of the town's expense, without any explanation and or official investigation to why this governmental authoritarian commission of deployed assassination took place at the first hand.

During the duration of Mr Merouane Benahmed's, life, he has been witness to over 500 people and or unidentified persons' massacres from various other official governmentarian and authoritarian authorities of controls', documented under legal settings' of control administrations', and thereafter, was subjected to turmoil, depressions, high anxieties, trauma and many other delusional state associations with his own such sustained eye witnessed accounts'. These diplomatic immunity cases', under circumstantial-factual and traumatic life experiences', are not unusual, as seen and also documented from previous-similar-case records from other inflicting case-war-records of war veterans and or other....under psycho-analysis, and compensations claims' and thereafter witness protections orders'.

Being witness to over 500 assassinations', and having been documented as an eye witness, the only alternative, for his own safety of personality and noted civilian, would be to migrate and seek refuge within European asylum, under the rights of subjected-potential-life threatening situation and diplomatic immunities'.

After entering France, on the pro-mise of trying o seek diplomatic immunity, living under conditions unacceptable to the required standard, even for the basic of refugee status, contracting a known killer disease, TB, the small family unit, was then detained under accusations, that can neither be proven and or verified as factual, the french authorities, going on statements given under duress of pressurised situation and enforcements' of persuasions to admit to certain crimes', that, can be stated, once again, non verified and factual, in relation to the release of Mr Merouane's Benahmed's daughter and wife, under the pressure of emotional blackmailing ties', thus, these statements of accounts can not be, under European laws', legally submitted, with all intent and purposes' as subtending accounting's of participation's' in crimes' of affiliations', when it is clear that this individual was trying to apply from the very on-set for diplomatic immunity, under life threatening potential circumstance, from the very off-set.

Even to the extent of threatening a refugee-asylum seeker, who was firstly and fore-mostly, seeking witness protection from the state and province of France, with the same initial fate of death circumstance and insinuation of what was a illegality of the french interrogations police force, and thereafter will be held liable for threatening this person of diplomatic status of high immunity circumstance, inflicting high duress of circumstance and certain death fate fatality, if nit in compliance with accounting and confessing to crimes' that he neither participated in and or had associational links with.

Mr Merouane Benahmed, was found with various items', that would not be uncommon, under the circumstance of inflicting poverty, no job prospects and little and or no subtotal grants and or funding from the government. Learning how to survive on the garbage of others', to make his life and his wife and daughter's life sustainable, to the best of his ability. Gas bottles and other various items' were, thereafter, used for cooking essentials', heating, lighting and suits' of plastic natures deposited from hospital units', found in places like dumpsters', were also used for night body blankets and clothing fittings' to sustain body heat, in often then not, zero degree temperatures'. As the French authorities' are highly aware of, this is not uncommon in France, and is often the case, with the more poorer end of society and unofficial migrants', and that the sutgoprtuies seized the moment at hand, to intentionally accuse Mr Merouane Benahmed of more implicating circumstances', especially feeling the pressure from the American institutions in the crack down on Arabs' who were seen to be fleeing any land associations' at that particular time. We understand the high pressures' that the french authority were under in relation to these internal pressures', and thereafter, we would ask that the french authorities' ,make an official apology to Mr Merouane and his family and grant them compensations, resettlement under witness protection, and we will not carry any more furthering legal proceedings against the authorities under the light of European laws' and the claim from the very on-set, the rights to seek asylum under immigrations because of the threat to his life, under legitimate circumstance, whereby he was subjected to too many accounts of massacre status, that would put him in immediate danger. we would thereafter be, also seeking, the rights to bring forth several other members of his family who are in current hiding from the Algerian authorities'; in relation to the circumstance of Mr Merouanes Benahmed's unique and unfortunate circumstance.

We will be in agreement with the french government and will not take furthering court actions, providing our terms of conditions are met.

Sunday 17 July 2011

I can not be held liable for risk associations' and or accidents', please ensure that the 20% of the agreed shared profits raised today go (for this advertisement and or other, thank you), straight to non gaining, and or taxable charities'...across the global terrain.
Before the Olympics', as a nation, you know that all pre-rehearsals' are vital for the stability of the economy, without them, we would be heading for failure, is that what you wish for, is it.....

Today, we are going to have a rehearsal for the theme park entertainments'...the orders' for today is, short notice mass coach bookings, taxi cab orders' and or other means of delivery......its more wintry then spring, with summer setting-i, due entertainments should be coming flooding in.

Can you find the one hundred golden leaf distributions across all countries involved, with all these mass entrepreneurs and business outlets, that shouldn't be a problem to arrange....and remember, the pre rehearsals' limited additions', we will have to have a repeat prescription for when the Olympics arrival....

I'm just brushing my teeth now.

Please ensure that 20% of all proceeds go to the economy of the poorest lands....thank you.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Oh I see how it works here now, well thank you very much....
Is there a familiar theme running here, where's Yusef?
Raining again is it?

Oh I thought.....the excellent- set - of teeth was me???

In the Qu'ran it clearly states', that with intention of the heart, the giving of charity without the intention of a return, is a complete purity and brings' the open rains', that produces luscious fields of wheat, grain, rye and all other produce of food and materials' of benefactors'.

Friday 15 July 2011

Have your back up plan, cabs are good, they muffle and confuse locative police, they are also misleading and highly protective....I'll be around the corner...when your ready to run....pre-booking is good.
Top Secret Mission, at her Majesties Pleasure (Safe guarding)

Structural plans',

Top Code Priority to:

Jam police lines with nuisance calls', it muffles' all extra terrestrial activities'.

Obscenity speech, high prioritise, top of the list.....

But be careful, they know who we all are????

Face coverings' and other, don't forget to hit the road jack, the police have markers'....

But I didn't order this, or did I?
In relation to the differences' of laws' that will be passed, for child barring women, who will have conditional community services granted, in relation to bungalow effective accommodations and contracts to supply hospitals with baby fittings and other vital garments', for Charity purposes' and additional training units' of courses' while in the process'. Young Males' and or first timers', and or other inmates', who, with good behaviours', can obtain contracts' for community services', under review schemes', and or furthering outletting social communicative relations', that can also be implemented for certain case criteria, being offered family relation legal team efforts', to be able to obtain social communicative workers', who can review case files', and records and put in additional appeals' for contracted services' into bungalow status. Additional laws would have to be rearranged to fit both male and female counter part correctional services'.

Boys' in the same effective situation, being mixed with prime males' and or males who are much heavier in weight distributions' then themselves', looking for other then healthy relationships'.....whereby these young petty crime offending youths' are then subjected to furthering abuses' of extreme sexual conduction's and or other, whereby, thereafter, they are left with extreme illness related disorders', such as Hepatitis B, liver diseases' and failure, the on-set of HIV out-break, tumour from youth -adult forced rape.....leaving these young individuals feeling helpless and extremely depressed, not being able to communicate with staffing units' from the on-set of inner shame and disgust at the degrading attitude of life serving convicts' inflicting sexual gratifications'.....often left suicidal, and in a worse state, from the lack of emotional support, from anyone relative and or anybody, no out letting space; to discuss the effects of male rape in relation to male youths', inside prison life, no means of communications through any means', even the educated and best of the youths', being threatened with internal murder and other horrendous threats', the chances of them ever coming forward are a major no no, amongst the honour of credible self dignity, no matter how degrading one individual might feel.

The on-set of depression and suicide campaigns in prison are high risk, there is even gang rapes taking place on innocent young first timers', inside huge over barring prison units', harsh, and subjected to extreme beatings too.

And though we recognise there are some institutions', that supply youths with reinforcements of support before they enter the life of more commitments to other effective crimes', it would be better if these youths were subjected to the same processes', as young offending women, and what they will be offered, with different apprenticeships', and course managements being attainable, while in the process of servicng a three year and or other amount of community Charity service, in bungalow accommodations', partly separated from the main prison source, with free weekend visitations', and conjugal rights being passed, subjected to good behaviours and reviews', subjected availability for those that choose to sign-up.

Thereafter, work placements can be found, before these individuals' return into society, with the department of work and pensions' gaining entry to situated positions', inside and along the corresponding bodies of law enforcements.

In this, there will be a re-eduction from and in addition to the effects of on-going continual crime, re-education before re-entry and steady employment into society, if jobs are standing available.

Building courses' , woodwork's', pluming, electrics', and or other, whereby, through associations of other more professional trained man units of employments', they take them out, on allocated, off prison site, on training grounds', train them with, additional supporting funds'; from governmental programmes' back-up any professional business scheme willing to invest in such credible standing training and even the promise of furthering employments thereafter.

Of-course, police managements can also be over-seers' to such investments'....keeping tabs on such individuals, who sign up for additional training, we will have to have something known as a tagging system, for this? Just encase we get the occasional wonderer, or Stevie go wonder.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Beatrix Potter

Harry Potter

Oh they sound the same to me??

But they are two completely different enterprises'

Saving private Ryon

and the

Maps of Ryon

Oh they sound the same to me??

But they are two completely different enterprises!!!

Oh its always the same isn't law for one and another law for another....but wait....thats a wrapp mate, if you ask me.
Could everyone issue a formal complaint and or suggestion to Barclay's Bank, via telephone.

In relation to saving account accessibility, whereby the consumer should be able to access any of their accounts in numerous holdings' within the same branch, from any cash point entry...there are elderly people who have savings' accounts', pregnant women and business people, who can not always manage to get to their authorised banking outlet machine to withdrew their credits from their savings' accounts', thereafter they are subjected to visiting the bank cashiers themselves', at that appropriated time.

In addition to this, as parental singlets and or other, we are also subjected to difficulties in relation to this regulation of and proceeding Barclay's Bank.....please, could an alteration be made, on compassionate grounds' of people individual circumstances'. This would also be very good for business, boosting consumer re'por.

Thank you.

Addressing the human-rights-act, and the protection-units of mislaid information, regarding the rights to obtain the legal - status under the immigration-laws' and prison entry laws' of basic-etiquette's', whereby the witness-protection implementations', should have been addressed and firmly implemented, and with the legal aid of the advice teams who appeared to either be too young to handle such administrations work or chose to officially dogleg the rights of such active legal representations of immersions' of immigrations' and correspondences' of the witness protection-official programmes', to such illegally wronged victims of cross-over war, and heights of confusions', imprisonments of sentences', in relation to the associations', that illegally arrested these individuals in the first place. This is where the fault lays' and where the correction should be made, with an immediate-re- extradition-request, and subjected accounts to place all members into official witness protection programmes, also netting family ties' that might be ambushed due to associations' with these twenty impending Pakistani prisoners', who could possibly be faced with other forms'; of conspiracies at the hands' of being accused informally of corresponding with confederates of the American forces from the united states', thus their immediate lives and family networks are high priory and needs addressing with immediate concerns of re-extraditions', protective programme issuing and formal compensations for the furthering subjecting abuses' that they have incurred against themselves', and their family names' of reputations destroyed and potential death hanging over their every move, while residing within the province of Pakistan its-self.

If, with all subjected reviews' of innocence and release pending official legal bases' of revetments of these twenty case victims', with higher management skills' of judgements and acquittals due to lack of subtending evidences', how then, with inexperience's in equities of DNA profiling', circumstantial evidences' and other extreme forwarding advances', that are highly lacking in such countries as Pakistan, can Pakistan re-arrest these personnel with justifications', and that, as forwarding powers of advances', we would suggest that probings are being made and suggestive commentaries that they are infiltrators against the Pakistani authorities themselves', and need to be made high priority for extradition, form the place that failed to give them the correct witness protection offers in the first place.

From the administrations team of human rights activity's', and the under-signed associations in listed.
Addressed to the : Houses' of Parliament

Ann Whittaker



Young womens' detention's


Care-set-plans', during pregnancy

It is with extreme due concern, how many young women are being subjected to forced-shared-accommodations', on prison grounds', with far older-more dangerous and more experienced criminal enterprises' of higher-ranking-criminal-women, whereby they are subjected to internal emotional blackmails', alongside being subjected to lesbian abuses' of un-noted attacks', leaving these young women feeling helpless, with the on-set of depressions' and suicidal missions'.

In this, I would like to address another concerning issue, regarding women in pregnancy during imprisonment:

Under current law, all women, regardless of age, crime and or other legitimate circumstance, are being denied the right to maintain-after-birth and child care during detainment on prison grounds'.

This goes against the rights of the individual woman's right to claim legal bases' by injunction of court permission to keep their children until further release and resettlement.

Though we as legal representatives and law administrations' know that all women have the rights to obtain such legal grounds', most convicted women are unable to put a legitimate case forward pending on hearings', because of the lack of English etiquette's and educational knowledge.

In this, also, we will find, by national record data base, that many young women and or older women , for small crime abuses', are being persecuted by government laws', in having this extreme illogical interaction of social care interventions' whereby and thereafter their small infant child's are taken from them, by immediate force, into the hands of t he authorities', that can also lead to these women feeling helpless, emotional, depressive and suicidal, and many young women committing and or dying at the hands of suicide, due to a direct result of these imposing measures'.

it would be more befitting, if there was a measure whereby, pregnant mothers, and thereafter born infants', be sectioned off, into small housing bungalow accommodations', bordering the main prison enterprises', whereby they learn to sow, knit and other inter-connective skills', whereby their items can go directly to the hospital units' for washing, and handing to smaller infants that are in need of basic baby items'.

In this, these ladies' will be able to serve their time, leaving a relatively standard life, committing to a complete community service throughout the number of years' they are detained for, depending on good behavior and agreement under contract.

Any one woman denying to sign a peaceful term of contracting learning skills', and this high profile community service, will remain under the present laws' that are and have been implemented, as those particular inmates' may have ulterior motives to stay where they are.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Early-years', immediate-concern:

Addressing the department of work and pensions' and other associations' working in partnership with social-benefits' for the poorer members of society:

National-Graphical-Statistics' legislation's', in relation to basic oral hygiene, placing a complaint to the department of work and pensions' and other working partnerships', in association with social-benefits-for the more poorer members of society.

Being re-directed to the houses' of Parliaments for review and to re-examine the national data-base, in relation to the amount of effective tooth decay, that is highly prevalent in children across Britain, today.

With the on-set of statistical advances', of data-base gatherings', in children above the age of seven, with the on-set of progressive deterioration's', the average body of statistics', would then be pointing in the direction and correlate with factual-scientific-accounting's', that the withdrawal of milk-tokens from this age, would then be, a direct result of the lack of milk substitute, until the age of maturity, ranging from 11 onwards', advancing, we would state generally....

And that, with additional support for lessor income families', and or working tax credited families', the benefit of milk until the advances of tooth maturity would see, within, one year-to-three years', a huge drop in national statistic tooth decay on average.

But theres' an additional error, that needs to be taken into consideration, that even when there is an advancing in the up-rise of healthy teeth, with a new implementation of standard healthy for the nation, to save the national health services', also millions of monetary funding, that can be better spent elsewhere, millions of pounds on a yearly bases', the contracted milk tokens would have to effectively stay in one place, until the stated age of 12 years', when calcium in firmly set.


Because, with the again, or choice of again, withdrawal of such vital nutrients-minerals and calcium's', would, stating the obvious, would see a sudden decline in tooth de-cay once again.
Kurt Westergaard

Being placed in protective custody, after highly-offensive-religious-pictorials', of the Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, being published worldwide.

This statement of review and account is in relation to the international laws', passed and regulated by the international standards agency of leading committees', regarding the safeguarding of the sanctimony of religious-decreed-laws', and or the stated laws of religious identities; that were passed through leading international governmental bodies', to outweigh the democratic freedoms policies of most libertarian people, who believe in the rights of any expressions', with no regard to causing high offensive and or even endangering there own lives, and the lives of their entire family of relatives', when in the process of doing so.....thus irresponsibility, and questions have to be raised in relation to the sanity of such people, who go beyond the set limitations of the laws', thus taking the laws into their own hands', and who hold such positions' of world ranking publications distributional rights'.

A law was passed years ago, in and through parliamentarians' of standing governments', whereby the governments themselves agreed, to respect certain and uphold certain individual religious rights' of respective religious orders', that neither set harm to any pending individual of legal residence.

That means', the Qu'ran of standing orders', would be followed up and respected, in addition to the co-existence and living alongside other religious identities' without imposing and or inflicting any religious laws' on the current communities of non practicing and or practising Muslims, that would then go on to see the inflicting of harm done and or created upon any of those individuals' in return of and in respect of the laws of the residing and land of current occupation and residence of that particular land, thus they would have the rights to practice all there religious folds', but would be exempt from harming anyone individual while doing so, be them Muslims in error, and or long as that muslim is doing what that Muslim is suppose to do, under the sight of Allah', then it became and becomes a self purity, and is a case of, see no evil, in your religious community, and or hear no evil, in your religious community, in relation to such legal laws' under the lands up in question, the rights to free sexual conduction's' before marriage......etc etc.

Of course, any Muslim then seen to be committing acts against the laws' of the land, would be held accountable for such things as shop lifting and other things', that could be reported and dealt with, within the co-existing laws' of Land in question and residence.

Therefore; to state, this law applies to all standing religious communities' living and residing in lands other then the Muslim lands themselves', and this was also agreed by governmental-Parliaments' and the standing laws' of and in relation to the sensitivity acts', regarding the international sanctimonious' of religious identities' and religious orders', act.

Therefore to state, that the newspapers' went above all proceedings of international laws', that have been seen to have been passed and agreed upon, in issuing the apparently comic pictorials', of the most extreme profanity, and provocative nature , of enticements of religious instigation's and causing high offence, and stimulating a chain of huge utter outrage, in and amongst the Muslim community worldwide, and other religious communities, that have felt the same effective instigation's', that have been allowed to slip through the religious sensitivities act, in relation to the lack of newspaper editors knowledge of such legal documentations being in existence, thus there are some legal factors that these individuals need to study before, being able to manage a newspaper enterprise of worldwide issuing'.

In relation to the fact that, the newspapers', lacked the comprehension to investigate the legitimacy of publications through the houses' of parliamentary laws' and orders', of what is usually the case, under the religious orders of sensitivity acts , they themselves were in legal error.

Thus; the religious people involved in a campaign of attempted assignations', against Kurt Westergaard, can not be held accountable for their actions', they were acting under and were under a state of delusional-temporary-religious-insanity, and should be extradited and released on compassionate grounds of religious identity, and also placed in a witness protection programme., and this is why the laws of religious sensitivities acts were passed in the first place.

And under that, the government was also in error, not to order a immediate withdrawal in relation to the cartoons', and the question has to be asked, if the governments dont know the international community laws' of Europe and the standing west, in relation to the above statement of accounts', or maybe, they were in awe of circumstance to brief and to young to remember such acts being passed.

And that, had the newspapers' acted legally, they would have known that they would have needed to challenge the religious sanctimonious laws', in furthering courts' to be able to issue and publish these cartoons'.

Therefore, the fault lays with un-professionalism's' on all counts', from all quarters', of not being versed in the laws' of the sanctimony's of the religious sensitivities act.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Christopher Mays and Son Adonis

Of Pennsylvania

Statement of account, addressing the American Governments of all state control " The White House",' with the powers to be and to issue and or subject - reflect a emergency immunity on compassionate-grounds of circumstance, in relation to a hate crime and criminality of extreme racism', from furthering partitions and campaigners of relatives and other friendship networkings', written to us as a influence of outside international diplomatic control orders', that can interceded in writing and help in pending cases of high concerns', to place a file pending review, after careful consideration that the father of Adonis, or Mr Christopher May of Pennsylvania, had been subjected to actionable threats', whereby they lived in constant fear of their lives', in this residential area of Pennsylvania.

By actionable threats', the legal advice team, is referring to, under-handed-mafia-actors' or rather, clan actors', that took it upon themselves to apply pressure to these two black-Afro-Caribbean-Americans', that went about their daily business and tried to resume a normal life with the barabilities of subjecting racist hardships', and other extreme subjecting threats'.

Mr Christopher Mays', having established a home and lifestyle in the above neighbourhood, having worked and or other, to sustain a life rendering on better/ for his son, didn't have a back up plan, for periodic moving.

In that, Christopher Mays' decided to stay put and tried to keep the peace, by remaining at home as much as possible not to disturb and or make an apparent nuisance of his son the same effective advice.

In that, he has informed us that, he wished to resolve the matter, hoping the situation would eventually recorrect its-self, and the neighbourhood bullying ploys would eventually stop, with the residence eventually becoming bored and hopefully corresponding with ease and adjustments'.

Having obtained a dog, for safety and further protections', in a placement whereby they both had been subjected to high stream threats', with standing attachments' for leech walking and or other, for their protective pet, that was available on the premises'.

Mr Mays', had gone out for a number of hours, only to return to find his son hung by the same effective safety attachments', that had once collared their protective pet.

In that, Mr Mays' states', that he believes that the idea for such a crime came from the obtained photographic images' that were thrown all across the world, as a direct result of publication, the Abu Ghraib, images', whereby Muslim men were also hounded by such torture campaigns'....

And that the racist intruders', had worn gloves and had been in a number of high doctorate and or other professions that effectively covered any trace residue of evidence to frame themselves in this murder inquiry, and that, he states that he needs to be pulled out from this court and community with other members of his family network, and placed into a protective programme, in Europe, reviewing his case, under diplomatic immunity, because of inside fractional racist ties' of higher ranking orders', and that he believes that his life is under threat, and that a protection order needs to be warranted during this request, encase of further pending attempts to frame him for self suicide.

We hope to hear from you soon, we have kept copies of this issuing documentation for further references into other legal bureaus, if the case and or need arise', whereby we will need to extract and or render our plea for compassionate grounds' for protection, thus a case for impending criminal proceedings and or other can be thus issued.....with forwarding evidances to suggest that our request may have been ignored.

We thank you in advance for accepting our review and look forward to the exchange into witness protection and re-settlement.

Somali refugee, slandered with the operative name, terror - suspect, under the American institutions', of holding captives of war, under their administrations of imprisonments', without understanding cultural issues' of inner tribal divisions' of county, country and or religious internal conflicts', that are partial to the land in question, and in all due respects', this is without the other inflicting impending forwarding forces' of European and or American advances.

Warsames' activities' of riding with group youths', who carry guns' as part of normality under the circumstances of historic war continuations of conflictions'.

Unable to understand English comprehensions', and to express the time lapses' of land class divisions' between Africa and the west, the terms' and or litigation's or allegations put to him, would be unidentifiable, leading warsame to comment on issues' that he is neither educated in and or versed in, in addition to the American institutional advancing and leadings of judicial literature's', thus placing him in a extremely venerable situation, whereby he can not express and or render the appropriation of the apparent statement of accounts', to why and what he was doing at a scene of crossfire, between American advancing forces' and other conflicting sectional groups', also pertaining to fight between themselves', as fractional groups', at the same momentary event.

And that, after explaining to him the circumstance through family ties of communicative', he now knows' what he is being accused of, and has stated that he wishes to withdraw all impending statements', as they were obtained without clarity of circumstance and that he was just a mere standby spectator, who was captured,confused and mis-led into confessions' that he didn't know what he was being set up and or put forward against him.

even though he could participate in standard English, he thought that, he was going to obtain entry to the land of freedom, by just confirmation of activities', and didnt understand fully that he would be up for a complete life sentence under the accusations brought about against him, and that he thought he would be out of prison within a year or two...

And that, after confederations with these' forces', that are now rumoured to be hated in his home land, he would be unable to return to Somalia, and alternative arrangements would need to be made, as his life would be now in a most venerable and life threatening situation.

No other comments will be made...this is the full version of accounts', and any other statements put forward were, done under duress of misleading language etiquette's', that were highly confusing, and disorientating to the individual in question.
Marvin George Watson

Based at Ohio county jail, Cleveland-height-linked

New statement of account: Issued in line with a legal representative, in relation to myself....(ie: whoever you replace my name with) in regards to challenging the rulings of a five year sentence, via a regulated report reading from the administrations team, in relation to under age sexual misconduction and an apparently sexual assault and battery of the same inclusive victim.

Legal representative to address the justice of court in private, regarding these latest allegations against a male identity.

In all due-respects', I, as the standing legal representative of Marvin George Watson, understand the justice of courts and other legal administrations look down on and frown at the inapproriations of under age sexual mis-conduction.

It has been stated, that the lady in question, took it upon herself to mis-lead Mr Marvin-George-Watson, in illegal sexual mis-conduction, by appearing with intent and purpose, to appear, by deliberated pretences, with the art of make-up knowledge, and dress codes', to entice Mr Marvin, George, Watson, into belief that the lady in question, was older and more mature than actually thought.

Having an outdoor, discreet relationship, within the folds' of a small communal of disconnected community gatherings', whereby, not all i individuals' are known as local and or other,because of the lack of outside reach, the affair of what lasted for an entity of a four year period, came to a sudden halt when the lady in question accused Mr Marvin George Watson of, sexual assault and battery.

After an apparent date, a small coupling argument arose between the pair, after getting into a domesticated-volatile-fight, whereby they both subjected each other to abusive smacking, the heat of the moment, led to a passionate conduction of the usual love bird scenario.

It was thereafter, that Mr Marvin George Watson, was arrested with the sexual battery and abuse of the young lady in question.

In all due respects', to the justice of courts', it appears that had this been a continual relationship of beatings and or other dangers configurations', the relationship would have came to a sudden halt and or Mr Marvin George Watson would have been held up on charges of under age sex, earlier into the relationship, than this stated particular time.

After years of an apparent relationship, it seems illogical to sentence Mr Marvin George Watson with the charges set out about and or against him.

In this, I can see, that the young lady, after spending several years' with a older man, seeing other tastes out on the market, decided that she had had enough, and didn't know how to end the relationship, she derived a provocative situation, whereby you incited a jealous attack, and a night of passion, and than went on to lay these huge allegations upon this unsuspecting victim, to end the four year relationship, whereby, with all due respects to the justice of Court's', she had obtained a status of adulthood and huge maturity after being in a relation for such an extensive period of time, she than went on to use one of the oldest tricks in the book, rather than openly confronting the situation hand, whereby she would have had to have been faced with the emotional blackmail by crying persuasions'., and being maintained in a relationship that she had obviously chosen to end.

The only charges that Mr Marvin George Watson should be layed with, are the minor assault allegations', whereby justice of a month sentence, and serve half of that with good behaviour and then release...with an additional injunction to stay away from the young lady at hand, who was by all intent and purposes', too young to make responsible decisions' in how to end a four year relationship, thus concocting a feeble situation that would the go on to see to the end of her relationship, once and for all.

Friday 8 July 2011

Are you in tonight, or are you out tonight....I think this Will have to be a 50/50 thing, readers'.......

Arriving with the moon...I'll meet you there.
Can you filter through, the next most venerable and mentally impending victim of racism and informal charging without credible evidences'...I am, where I always am.
Addressed to the highest - justice of courts', in Britain, forwarding-pending-review to, and addressing, and the impending decision and formal requests' of legal and diplomatic reasoning's, addressing her Majesty, the Queen, in relation to links with Pakistan and the imperial ties of links', at Her Majesties Pleasure, a review and asking for an interceding, whereby a immunity can be granted on grounds' of inadequate-evidential-facts and configurations'-leading to convictions that can go against the very nature of the empire and established estates' and partnerships of authority, Britain-Pakistan, and what, She-Her-Majesty-Represents', in the entity of humane compassionate rights and legalities of justice.

All International Associations' of humane rights', the rights to a fair-equal-trail-the rights to innocence until proven guilty, with valid evidences that would certify either a release and or conviction.

Asking for intercession, on diplomatic grounds' , under the principles' that no official sound evidence can be offered and obtained to certify a conviction of these twelve individuals that appear to be wrongly accused, detained and threatened with a life sentence of approaching death, within a space of time, that does not do justice to the accounts' given and or the apparent evidences' put forward.

We would also be asking, that these, twelve individuals be placed into a wittiness protection programme, with their immediate families', whereby they will have the certified stamped approval of acquittal by Her-Majesty- The Queen- At her Majesties' -Pleasure, within the bounds of Europe, whereby they can be safeguarded from vigilant attacks', whereby other outside authorities, might set about in a target campaign to ignite these individuals', through a hate campaign and or rasict abuse, until death, due to seen and or witnessed, other domesticated violence's taking in action, within the institutional prisons of Pakistan.

Of course we will be asking you to decline and or hold the last statement at the hands of confidentiality's'...while you are in the process of considering our applications'...

All correspondences' listed below, and or can be obtained from other listings within this issuing record, back search and obtain, all supportive international standards of agencies and or other.
Richard Reid

We are asking for the diplomatic immunity of Mr Richard Reid, into the hands of British Custody, under the legal rights' of British National Citizenship.

Listed requirements for diplomatic immunity is as follows:

We are asking for the release of Mr Richard Reid into the hands of the British Nation, as we feel and know, there has been major floors in other top priority cases', that have seen to the indicting of other prison personnel, charged and sentenced, and then seen to full release, under far worse allegations of terrorism plot ploys, than Mr Richard Reid himself.

We are also stating that Mr Richard Reid was suffering from temporary insanity, that can correlate with his attitude and past pretences' of youth related crimes', and other documented medical history of his case pending high depression, confusion and a prospect of no hope future, miss-interpreting talk lectures of monthly professional teachers', otherwise released due to irresponsible accusations by the police institutions who had little and or no comprehension of addressing a course of lectures in Islamic studies', as explained in earier case hearings of defence that have now seen to the acquittal of higher ranking terror suspects', that have been released into protective custody with full blown apologies and compensation to reward them for their miss-fortune of insinuations of accusations' and or other.

Further still, we as the investigation services of MI5, have seen, witnessed, read, and studied cases', that have been left in the hands of the American authorities', whereby, higher ranking accusations and briefings of circumstantial and or evidential facts', have later been squashed, and bailed into the hands of witness protections', being of far more pending severity than this impending case.

With major floors in other more higher ranking cases', within the Justice departments of the American institutions', with acquittals and compassion's' awarded to people who were classed as the top of also all leaderships'.

We are now in the process to call for review of our citizen, with all evidences sent via top security, along with the prisoner himself, so that we can make our own formal investigation and or other.

We also have had a top briefing on this individuals' unstable history and understand that he had a problematic youth and issues that may have led him to committee this particular act.

We also believe that this attempted act, wouldn't have seen to the harm of any individual at all, considering the size and or proportion of this particular item used.

Therefore; we do have high reservations about your approaches' in relation to this individual and also with access to his whole youth period, in relation to our approaches in regards to compassionate laws', in relation to the mental health act. Therefore, we will be forwarding this documentation onto Geneva conventions', and be taking other decisive actions', to get a transferee for our citizen and rights to fair trail here, as soon as immediately possible.

Thursday 7 July 2011

As someone who is devout in religous standards', I know it is regulation and Allah's set law to put make-up and urfumes' on the self, to maintane a standard of beuaty in the home, for those husbands' that like such items of luxery and or other, I say and or refference husbands', because it is more religously befitting to do so.

And that I dont wear such items of accessories', out of the home and nor do I approve of it, having religous inclinations'.

Though to state, the argument of vast amounts of teachers', would differ, depending on sicknesses and or other
Order your Attar-full perfume today....what a most, beautiful, refreshing fragrance, with extracts' of original organic flowers', home-grown in the Arabian peninsula, with the added attractions of additional vitamin d substances', filtered through nature means associations from the height of summer, moisture any skin, as well as leaving skin feeling fragrant and refreshed.

(Warning: Do not use, if you have allergies', and or other pending conditions', if you do have allergies', and you know you have allergies', then you take, buy and or purchase at your own risk association, also, if you are aware that you are prone and or have a history of sensitive skin conditions', take caution in what you buy, as all substances brought and purchased, are purchased under the guidance of marketing and are harder to bring litigation's and or other pending court hearings', as seen with other brand associations'.)

In that, if the person and or retailer is unable to gain access to your medical history, liability would be impossible to obtain, as there is a major floor in evidential reflections to credit allegations of allergy assaults' in relation to substance and or perfumeries', and or cosmetics', that need additional supportive reviews from documentations', that would otherwise state, there was no and or any history prior to an attack on a perfectly feasible industry of retailer. Also, if the retailer holds values', and principles of honest tradings', then, that retailer is directing his and or hers' product at that individual market of religious criteria', and in that, wouldn't have expected to be ripped off by follow religious communities' that have other monetary gain of interest........

In that also, it is very hatred to prove that perfumes and or cosmetics' are a main cause of skin allergies', when the envirment is constantly changing, with mass chemical pollutions', in the west, mass chemical added exploits in the food, mass stresses and strains from everyday life and lifestyles'.....and then for a personality looking for additional funding to seize a moment of opportunity at the hands of innocence and a new business outletting space of inexperience, is just that, an opportunist, targeting the weakest of industries' to break the beginnings of a chain or line of networking businesses....and gaining little but substantial amounts of cash, to appease their own appetites', of something for nothing gaining'.

There will be no payouts' if medical records and or other, can state otherwise and or be proven, in that, the business will also ask for their own medical associations to investigate medical history of that individual, if access is denied, there is no case for further considerations'.`
And that to separate me from those that I love and are and have always been my family members', is just pure cruelty....and other than that, I have no further memory.
MC Donald's'

The Jewish community, have stated that MC Donald's is a Jewish-Enterprise, and are fed up with the less orthodox community exploiting a franchise, whereby they can not eat, because the Mc D's Doesn't franchise in kosher meat.

And that it has been stated that, it would be generally better for business if the company was to trade in these meats', as other communities would also be able to eat in and on the premises', such as the Muslim community, and other religious communities, that believe the words of God's name should be uttered over the meats' before slaughter takes place.

And that, for non adhering faith people, they really dont care what they eat providing its what they have required, ie: Veggie and or other.
My family are the people that have always surrounded me, and the ummah.....other then that, I do not identify with any other one person and or persons', implying otherwise.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

The school spotted me for my unique attention span from the earliest of ages', I can recall, totally all events' in whole, if asked, and thats why all pending parties have taken action in this manner, and took me, and fed off me, from the earliest of years', in regards to thinking and ideas and other, and all those that have surrounded me, can have a complete history trace of success, especially those closest to me, and that, prior to my company, that wasn't the case, was it?

Apart from those that were kept behind by deliberated intent, with other good offers of lifestyle accompaniments with additional support from a life of bar-abilities'.

As for the Qu'ran, I have chosen to stop this unique addition of corrected text, that is all truth and complete, as in time, the scripts again will be changed as seen with the two prior texts' of transcripted text, that are and were completely fabricated and distorted....

Defence, it is not that a pair of trainers', of what have been worn infrequently, and is now being complained about, by the child in question, that will determined the fate of a huge pending case, that I have defended with and in the most appropriate of manners', with all clear evidences' to suggest that their is huge corruptions in the services', and that only out of a forced entry, have been able to defend my case pending forward.

And that all allegations and or crap put forward by the corrupting upper powers, are just high fraud, if the truth be told.

Monday 4 July 2011

A request has been made, that when parents take their children swimming, could they please insure responsibility of approriate swim-wear, as the childrens' sex-trade and links and trading, fetches high monetary funding....and places where children gather as many are prime locations, for this kind of crime.

Thank you.
I dont think I have to explain debilitating arthritis again....or do I....?
The people who have hair to give, are saying that the real hair extensions create lice infestations', and the people who wish to have the real hair extensions are saying to them in defence, that the dye or coloring of real hair extensions kills' the lice.....

Its your argument.
It has been suggested that the price hiking of the bus journeys are astronomical, not one person is, who resides in London, happy about the continual bus-fare increase. WHAT?? TWO POUNDS AND NOW AN ADDITIONAL TWENTY PENCE!! AND NEXT YEAR< JANUARY< ANOTHER 20 PENCE, WHERES ALL THIS MONEY SUPPOSE TO BE COMING FROM?

The reality is, the cab firms are in the waiting room, as an extra service provider, that will eventually cater for the general public, as soon as the bus rates have been continually taxed at the same standing rate as taking the cabs', increasing the amount of hundreds of cars on the roads', population and other effective environmental conditions', the bus system will be wiped out altogether, creating a one way system of cab riding, as seen in America, there will be no bus service...but wait, if thats the plan, you have to take into considerations' that are roads are far too small to cater for such services', we all know American roads have been designed for a thousand car network in their over powering cities of high life and power buying'.

This is the reality of the situation, so what can we do?....the bus services have to suspend their businesses' until a overall duty fee of one pound per journey is a stated fare without the possibility of tax increase, and that, if we are travelling in pairs', could we please have a reduction of half a standing price thus keeping the bus service happy in rendeering an official working business, keeping everyone happy at the same time, and issuing special ticket advances for group tourism's', and such.

This will help maintain a good working standard business without destroying the public' trust.

Also, if you as a bus service, don't take national action now, we will be operating a complete cab zone, the same effective standing working network as new york, do you wish to see your employments of business, collapse?

The nation of working class londers' are most dependent on this service, but there will be no jobs for you, as a bus service, if the government keep increasing this tariff, so you better take action now, remember that the government are not working in your interests', as employees', they are working in the interests of the economical budget, whose holding the red brief case, remember?, they are not working in your interests, they have other motives'....

Future planning and strategic-analyse have already been spoke about, with many years' ahead of us, as the general public, don't you think that these guys, haven't a motive for such deliberated actions'.

We have to stand up and say, this is ENOUGH!!!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Tooth brush chewing addictions....

Do they exist?

Then what?

Are people open for compensations' for spending hours' chewing their own personal tooth brush, with added paste for flavour?

Would that then put the tooth brush chewing addiction at the same effective dangers' of compulsions' as the drug cat - chewing and or other....?

I only bite down on mine, when I am practising birth techniques', anyone else experience similar.....and or, are you prone to addictive behaviours'....?

You could be in for compensations'.

During lessons of Arabic and or other, there are expiation's for teaching.


If a religious teacher of Arabic tutor bares and or holds a tattoo, and has shame in the covering of it because of the lack of pre-Islamic knowledge, but knew already by faith tuition that the covering of it was better then the exposing of it, then the firm belief of faith of part Islamic faith barring were and or are evident to see, and it states clearly under the verses of the Qu'ran, that those people who have no shame, hold no faith and or true amount of belief in their hearts'. Further more, the final day of resurrection will not come until people have no shame in their actions', and expose and do whatever they please without god consciousness.

So, even a tattoo from pre Islamic knowledge of reading can reflect modesty of actions....and who is the judge, Allah swth is the Judge....

Thats not to say, that I am condoning the actions of tattooing, because if we go back down that road of pre Islam and markings of tribal groups, we will be heading down the same effective course as what has already been and was....and we are now trying to correct.

Also ....

For the switch board who frequent my address of phone line hacking, whereby they took offence to a private conversation, whereby I stated and suggested that, I believe generally women who have the ability to grow their hair and maintain it, then I, as a women myself, preferre to see women with natural Long hair, be it, Afro Caribbean and or straight....

However, if I had known that my suggestions of my personal opinion would have been aired to the world, of course I would have naturally been more sensitive....thank you for airing my personal comments to the world, like a radio station....I appreciate it immensely.

If you can donate to the cancer research, then please do so.

Friday 1 July 2011

NHS services are vital to all towns', cities' and structural-well-operating countries'.

In that, we all appreciate that cuts have to be made, however, closing vital operating theatres' isn't what was suggested, rather it was suggested, that immediate background checks be made on staff, and reputations of career recordings', be established, yes we understand this will give the police force, extra duties and employments' of administrations', but at the same time, it will release, thousands of unnecessary time wasters working in the department of health managements'.

Closing hospitals is not the answer, rather a staff shack up is.

And though I know, that no one wishes' to be outed from a well earned position, the over all employment scheme, with the Olympics approaching will see, the sustaining of will services', with reinburstments' after a well founded tourism trade.

And that, with thousands of people relaying on Britain to sustain family units of poverty's in their own homes', will be intending to travel for a brief period here, to support all of our hard earned efforts' to improve their conditional lifestyles', back home....
And that the government needs to show a bit more faith and patience, with a tax scheme, after purchase, stay, travel and flight, will see an reinburstment of fiancees' in their economy pack of monetary, the house of treasuries'.

And will generate, what is needed to support all of our vital roles', in a systemic economy that survives on all professional services' at hand.
Did you know that, under legal law, you are allowed to host and or bury a relative in your own garden, if you are a house owner, as long as you follow the criteria of rules and regulations', theres' nothing to stop you, and or prevent you from doing this.

You can either have a small burial chamber and or an actual burial grave, that stands above the ground', of course this will vary with religious affiliations and such forth.

And that it is both legal under American law and British law, to allow this action of contained sanctuary, under compassionate grounds', to take place.....

Un-owned homes', would have to have further investigations or research, to identify if this is legal....

Under the law, once the land has been used as a burial site, it becomes sacred land, and no other company and or other, would be allowed to further plans' on that site, unless stated by law a distanced measurement away from the targeted location.
To act on behalf, and or act as an interceder for:

In relation to, the latest case, of containing a relative's body, after death, by natural causes':

Statement of account:

1. Yes, I understand that the actions' of containing a relative's body inside a residential estate, housing unit, is wrong.

2. I was acting under duress of bereavements', and the lack of prepped bereavement counselling, and confusions'...

2.a. There was no directional offers', and or, for any - other participatory counsellings', after I was arrested and charged with the containing of my dead relative.

2.b. There was only accusations of disputes' by the police and investigations teams', and further added charges' against my nature, in relation to the laundering of monetary funds', of £200. pounds?.....I could understand if the monetary laundering was for a few thousands' pf pounds' to make the additional accusations' feasible, but this is not the case?

3. I was in delayed shock, at the death of my relative, and acted in regards to a period of temporary insanity, and used this money for added relief, in relation to stress, through other legal source materials', and livelihood of sustenance, as this money was always used through household equities' of shared participation's', I didn't have time to either review my actions' or review my accounts of changing'.

4.Yes I understand, now, that I acted in a manner of inappropriate means', that would otherwise be deemed as revolting, but I was highly dazed and confused, and I am still in a state of high bereavement and need help to restore my confidence, to go back and or integrate into society, with help from the department of work and pensions' managements', to advice me, on how I can manage my remaining budgeting plans', now that I have one less benefactor of support.

Statement from acting solicitor:

After reading the statement of account, I have noted that the person in question, was neither aware of her actions', nor was her actions done by deliberated intent.

In that, I would ask the judge to show compassion and release this lady without further injury and or infliction to her emotional stance......maybe the social-service-welfare can offer her additional counseling and budgeting managements', under the circumstance, I find charges' highly inappropriate, and inconsiderate.