Tuesday 8 February 2011

Claims and only claims' to the latest airport bombings in Moscow.

When debating and or given a opinion, sometimes the person giving a view and or suggestion is not always right.

Maybe; this man was a Muslim, maybe it was a revenge attack after the onslaught of the bush administration into the Muslim lands', whereby the poverty stricken Muslim nation, was bombarded with mass airborne attacks' that killed thousands of innocent men, women and children all across the board, without even mentioning all the other horrendous crimes committed against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, in a illegal war campaign and mission against the innocent Muslim nation. It happens', revenge attacks': Ireland and Britain are a prime example......Ireland is even worse, because they kill in the name of land and not the murder of their nationalists -republicans'.

Maybe it was a copycat video footage of Osama, we see copycat images of murderous films portrayed in everyday life, and that with statistical facts and figuration's',its a fact.

It could have been a paid Job, it could have been a creepy crazy nut...loony, trying to disturb the ties we are all trying to build, but I am only speculating........

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