Saturday 17 September 2011

For the Islamic call, it is recommended to learn the languages' of the people of the world driving not one of those languages' that, for women whose marital husbands' prevent them from doing and or learning this skill, there is no harm in that, proving that sufficient funds', and adequate housing and support network for emergency food sourcing and or other vital provisional accesses are located very near to the house and or place of residence, including near relatives', including amenity stores ' that the wife and or women have been used to in growth and youth from previous family ties', a provision of similar lifestyles' of accessing shops and or other grossing network availability's'.

However, if that is not the case, and there are difficulties with marital issues', whereby the husband is away and there is no other supporting network, with shops, stores and other vital resources located far, top far for natural walking, in comfort and style, then the car would necessitate for this, also, if the person and or persons' are of other descending value race, claiming and or living as sincere Muslims', then a car that is secured in a locked garage, to escort that individual around, to prevent from other civil war conflictual idealism's about Islam and the spreading of Islam, whereby that person maybe a subjected target, of travelling on bus routes and or other, (that wasn't made available where I was resident) then for protections values this source of life skill and preservation would be vital.....however, not recommended if all other amenities and good source of family network is and or was around that individual, whereby all the needs of good standard of living would be catered for.....

In that, its also good knowledge based skill to have, even if you never use it, as a environmental conservationalist....who cares about the current impending situation.....

This, is legal Islamic rulings'.....they are credible, if you look again.....thank you.....I don't drive anyhow, but have the skill to,if need be, in that, also social decay and social criminal attacks and other crimes of assaults on women, can cause the situation to become a necessity to drive. I hope all the picking resource that you have used against me, has been exasperated.

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