Thursday 28 April 2011

Shell I tell you what a ruling monarch, or a ruling king and or queen should comprise of?

A Holy-Order of Grace

A studying representative of religious-authentic books', to first be a king, You have to be a Leading-Religious-House-Leader and representative, debaucheries and sex before marriage? Under their own stated laws' of religious principles? the case of the forth coming monarch, prince William and Kate Middleton, represent what, exactly?

Celebrity status of showmanship!

A mockery to the very word religion and they are given and or ranked role modelling statues of society?

Surrounding by what exactly ?, peoples' wealth...and doing what?..self -indulgence at a time when the world has been hit by disaster after disaster?

All rules of awaiting the courtship' of the ladies in waiting, hidden from public view, thrown to the dogs', for the sake of social change, under the laws' of their own scriptational affairs of ministrations of biblical-translations, that have no barring on my own statues' of work.

And thus, will the real royalties' of the direct linages of prophetic births', the direct linage's' of the first man and woman, hidden in discretion's of the world for the safety of their own welfare, and disbelief of those of our children and flock, gone astray, from the ark of Noah's convoy, we will stand up, for counting, while the bums' of theft remain in powers of control....

Are you keeping up...?

What's on the agenda tonight?

I have friends based at the elephant and castle that need assistance, in their food chains' of burger industries', they are Turkish brothers, not getting any younger, the burgers', fresh, a real burger, how it should be cooked, maybe, after you venture out for the breaking of the race ties', might find their brother working a stall, stand there, midnight feasting is unavailable, though they might allow you back store entrance under special circumstance.......a filtering system has to be implemented as not to arise suspicion, you know the Monarch of the glen is always on the hunt for me.

And if he dares find me, he will surely slay me, he shell surely slay me dead.....because, I am the standing opposing Queen, a Queen greater then his kingship will ever be....and all we see, is death by forceful means', in what? A call to freedom of choice in religion, or a damnation of codes'......for those that oppose his throne.

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