Thursday 17 February 2011

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

I Will be representing, Khalid Shaikh Mohammad and the four co-examined and or tortured and or subjected to violence of abuses', before stated confessions of no choice under duress of circumstance to plead guilty of crimes that they had no prior and or other knowledge of, before the extreme interviewing tactics of degradations', humiliations' of incomprehensible natures', took place.

Under the circumstance of factual profs that these altercations took place, with mass publicity of events and with official army abuses', on other supposedly apparent criminality's, in places such as Iraq, the notorious Abu Gharib Prison, the murderous on-slaught of innocent civilians arrested and persecuted at the hands of the internal administrations lack of abilities to employ credible and clean officers for recommendations to work abroad, with criminality's of extreme internal failings', within the work force of the American deployments of soldiers, and prison guards and or other, either based in America and or other. And that, if this was the case, whereby it has thousands of abusive, sadistic pictorial photographs of all the mentioned as above, then it would be quite easy for the following corruptions of higher powers', accusations' with foundment for concern, for these individuals accused of perpetrating 9/11, to be framed by other fraudulent and or internal criminals of natures, within the already vast corrupted institution that was at the time in the midst's of perpetrating extreme violent and sexual altercations against poor Muslims aboard and within their own systemic prisons, Guantanamo Bay. Also murder and unaccountable death associations of Muslim inmates', without any justice of accounts and or sentences and or investigations' carried out in light of these deaths by association of prison detentions'.

I will thereby, after this forwarding letter to the established court hearing of accounts and testimonies', will be placing together a credible defence system for these accused and or made to ultimately confess to crimes' that they were never involved in, by means of clean, clear reputations before any stated and or put before the Cross examination and or forwarding by the prosecutions of accounts, with no credible lawyers who have ultimately failed to identify the circumstance and or conditions of these fellow detainees', before legal representations'. I will therefore, be looking at all other accusations and or allegations with extreme scrutiny, in relation to other past historic events' relating to Afghanistan and or other implicating circumstances' that may have contributed to unfounded claims of terriorms', that have been distorted in known given fact, without any proof evidences that this individual was part and pr partisan to any known fighting campaign while residing in a poverty stricken land , aiding the people in education nd other benefactors of help. Being one of the most deprived lands in the world, with credible, other Muslims', with the same accusations brought forward in their name of circumstance and have there after been acquitted of all known involvements'.

It has be stated and is a known fact that these systemic failings and mass abuses took place, to gain false testimony of accounts in relation to individuals that were and or have been previous to any convictions', law abiding citizens of both, Muslim lands' and or homelands of western and or democratic lands' of influences'.

And that a computer purchased at a location of stated accounts, may have been infiltrated with a virus to implement these two individual, who are in blame of each other, in relation to other evidences found to be stored on a history of hard drive equipment.

A long standing review of corruption and circumstance, indicting internal corrupted sources of outlets', to place one and two men in the spot light of a crime, that they could not hold anyone individual for. Thus easing the pressure of public demands to bring justice about. What better representative to hold the accounts of these perpetrators' then that of someone who chose to be a volunteer of aid and distribution and or teaching skills to the less fortunate, in a land that has recent history between the poor Muslims and or other fighting interesting of boarder campaigns'. A prime target for fraudulent framing and conspiracies' to ease the states pressures for the call of public demand in looking for he right s of justice.

Can it be proved that these two individuals were the persons and or person who stored uncharted information,

Fact: No

Can it be proved that Mr Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, was in Afghanistan on other reasons then that of charity, aid and teaching work employments to the less skilled.

Fact: No

Can it be proved that the government framed and or higher powers', with credible recognition from the defence, framed these four men in question to relieve the pressures of demands for public justice.

Fact: No

So the additional accounts' of storage can be dropped as inconclusive substantial evidence that wither one or the other participated in the gathering to internal government documentations', that could only be obtained in reality be inside forces of higher powers'.

If can not be proved that the source material was and or stored by both men in question, even though found at the location of residence.

Thus the government had to indite someone, for a crime that was quite frankly under-taken by the sole perpetrators at the crime scene its' self.

That is the gathered defence.

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