Friday 8 October 2010

Plankton; a wide plague of this infection, is now contributing to the warming of the sea and air enviroment of the world, by means' of, breathing all the oxygen that resides' in the water.

Living on small amounts of oxygen, it is easy for them to survive under harden conditions of air related environments.

There is a simple solution to increase the oxygen in the water, in return, the oxygen will cool the worlds' water down, thus cooling the environment down in the process.

And that is to employ marine-biologists and expert divers' to plant millions of sea-plant-life into the water that has fallen victim to such a infectious-micro bacterial-fishery epidemic.

The fishes' that reside on the bottom of the ocean are eating-away and or have eaten away all plant-life and, this is what has effectually increased the temperature of the water, making it the perfect breeding ground for small bacteria na dor tiny micro fish, that can survive on the minimum oxygen available. Cool water and cool air, as it rotates' in a vapourisation process of effectiveness into the atmosphere and back down again as cool rain fall.

Its' your choice.

There is no other option.

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