Thursday 14 April 2011

And that a believing, practising brother, of religious scriptures' of mature natures', well versed in women's rights and word lit tactics of disciplines' is better then a non believing brother, that is only interested in monetary gains of fiances'.....

And that, in that, believing sisters are better for marriage then non believing sisters'....

And that, in that, if a believing sister decides to reside and live with a brother, that is lacking in religious aspects' and is patient and waits', then that is because she knows' his face will be lit up with shame on the final day of the judgement call for the abuses' and or other residence of natures' that he decided to reside with her, for.

And the other way around'.

That's why more religious partners' decide to stay the course, because they know that the final judgement resides with Allah.

And that, even though we give judgement calls', there is only one returning final judgement, to face, and that is He, Allah alone.

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