Sunday 6 February 2011

The vice president may not take on, the now classed as, and current illegitimate government in Egypt, whereby the peoples' choice under democratic laws' of legality, over rides' all parties in the government administrations' that still holds' claims that are not legally recognised in Egypt....

And that by way of boycotting industries of powers', the people will be able to stand strong for an Islamic state of peaceful rule and religious law.

In that, we will say, under the way the prophet Mohammad PBUH, sustained a society that was shared with other faith groups' , that didn't effect the over-all majority of Muslim residence, in peaceful living and cohesion's'.

With the proceeding proposals set forward, we are not unaware that there are other faith value groups that reside in Egypt, but if they are prepared to recognise the laws' of the lands' , as the majority of Muslims recognise the laws' of the lands in other Europe and other countries of residence, then there should be no problems of co living and peaceful residence.

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