Wednesday 21 September 2011

Why does sky news' keep referring to magharbe as the lockerbie bomber, when there is no clear evidences' to state that he was the actual bomber and rather it appears that he was used as a scape goat for a perpetration that could have been committed by any one land who had reservations' of revenge against Scotland'.

As for Scotland, because the Scottish queen at the time of king Henry the eighth chose to inter marry into the higher thronal linage, wouldn't that then mean, one gave up her rights to leaderships at that time and therefore that stated decision still applies as a overthrow of any direct linage to that power today. And that king George wasn't a direct linal power, when he gave up his rights to the British throne to the french powers', and that Elizabeth the 1 st never gave her rights to the throne, away, to begin with, therefore her direct linal children, even upon handing them to wet nurses' out into the hands of her people, at that time, are and still a direct linal of rights to the powers to be, and are still in line to the powers to be and rights of rule over all direct land heritages, the direct linal rule of monarchy, meaning me and my brother, meaning, I have made my point in respects to the law of the land, in cohesion's', and correlating to all books of rule rergarding my the correct standing order of how this monarchy reins'.... I have decided on a three way rule between, as stated above, between me, my brother and my half spouse.

All rights resevered

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