Monday 14 February 2011

Abu Baker Bashir

As a legal representative of Abu Baker Bashir, it surpasses all stated facts' of legal knowledge base, that the governments and or controls' of authoritarian persona, have waited more then nine years' to indite and or bring charges' against a Muslim cleric who has been residing in relative peace of teachings' and tactics and up-holding His individual rights' of freedoms of speech under the democratic laws of implementations in Indonesia.

Mr Abu Baker Bashir's, right to oppose the implementations of democracy, his right to practice and preach under the democratic values' and laws of implementations by Indonesia, the laws' of Islam to teach to the Islamic community, that would, by individual status of character, implement self sharia laws', by attending Islamic classes' and lecturing of Islamic teachings'. Thus by individual status of personal choice, the choice to reject the current democratic powers of influence of teachings', by teachings of Islamic moral conducts and correct codes of livelihood and martial ties of bondships'.

Why have the authorities waited to indite such a apparent threat to society and or social foundations', with vast gaps of time periods'.

If Abu Baker Bashir was such a stated threat to the mass-majority of western powers', who have far more reaching super power arms', and or had, and or, without good solid Muslim representations of Muslim thoughts and or views on matters of the west, thought in miss-appropriations that Islam may have been a direct threat at one particular time period of influence by other faith groups', with different agendas' and or different inner interests against the Muslim values of lifestyle and religious choice.

Thus to say that the west had more arms available and or at hand, with vast internal Mafioso links' , it could have been quite easily orchestrated by corrupted bodies of higher Western powers', the attacks on individuals to indite a simple poor teacher that opposed all democratic values of Indonesia state of interim affairs'. So it is to say, that the poor teachers of Islamic studies', why ?, as mentioned and or with the charges brought against him, the question has to be asked, wouldn't he have been subsequently charged with factual evidences brought against him, for a life term in prison, without any possibilities of release, ages ago. With the attacks being as strong as they were, wouldn't there have been more associated evidences at those given periods in time.

With FBI and CIA.....MI5, and the vast knowledge base they have in crime scene investigations', nothing would have surpassed them in their quest to find the perpetrator of such an influenced and Strong attacks across the board of a string of set attacks that they now are associating with and or trying to indite Mr Abu Baker Bashir, for.

When viewing other stated documentaries', on crime and crime affiliations of orchestrated attacks' and or murders of homicides and other, the police and or investigations teams are quick to respond and gather as much associated evidences together to get convictions against the perpetrators of those crimes' without any facts being miss-layed, Miss-interpreted and or any neglects in their knowledge base of crime scenes'. So we will state that, if the evidences were in fact as strong as they now claim, they would have been able to gain and or indite Mr Abu Baker Bashir for mass murderous crime affiliations years ago, without the possibilities of release.

The fact of the matter is, these evidences were not prevalent, there wasn't enough associated links to associate Mr Abu Baker Bashir to the string of attacks that they continuously lay blame to him, in relation to this aging teacher of religious laws' and his views of the rights to up-hold sharia status of studies, and his right to individual choice, under democratic values', to oppose the democracy of stated implementations', in Indonesia.

If the facts were there and strong enough, with all the advances in technologies and crime affiliated associations of investigations', the crime scene and homicide of mass proportions', in the cases of the stated attacks', would have linked Mr Abu Baker Bashir into the crimes', they are now, after nine years', trying to indite him for. 78 Years of age.....tired ready and for retirement......its a disgrace of public court display.

Its a complete fascicle Joke, the summery is, there was no evidence at the time, and that the evidences put forward now, are too late for considerations', considering the advances in technologies and sceintific advances that would have seen the imprisonment and trail and conviction of Mr Abu Baker Bashir years ago.

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