Saturday 10 September 2011

As a female and male fraternal twin, we was far from close physically, but close in that we mimic each other and or do the reverse of the other........And the brother never wishes for his sister to be around him.....actually we never mixed, or very rarely.

In that, it is four sets of boy girl, boy girl, boy girl, boy girl, but no one told me, because there is an area of blankness when the first twin comes out, after contractions' the second twin just slides out without any effort at all.

And it is telepathy, and that we do have inner sympathy with each other, in bodily appearances, when not even around one another, or do the exact opposite.....that can be quite dangerous if separated at birth and or from birth, and I think those that take on such children, deliberately force them to eat and or part-take n activities that their other twin would be exempt from, and thereafter, they have no enthusiasms over and or in it. And the best place for children, is with their birth mother, providing that such is well and fit, and stable, and educated. And that, that is nt for other people to decide, anyway...even if you decide not to properly inform me, there will be plenty thereafter on their way, would you like that, or how about that.

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