Saturday 29 May 2010

Islam Channel

I have found that over the course of time, the Islam-Channel has progressively become influenced by the touch of Christianity and christian theming pictorial images, such to the extent of having almost choir girls' and choir boys', neglecting more and more the Islamic traditions' and or nomadic lifestyles', that the original companions' of the prophet Mohammad, peace and blessings' be upon him, used to adhere to, in code and conduct. And rather the teachers' are moving more towards' the path of deviant-codes', of what haven't anything to do with the original Islamic teachings', what so ever. And this has and will be noted across the board, within the Muslim community and further still, by people who have subsequently studied different cultures' and know the true value of the authentic-religious teachings',

Moving slowly back into more of an Islamic-form of teaching will give the other and or wider audiences' across the Mediterranean, a chance to recognise their faith and faith values'. Without this move, the traditional Muslim will be at odds' to what the Islam Channel is actually propagating.

The famous Al Jezeria Channel, has been over-powered by European influence and we never see any Real Practising Muslim news' readers', rather the Western influence is boycotting the Islamic-relations' of connection and interlinks' of sharing production space and time. It makes' one wonder, if it is a Muslim news' channel or a European news channel and what will the broadcasters' do to address this pressing issue.

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