Friday 15 April 2011

The Western and European slave industry of :

Attack, colonise and kill

Has been carried out since the time of Christopher Columbus.....and the eighth plinth

Are you happy that the monetary funds' that you live off, eat by and work by, from their illegal stealing funds' of Attack, Colonise and kill, are feeding you, bathing you, and holidaying you.

What is this?

And that, if this illegal stealing and colonisations of wealth by illegalities, and enslavement's under western ideologies' doesn't stop here, when will it stop?

Gaddafi, has the ability to exchange new negotiations with the western powers', but out of their greed to accumulate wealth through any bloody-death-bath-means necessary, they refuse to re-set the contracts', instead they would prefer to see the Arab people enslaved, with the basic of minimum table foods', whereby the west are building mass industries of mega powers on the Arabic heritages of in-land rights of the native people.

The ideologies of the imposing west, counteract the standing diplomatic powers of control and rights to democratic freedoms', as they fundamentally believe and, stand-by so righteously, that it is clear the democracy of controls and diplomatic standards of this American ideologies has mass floors of counteracting and contradictory ideologies of leadership.

Whereby their people, are out of control, murder, rape, child rape, elderly abuses' and utter mayhem of destruction's of all social orders', whereby every individual in the western states are afraid to sleep at night, in fear of their own safety.

This is a unity dream? of what? Murder, manslaughter, solvent abuses'-teenage deaths by associations', destruction of families' by the freedom to bet and gamble, the destruction of families' by the increasing tax on each working family.....this is idealism's'?

Where is this idealism?

Whereby they are sending your families', sons', also to their deaths', by their greedy innovations of unfairing laws' and other.

Lets name some of the lands' under democratic enslavement's'

Scotland, Ireland, Wales', America its-self, still in the midst's of the American civil-un-ending-war-

England, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Spain, Algeria, not to mention the Afro Caribbean- and other African states', whereby the west have imposed tax and industry in the name of the slave trades' that are still impartial to re-negotiations', and farmers are still earning one quarter of a wage that they are suppose to be earning......

And more.....

And these civil wars haven't gone away, and they are still very much in existence today.......the turmoil of the western countries clearly-indicates this.

And that all negotiating war lords, will be at risk of further disarrays and mayhem's in their own lands', if they are in agreements and or are seen to be in partnerships' with the murderous plights of western thefts', there will be a change in your social structures', and a complete breakdown of co-herences', and thus there will be a follow -ship of a reflective pattern that will spread internationally and no country will be impartial to civil on and or in land wars'.

And Russia, is this what you wish to see, in your land......and china, is this what you wish to see in your lands'.

The same effective mayhem as the on-going civil war in America, whereby its a free sex trade for all, including the buyng and selling of babies for sex too, and more? And its not true, is it?

And then, Vietnam and then Afghanistan and Iraq and then what, then the Prof of photographic natures', too vastly unseen and too unbearable to even see, we only saw what they allowed us to see, and that most other photos' would have have caused civil unrests', and the highest of concerns' for all the righteous fairing folk.....of native peoples internationally.

And that they are still in concealment's of these disgusting images', locked up for THEIR OWN national securities' of hate campaigning against American people, as they are too disgusting and disturbing to show, and you think the movies of horror shows are bad, do you? then you haven't seen what these soldiers' have really done yet, in the name of Democracy and standards of freedoms', have you?

And that, there were British soldiers' and other soldiers of other national racists' involved in these crimes' too.

And that, some more heart felt soldiers saw, what they have never seen before, too disgusting to talk about.....and had they known what they would have witnessed......they would have taken refuge into lands' as immigrants of illegalities' , instead of being partisan to such sex, murder and mass culling of people in the name of industry, through humiliations and murders too gruesome for any individual to handle the sight of them.

Find out more?

Ask the American institution what they have in their top security lock up. for national safety and high alert, under censorship's of disgusting acts carried out by their own national frontiers of representatives of their forceful democracies that counteract what they stand for, freedom of choice of leaderships', we never stated that we wished for America too lead this counteracting their own ideologies'?....of course it is..So why then?

En slavery of yet another native people.

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