Sunday 27 February 2011

It appears that there is strong support for Gaddafi, I dont see anywhere, any mass protests that have instigated any signs that they wish to outs Gaddafi, they might be up-rising, they might not be working, they might even be some people from outside immigrations that say things objective and or in opposition to Gaddafi's rein, but that no way indicates that they wish to see the demise of such a figure.

The mere fact that there isn't any signs' and or other, mass congregations of people, like in Egypt suggests' that their protests are in line with better employment managements and an Independence of Islamic states and their own stated rights of heritages'.

Why do they keep saying his going to fall, I dont see any impending visions of that, with new negotiations', needing to be addressed, being him the only one that can do so.

And that, as Muslim identities we have to work and act together.

We are not being unreasonable in our demands under our democratic rights' to contract and our reining state of our heritage of Islamic states of leaderships', under our freedom of choice affairs'. As I keep personifying.

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