Sunday 20 February 2011


In response to the latest comments' by the shadow chancellor in relation to the up-risings across the Mediterranean.

The European commissions should understand that all Mediterranean and or Arabic states', land and or other, are at present, experiencing an up-rising that hasn't been seen since an on the ground civil wars of natures to effect.

The protesters' have been violent and extremely abusive in some cases', whereby officers and or military have been beaten and or killed during these established attacks on the reining authorities'. In particular, a harsh array of a string of un-before-seen protests, whereby not even the British administrations would know exactly what to do it they experienced any such a kind of an up-rising of effectiveness'.

With this in consideration, and the mere fact that instructions have been given as an almost command to be present in Britain to answer questions relating to this effect, is absolutely unfounded.

And when America was summoned to send its criminal activities in the army who perpetrated extreme sexual and degrading abuses' on Innocent Muslim all across Iraq, what happened? They were left where they were, with the lightest of sentencing' and allowed to go through with a birth, that would only see to a degrading life of persecutions', because of the status of the parents' activities'. And you know exactly what we are talking about.

So to state, we will ease up on the pressures of protective powers, but will not be subjected to a bullying ploy to overthrow Gaddafi, that has seen to a well state, with little troubles and good past business transactions of affairs'.

What we will state is that no work and to trading be done until matters of re-negotiations are made in light of the circumstance.

We are independent Islamic states', that wish to, under our democratic rights, implement full Islamic rulings and leadership[p, with the same proposals set and or similar to Egypt.

We have no other statement to give in relation to this matter, thank you for your interest.

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