Friday 15 October 2010

Ziyad Yaghi

An American citizen, born and raised in a land far from his origin, residing with a vast culture of mixed-heritage -population.

Adapting to life as a legal-American-born-citizen, with ties' of origin elsewhere, coming from a middle-class background', being raised in the middle of an American -Afghanistan dispute, Mr Yaghi decided to find out and educate himself about his own historical facts' of linage.

After the spreading and hearing of narrated stories' from soldiers about life and culture of Afghanistan's' people, and vast amounts of publicity in and around Islamic and other associated press coverage, Yaghi wished to be enlightened with some heritage of his own.

Plausible-tourism had fluctuated; with many young-youths' desiring the same journeys' , with ticket fluctuations' in and around that period of and in time, it was a youth associated faze, nothing more and nothing less.

Being young and diss-associated with any known organisations', no prior history of corruptions', with good friend associations and schooling, why would there be any reason with a known and booked certified flight, for all the world to see, why would there be reasons' for him to go on a journey to the middle-east, only under the banner of self-interests' in regards to vacations and tourism souvenirs' to show and keep for future reference of explanation and narrated story telling to friends and relatives of his trip and how life and culture are so different in comparison with American lifestyle in general.

There is no plausible reasons and or association that state otherwise in relation to Mr Yaghi, with a certified factual prof of documentations' of conspiracies, and prof of ticket statistic's can be issued in and around the years in question to prove with evidence that the tourism trade had fluctuated and has continued to grow in the regin; over the course of the years', and other known tourists of similar age and persona have ventured for t he same purposes' and have been completely allowed to roam free, within and out of the American state, under the same reasons' as Mr Yaghi, and that because he was one of the first groups of youths' to travel as a tourist, the system sort him out to conspire a conviction themselves' and have no evidence to do so, with factual documentations that state otherwise, only conjecture.

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