Friday 4 February 2011

Rainforest's drought

To cause and create evaporation in the air, there has to be improvised condensation poles, that create moist soils' by heat conduction collected inside metal poles' with open tops' to act and create improvised rain capsules and condensation containers' of almost a drip irrigation, but on a faster scale of water droplet investments, whereby, water drips' back into the soil, creating good strong, wet soil.

Some of you may think that the poles will create a similar impact of heat admissions as the windmill investments in the sea, but this is not the case, because with cooling water conductions' of drips of steam, that creates steam and an environment that is used to contained, damp warm atmospheres', it will create a reserves effect of cooling and creating more water in the will be implemented where it is meant to be.

Thus, there will be moist soils of oxygenated natures', because water contains O2 - oxygen properties', with the watering of the roots of the trees', there will be more leaf evaporation's, causing mists in the air, creating streams of clouds, of what then creates' and establishes' rain.

How to employ people and how much you invest, Will be down to you.

A completely different idea and concept to the windmill effect, saving monetary funds, an easy established idea, that will be a investment for years to come.

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