Wednesday 2 February 2011


It is with great sadness that Tunisian people were court in the cross over of transitions'.

As Muslims, we have to understand that the police and or forces' were acting according to their set programme of education, with limited knowledge, of how to handle the protesters, with no prior experience, unlike the west who have experience in these areas' more so, it is vital that reprieves are granted.

The police and armed forces', remember. were not expecting a change in the standard regime, and were acting according to state laws' at the time of the up-rising..therefore, despite the loss of life, that we are all regrettable for, it is with that, the persons responsible for the death of various people, should act as a reinforced son and or member of that family, compensating a various set wage to them, in order to ease the burdens of life's struggle, this is in accordance with Islamic teachings', for those people who wish to except this agreement.

For those that do not, then it is just a mere apology letter of understanding, no one could have in vision the current up-rising, therefore reprieves should be granted, for irrational behaviours of un proportioned measures', whereby the effects of the protesters caused a surge of panic within the police force and thus caused them to react they way they did, remembering that these guys' were not and or trained in such crowd controls'.

Unlike the west, who seem to take advantage of progressions in standard laws' of Europe, knowing that they have advanced in human rights and other legal processes', at least thirty years our Senior, their calls for justice, will not fit the appropriate situation in Arab lands', rather, I will speak on behalf of the Arab people, seen that I am versed n both laws'.

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