Tuesday 18 May 2010


I was watching a televised programme on prison detention for men. I was horrified to see that the men are being watched over on a continual basis, by women who resemble the male persona, without any traces' of womanhood. With swearing at a peak and a high male persona, with bad language and etiquette's', it makes' one wonder, who is the prisoner. I thought rather poorly of her, and rather, I thought she resembled more of the prisoner, then being an example to them.

Rather, men will react better to a female and or females' who respect themselves' and have good etiquette's' of language, women who care about the conditions' of the male prisoners', with good care and attention paid due to their concerns' in regards' to seeing their legal representatives'.

Rather, men who are detained are suppose to be in recovery, but with women who hold criminal attitudes', I don't see how recovery will take place.

There are lots' of respectable women who can handle themselves' under pressure of male influence and language, and rather, if a woman respects' herself, the male prisoners' will in return, learn how to respect her.

The old style, women prison officers', have definitely had there day, in the new age of turn around tactics', to correct the male prisoners, who were subsequently let down by the schooling educational system and the system of laws' to protect them from falling into crime, in the first place.

This would be an excellent chance, to give the men some credit, and rather, give them a chance to prove themselves' as descent human beings'.

There are loads' of women who would love to work as continual prison reformers' for the male counterpart. If seems' bias, that female prisoners', are allowed to have huge men watching over them, but the law for men is different, rather it is the same, if you have women who are bad mouthed and resemble huge men, there will be no improvements' in the behaviour of the prisoner.

To introduce a new system of better behaved- and well groomed female prison guards', the male prisoners' have to sign on the dotted line, as so not to react in any male chauvinistic way, at all.

I think it is disgraceful that the system can be allowed to disregard the correction of the male prisoner, by this under-handed persecution, of female bad etiquette's' of what will most defiantly not improve their conditions' of behaviour and or attitudes'.

You might be surprised just how many men will sign up for a better behavioural programme,in exchange for a descent well groomed, and presented woman, to watch over them as a guard, rather then a bad mouthed, foul -wo///Man. No offence to all the women who have genitalia deformities', rather this is in regards' to female guards' who have poor etiquette's', trying to re-educate men, when they themselves' have little or no educational forms' of good behaviour and or language.

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