Wednesday 13 October 2010

Saifullah Paracha

Saifullah-Paracha - A unique entrepreneur, who came from a middle class background, who was sent for a duration period of study in America.

After living, working, getting married and settling-down, Mr Paracha's-links' of worked-based-life grow, with his social networking of very hard-workship, looking to build a franchise and expand.

After studying, and working, ties' flourished with friends who knew friends in another trade that would be prepared to commission and log jobs' from one enterprise to another.

Before long, Mr Paracha was well on his way to success, without missing and or filling every job that struck the right cord of appropriateness in the industry of export and inport of franchising and expanding across the board.

Working hard to build and establish a business network, all above board, with a small gap in the market for his produce, it wasn't long before, he became a self made business-man, otherwise known as an entrepreneur. With no prior history in criminality and a very well represented member of the law abiding citizenship act, with implacable mannerisms', it wasn't long, before associates from the international markets of goods' industry, became acquainted and be-friend ed such a person of conduction.

The perfect persona of character, that international franchising commissionaires' look for when dealing with people from abroad, I mean, without sounding-cras, criminality is frowned upon in such well organised-structures' of industry, and anyone involved in under-handed deceptions' are usually apprehended within an instance and resigned to maintenance jobs of lower stature, to put it quite politely.

And that; for such a man of calibre, a status of effect wouldn't have came his way had he been involved in any such allegations, as put forward and made by the interim administrations of affairs, at the united states' authorisation codes' of apprehension and detainment's of Mr Paracha. And that all known associates', would have had been totally dismayed at the very ludicrous of the allegations', knowing that the American state army and security codes' of authorisations' by the Bush administrations' had been distorted to the very core in relation to Mr Paracha.

The interim, has completely ignored the very status of this individual, and or any valued members of the international community, in regards to his personal persona and conduction, also completely disregarding the very fact that is ageing man, who has an immediate family, who built up an entire industry, with contact trades' across the franchise globe, with a clean status of name and affairs', and that in light of all of these above facts', the interim board has made a grave mistake, by pushing forward unfounded allegations' of connections' that never existed in factual and or other documentations' of disclosures' of accounts' that don't and have never existed.

This ageing man needs to be re-settled with his family, we as an international comm tee of human rights' federations' are appalled at the very essence that Mr Paracha has been indicted on crimes and for crimes' that factual evidences' fail to deliver a receipt of circumstance.

Though trade markets' will willingly endorse documentation of Prof trade of legitimacy without a second uttering of demand.

He is an aged man, that is extremely-ill, who is being shackled, with heart conditions' under extreme pressure of confinement, there is no way that a man who has worked hard all of his business life to build a future for his immediate family within the American boarders' should be handled and treated in such a manner.

We Will be happy to supply you with Prof of purchase and business links' of legitimacy, and request an immediate re-settlement to his family, who are awaiting his safe-return and medical-aid- of hospital treatment.

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