Monday 11 April 2011


Is it April, or the midst's of summer?, I am sure its still not supposed to be as hot as this, this time of year, if my memory corrects me.

The carbon admissions are still a growing concern, if I have resolved the issues of all the heat related and unnecessary product usages', cars and other avoidable carbon admissions, I wouldn't be sitting here still wondering why it is so hot during this month.

This is just outrageous, what are you all doing? To be producing so much heat!

How can you help today?


An accessory to additional carbon crime.

With trillions of cameras used world wide on a daily bases', and still a market for consumptions', are they really a necessary item?

In the last twelve years I have accumulated less then one hundred photos', and hardly ever use a camera.

And most of those photos were collected in the first year out of those twelve years'.

Ask yourself, how much you are contributing to carbon admissions'? with the accumulations of unnecessary and ridiculous amounts of dis-regarded and or stored photos that line the bottom of your storage boxes', that dont ever come out, but more photos continue to take unprecedented space in the increasing number of storage boxes that you are gathering at the bottom of your bed.

Does that sound like you?

If that sounds like you, and you think you are not contributing to the carbon effect, then, I am sorry to say, you have to think again.

With trillions of people around the world with the same effective storage methods and part of this craze of lifestyle regulation, you photo takers are all just as big a contributor to the carbon effect as the established motor car users.

And that,if my readers who take unnecessary photography, were to stop doing so, with immediate effect, with the word spreading fast and wide, we will be putting this new carbon friendly hope into effect from today, a cleaner atmosphere. Are you a carbon cleaner!

One camera, that produces' five units of heat, in one day from continuous usage, with one trillion other people effetely doing the same, then we will multiply that five small units' by one trillion heat units of conduction, then you will have your estimated heat out put on a daily bases'. 5 units' x one trillion and or more

With humanities population at an all time high, carbon has to a a priority for all households that use electric, cars and other heat producing products of conduction's, please try to follow my set examples' as stated and recorded in previous blog entries'.

Can you stop this unhealthy camera addiction today, if you think that's you, maybe you can help the spring season return to its natural breezy, windy, feel.....

Again I will state, its far too hot this time of year, once again!

Thank you....are we going to have a human chain reaction?

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