Wednesday 2 February 2011

Egypt, its' not your economy that will be effected, and or hit with major losses', you earn only enough for bread on your tables', while they are building car industries off your proceeds'.....

I need you all to come out wearing your Islamic garments', with peace banners', and demands for an Islamic state run on Islamic rule of laws with the proposals set...

Its not as if the west isn't used to seeing Saudi Arabian garments on the Islamic channel, it runs world wide.

I need Saudi Arabia-to come out and fill the streets with the, today prayers', in support of the set proposals', of work opportunities and work based visa implementations and re-negotiations of set prices' to meet the world economic standards', whereby the west are no longer getting mass wealth of oil reserves for virtually nothing.

The proposals set in line with Israel, in relation to the current precedent and all other set proposals that I have put forward in light of the sensitive circumstance.

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