Friday 8 October 2010

Al Odah

After the last Nations' and responses' of jury ties' in associations' with freedoms granted to victims' who were wrongly accused and or assumed other then there appropriated-status, of what was a clear breech and injustice of humanity and human rights vindications'.

Al Odah-being apart of the small segregated humanitarians' who were educated under schooling's' and or middle-class natures' in their homelands', was another sympathiser to Afghanistan poverty of standards.

When reaching Afghanistan, he was introduced to the government, who at that time were known as the Taliban administration of interim-affairs.

This name title and job description- allows the government-interim to control their land under their rein of religious and or other laws' of the land, as they and the people of the country agree to be of leadership, and if the people were not happy with the interim of the Afghanistan-government their displeasure-would have been known, by other means' of protests; and or street-demonstrations', as we have witnessed-recently with the illegal-invasion and occupation done by outside-influences' of a different background-culture and subsequent -reprimanding of a country that had no financial-aid to be associated with the attacks that struck America on September the 9th 2001 at 11 am.

And that; Mr Odah was welcomed by the friendly informal government ship of the Taliban, and had an informal meeting and discussion of what he would be teaching and what his intentions' were in the land.

After residing in the land for a period of unrelated time, Odah had no idea about the dangers that lay ahead in regards to a strike against America and or the subsequent attack that led to Afghanistan -being hit by a illegal war campaign that was propagandised by media press associations'.

With threats of a siege; government-officials' of Afghanistan made Odah priority, in regards to his safety and well-being.

Apprehending-him; in a convoy of what was not an unusual events in such a barren land of hardship and many people who lined the streets' in poverty, ready to attack the mainstream admissions for money and other goods' associated with the position of leadership.

Guns' were a protocol of the administration, on a daily bases' as many government-trails; take this precaution, with police and other official backtrailers' who also carry weaponry, for the same purposes' the only difference being, is that wealthy countries can do it in a protective stlye that suits' their environment.

Odah was passed, a gun, that he didn't intend to use, nor did the administrations of effect intend to use their weaponry, the sole purpose was to flee, the initial attack and to take coverage for protection of education and leadership-response of their people.

Remember; you are clearly mis-taking an official-government of leaderships' educated in religion and diplomacy, and readily extorting the facts' because to the poverty and rough appearance of the interim-leadership at the time.

They refused to release their land, because that is all the poverty stricken people had in rights of owner-ship, and economical-status of a few-pounds of exportation and tourism from Pakistan.

And Mr Odah; was of company with them to plan-reform in small-home-based schooling of Quran-lessons', and medical-assistance, as babies and infant-fatalities were at an all time- high in Afghanistan, as reported in statistics, due to the poverty and that's why many middle-class Arab people, who were educated and other relief workers' went into the land at that particular time and period of poverty, to help aid the dying and venerable.

Merely for helping build schools-relief work in association with minor medical-knowledge and other small distributions of Charity.

Mr Odah, needs a retrial with immediate-effect.

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