Tuesday 12 April 2011

Islam channel

It is OK to kiss the forehead, the hand and or foot, in relation to a husband and or nearing relative, the like of your own children.

However, it is better to avoid the foot area, on most occasions' as this can lead to a known deviation, later in vast cultural terms of practise, as seen with other religious identities.

But on a occasion, out of affection, then the kissing of the foot would be allowed.

It has to do with the inner intension of the soul in the given kiss, if the kiss has an inner intention of partnership in worship, then it is Haram, but if the kiss is the sole purpose of affection, then its halal, as there is no partnership in it.

Sign language is also allowed, as it is a non form of worship, rather it is intended to communicate, as with the affections' of the kissing, be it in whatever position the other relation be in, sitting, standing and or residing in, at the time, of the established kiss

However, if you think that, this action will cause you to default at a later stage in your culture, and or children, without the correction of teachings' of the principles of deen, then it is better to leave it out, but if the correct Islam is firmly sent and established in adhering children, then there is no harm in it.

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