Sunday 6 February 2011

We will say that, residence will rope family members in for holidays', and the tourism trade will run on these associations'.

We will say that, other relatives and or guests and or family friends will also be able to gain access to holidays and tourism's through associations via visa applications'.

We will be visiting so and so At so and so location, we have been invited by so and so, for the period of so and so, we will be staying at this location out of their family home, with a covering letter from them, inviting us in.

We will say that, work associated visa will run systemically the same, whereby the business will invite their associates to meeting conference from one set time to another, for a period of so and so and such and such.....they will be residing at such and such location, and her is a covering letter of entry into the country.

We will say.....hobbyists', will be allowed special Visa entries', and will have to belong to a hobby association to be able to gain special circumstance visas', and people who wish to visit religious sites of faith identity will have to prove that they are associated with such and such church and or other, with letters of congregation attendance, will be granted special circumstance visas' , and people with extreme aliments that need sun light medications' for entry, with covering letters from project associations, and or hospitals'.....will granted reprieves of entry into Egypt.

This will sustain a good tourism industry, within reason, and at the same time be clamping down on people who wish to abuse the generosity of the hospitality's of the Muslim lands', in disrespect and disregard of the laws' of the land and the over-all good strong practises' of all religions that reside side by side in Egypt.

In this; this will give vasts amounts of people, entry into the land, through and or via associations'....if there is a side line business transaction of entry via another association, then it will be done through someone who knows someone who they recommend as a viable and good person for a tourism transaction of residence, through that family member, guest of that family member and or friend of that family member of residence in Egypt.

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