Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Internationally Renowned Haberdasher Askes', Knights' Academy

And other schools' of same based, foundational principles' of set regulations'

Addressed to the federation of associations':

The Board of Governing Bodies', based at, Askes' (Haberdasheries-Knights-Academies and the other associations of foundational - bases')

With a wide range of political-concerns', it has been addressed on numerous occasions', at various parent-associations, of private-club-memberings', and associations' of outside-based-unities', the growing concerns of teenage and adolescence-sexual-inclinations', of unlawful-sexual-behaviours' of illegal penetrations of such activities', thus law breaking in the process, and pregnancies before the stated recommended age of the politically - correct - legal - system of effect, in association with the law of the land.

A concern has arisen, over and due to these concerning-sexual-issues', because of the broad-based-medias' of publicity's', bringing to the attention the concerns' of their children's stated futures'.

With teenage pregnancy being at an all time high, the agenda and concern should be to over-see the reduction of this statistical state concern.

In this private address, parents' are keen to foresee to the full segregation of the free mixing of male and female students' until the appropriated age of the stated criteria of the law of the land, sixteen, and or, better still, have a straight through policy, that foresees' to the complete-class-segregation's', that will be a better investment and foresee to better grading-class-results' of future prospecting and university placements of gained and graded entries'.

Thus, improving and bettering the Academies results and over-all-scoring' of league tables' and offering our children better chances of success in their youth.....foreseeing to good job applications' of higher ranking positions', with less concerns' of fertility arrangements of unlawful penetrations of illegalities' that deter all functionally male and or female students from the attention of their class and tuition's of valid and crucial studying periods'.

In that, there is a known decline in the measurements of the proportions' of class results, when the first years' are moved into second year status', and allowed to partially mix with the opposite sexes', seeing a reduction in concentrations and grading results'.

We propose, for the betterment of school-managements', the reducing of teenage pregnancies and failure of decreasing class grading results', and better success of lifetime job applications from the attending of university placements', that you implement a regulation of non-mixing-class-status', segregation's of sporting additional classes', and only mix the children in group sessions on occasions' where it seems fit and appropriate...... for extra curricular activities', where they may be benefit, such as drama associations and or music entries', at the choice and or agreements of the parents', to allow for these group participation's'.

We see, that the first year segregation policy works very well, and we see and are impressed with the first year service, and in that, no parent and or other child authority has complained about this, thus, by ruling choice, has chosen to send their children to a first year segregation school.

Thus it is to state, with the over-all concern of sexually transmitted diseases and multiple partners' in youth, that we all agree, the complete segregation would be in the best interests' of the new generation of children subjected at facing the uncertain future of clean sound partners and other.

Prevention by falling statical ratings of care and certified attentions', by any means necessary, has to be better then cure'.

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