Wednesday 20 October 2010

Saud-Saudi Prince

Lets' examine this video footage more carefully

In the apparent assault of what could quite frankly have been banter of jibs of pl;ayfull movements and or practise defence skills', it is not uncommon for such practise to take place between a servant and prince.


1. There was no blood and or straining of physical contact that produced blood at the scene in the elevator.

2. The prince was holding two books', we can assume that had this been a real physical assault the prince would have dropped the books' and attacked the manservant more aggressively than what has been documented in the footage

3. There was no and or apparent extremely aggressive contact

4. The video suggests' that prince's are usually prone to target practise of banter and or defence skills' of what is in job descriptions' of Saudi Arabia manservant's, to enhance skills' of defensive natures'.

5. These target skills' can be used at any given moment of unsuspecting privacy, to enhance the nature defence and marked target alliances' of public attacks'.

6. It was suggested by some Gay and or homosexual couples that the Saudi prince was in a relationship with his manservant

7. This we do not deny, it is common practise for princes to assume relationships with there manservant's from culture of religious practise and that gay communities in London and or elsewhere in the world have no and or little knowledge of the culture surrounding such characters of persona in Muslim lands'.

8. And that; it is common practise for manservant's to sleep in the same quarters as their prince counterparts', sharing the most inner private lives' with them on religious grounds' of nature. And that; in Muslim lands; it is common practise for people to share rooms and beds of same sex without intimacies'; on these grounds' of personal space of clean conduct.

9. And that as part of banter and or other jesting uniqueness-laughably of photo capture of exposure; between friends, when entering shower units and or other happens all over the world and this is unique in regards to generation fashions' of circumstance, you will find this happens with football players who share quarters and privacy between friends where media is out of the picture; a freedom of expression.

10. And that; the Saudi prince could have been targeted by the Gay community; because of jealous connotations' of hatred against the whole concept of Islamic religion, and therefore was framed.

11. The evidence doesn't pinpoint DNA; and or other exposure of forensics', and that caution of such tests' would be re-Friend and or denied rights' of obtaining such clause of effect under the pro-mise that the scientific world could and alter the tests to their advantages and that; there was no evidential photo's and or witnesses' to the altercation of the manservant.

12. Nor was there any reason to suggest that the left banter was anything other then banter, it did not look aggressive nor was there any form of hard contact of painful strike.

13. There was no blood and nor was there a violent display, the books were held and not dropped, if the assault was aggressive, the books would have been dropped and the manservant would have been beaten to the ground, this wasn't the case, it appears more like, target jibs' of what is not uncommon in such relationships between such characters.

14, And; the gay community is well known for its' bitchy life-style of effect and cant be trusted in giving accounts of and or other, and that the odds' against an innocent prince who was practically innocent of the laws' of the land, and the carries on of the mass corruptions, in the underground nightlife of mass sex orgies and other; was and is a sheep- thrown tro the wolves and that all evidence should be dismissed as a plot and invasion of privacy on the grounds' that the relationship between the prince and has servant, was a long and well-established bondness of friendship and culture, and that there was an-unprecedented effort to employ a strategy to exploit and or target such a persona for gay community rights' of recognition, over-stepping and or assuming they could frame such a character, to implore their and exploit propaganda and media coverage across the Muslim world , to openly entice activities' and rights of European laws of open sexual displays' of homosexual natures' knowing that it is against all religious and or principles and is extremely frowned upon and disliked to the utmost of decrees', and that had a relationship of such a kind taken place, the Prince would have not openly murdered his servant for all the world to see.

15. And that all through the trail the prince sort to explain that the death penalty could be imposed on him with such accusations, of what the judge completely ruled out as not relevant, to the case, of the prince's identity-when in fact it is highly relevant considering that the case is situated around a infidelity of a gay relationship of what then resulted in a suggested ploy of nonfactual-circumstance of events', and the Gay community could have quite easy taken a small video footage paid for by higher-powers and exploited it for their own gratification of recognition world wide.

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