Saturday 19 February 2011

Legal representation of self-respect and other objecting circumstances', whereby Ireland and or the Irish congregations of members of the church, are subsequently-indirectly blaming myself for Abortions of their own prostitution' of two young women that decided by themselves', to have contraceptive advices' and or other stated affiliated criminality's against church regulations'.

Not to state names for discretion purposes out of compassion for you, even though you have damned my life and persecuted me, on this matter, I will not effectively do the same damaging, even though , it is a life for a life under your ideologies of religious principles', I could quite easily indite and instigate church hatred against these two females that you have decided to lay blame on me, for their own actions of debaucheries of Church laws'.

Fact: The first young woman in question, had asked, without any pre-warnings of consequence and or by a deliberated act of entrapment, to attend a contraceptive clinic with her, in relation to her own miss-givings' of the boyfriend effect. Whereby at that stated age, I had no Idea of the furthering consequence and or damage I would inflict on myself, in relation to this matter, as my stated age of recognition, and not being an active member of thec hurch whereby I understood all laws' of legal matters' and or repurcussions', in relation to the God's laws' and representations' at the time.

Lady number two:

In question of this, by her own failings', she was messing around with the boys, and having boyfriends'.

I was not!

She was at the legal age requirement for sex under the law of this land.

She has/had a father who owned his own pub.

A Pub is where?

I put this to you.....where adultery takes place, whereby mass abortions take place, whereby women are subjected to pimpimg and drugs', whereby people become addicted to alcohol that further leaves them with impending other circumstances of personal infringements' to health and other.

Her father being a Irish member of the church, hosting a home, for the major criminality that goes against all Irish church condolences', women having adulterous affairs, sex before marriage, subjected to abortions of mass proportions depending on how long the facility had been opened for and other, and many other obstructive church laws' broken under this pub licencing commissions. Is the pub a bog hit in ireland ?, you bet ya.

She was actively involved in her own miss-givings', of sex before marriage, and an under-and or secret abortion, I think, because of all the fuss you are making about this, I presume it is that.

Showing symptoms of pregnancy and then furthering a doctors appointment, that I wasnt and or had any partisan too, and or attendance too.

Thus; you criminalise me?

See your own miss-givings' first.

And then what did you do?

All the acts that are forbidden in your own teachings, you used them against me, at a tender age, of non, understanding and innocence to your corrupting bullying ploys to crush me.

And what?

Allah has made me what ?

A teacher of religious laws' and has given me status of credit that your church has failed to personify in. Whereby, all we hear about is homosexual priests and child sex.

So just shut up.

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