Thursday 29 September 2011

The word Israeli is a name given to a group of religious people, from a lineal descent of prophecy, a prophet named Israel, and thereafter the sons' of the prophet Israel, thus it has never been a land area known and or formally known as the land of Israel, though it is the people of Israel.

Jerusalem is an old biblical word, that has Arabic connotations', and broken down can have several meanings', but as it is not mentioned in the quran, and is an old biblical word, whereby, we all know that the bible has been translated over and over again into many different variations', and has been misinterpreted by the hand of man, losing its original meanings', and having vast mistakes' of humanity error.....therefore the word Jerusalem no longer applies' as a recognised word usage for the land of and prophetic descent.......

Fphalistine....remains the authenticated capital, before the intercession of British influence in the early to late sixties', whereby there was a huge massacre of Arabic descent, and high blood shed, of poor citizens', in Britain's ability to siege and occupy a land that lived in relative peace before this intercession, thus the land was occupied by the Jewish people, and the Arabic people, in peace before this deliberated pushing of lineal heritage by way of force and war, that was unnecessary, all because America didn't wish to host the refugees' of Israel after other conflicts in the world.

Therefore, to state, there is no just rights to this word over the land of fphaistine, of biblical proportions', that do not and have many errors' of religious distates'.

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