Self defence of representation of character
1.a. I did not ask, nor was it compulsory for the claimants of such unfounded and unestablished facts of accounts', to state that I came between a unmarried couple, fact.Nor was there any adultery involved, nor was there any other factor of such dircet contact of skin to skin, to suggest such a incident occurred. Was you married? No! On the second founded statement of accounts'.
1.b. Nor was it an established, fact, on the first account of stated accusation, that a two year old child, could also come between a married couple of stated unfounded facts', by a mere glance and or look or paying attention to, educational teachings' that were being directed and or taught at the time. A terrapin a believe. And that, in Islam, it is to state, that, even the shaytan himself, if a couple truly love each other, and are ment to be together, for eternity, as true soul mates', he could not even break their ties and or come between them, no matter what. Nor was I aware of marital status at two years old, and or any other adult natures of such accounts'.
Fact, most men look for an excuse to leave, any excuse will do, if they really do not love and or cherish that individual. A direct exit is usually the case.
And or, nor was I a direct cause of other factors', such as an untimely death, whereby an accidental overdose of drunken disorder, caused the fatal final hours of a character who had firm established illnesses already, in and around the stated family units of discussions'. I did not prescribe, nor did I hold a beer can to the individual involved at the time of death, the person involved, knew the risk associations of death and the taking of the medications on prescriptions, and had been doing the same effective routine, year in and year out, whereby kidney failure would have been more of the correct established cause of death, then any other under-lining factor.
2. It was not compulsory, and rather it was a form of emotional blackmail on parts', to hold myself at a position of vulnerabilities of persuasive staying powers of manipulations' from adults versed in life skills', and that if I was truly a burden of adulterous behaviours, I would have been shown the door years ago.
Nineteen years is a go time to reside with one family unit... a direct adulteress would have been out casted years ago, at the time of the unfounded allegations' of effectiveness.
3. Getting back to, I, an established virgin under the laws of the land, did not break the codes' of conduction's of adultery, in that no married status of ties was founded on my part, nor was I aware that any other persons involved in my private affairs of matters', were either married, and was aware of any established long term separations', that would have been classed as a valid divorce under Islamic tecahings of accounts, when corrupting personalities' tried to lure me away from my true character of righteous behaviours, all behaviours done and carried out in line with the lightest of Qu'ranic punishments if I had known the Islamic teachings', and or rulings at the time, firmly, and that, I am a true believer......and truth in words and deeds'.
As for a light hit, I believe I was hit first, if my memory corrects me....and that I was told to do so by the mother , at a tender age of eight, and that in all accounts', had she herself not have instructed me to do so, then I would not have done so.
And that, am I still being persecuted for that.
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