Monday 17 May 2010

Sexual Education

How can a child of ten years', + 1, be able to contemplate sexual acts' of adult natures'.

It is without doubt that children are curious, with an innocent outlook in regards' to adult themes'.

It is disgusting that children can be put on trial for crimes' that would undoubtedly be under a sexual licence of explicitly in regards' to filming productions' and televised viewing.

Children really, are not aware of deep sexual issues' until the ages' of 12 + years', then they begin to have a sense of the acts' of penetration.

With my own religious principles', I would refrain my children from intermixed-natural-play of innocent natures' from the ages' of 11+. This is when children become more exploratory and are hitting the ages' of puberty and growth.

However; I dont think that a child of 10 years' and or 11 years' would be able to conduct the acts' of rape on children the same age and or under, it possibly, could be physically impossible for this to take place, not unless the child is more developed in the genitalia area.

Girls' who have been exposed to extreme sexual abuses', by adult members' of their families' will undoubtedly bare the scaring' of those kind of attacks'.

And for courts' to put children up on a witness stand,exposing them, to public society in and outside of the court house in disgustingly wrong and perverse to a unprecedented degree.

Rather children who are exploring sexual natures' and are showing signs' of disturbed natures' should be with immediate effect, thrown into counselling, of the most subtle natures', as so the children are not even aware that the counselling measures' are taking place.

It should be discreet and to be relentless in trying to restructure a child's' life, could possibly be more harmful then good.

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