Sunday 20 February 2011

In light of the circumstance, the same ruling for a film base, whereby a profit and or engineering an extensive investment, that will be beneficial to the economy and the peoples interests' of self preservation's from furthering Harams', then the same principled laws' for the food programme and investments of economics would also apply to this investment of control, thou I would not recommend this activity for any other source of everyday Muslims' not unless they know and or are religious teachers' that have the ability to give a valid, verified fatwa on the topic of high zeena and other damaging effects', that can be stopped and or prevented with small negotiations that will benefit the over-all standards of religious and or other circumstance in their homeland, thus a minor Haram, that will be beneficial in the west, for the children or other personal who have been effected by the high crime rates', whereby their freedoms of outside activities of play and other, have been stolen by a high corrupted society.

Providing a vital release for these effected children and or adults that are scared to venture out in fear of attacks and other murderous and or raping violations'.

This isn't to be recommended for Muslim lands' whereby the children have escapism's from reality, in the freedoms of play and non restrictments of a healthy lifestyle of religious and other implementing foundations'.

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