Monday 18 October 2010


All of the immediate investments' in small-community-leisure faculties', health regimes' for minors' and dental-hygiene-programmes', the government will be saving and is saving with immediate affect, billions' of pounds' already, in health care costs', and in the next ten years, with the increase of small leisure facilities across the board, the likely hood of the savings' will increase by a further double value from the investments being currently made, of course miracles do not happen over night, but the fact that the measures and steps' to reduce the amount of tax payers' money going on health care costs will drop even further.

Saving the government trillions' of pounds' for years to come.

And that any effect to reduce any services at this time, is just a measure of extra greed to keep themselves' in a extremely heavy pay packet, when most of the work of correspondence is done by volunteers', they are hypocrites'.

And that, the British army has a excellent reputation, in keeping other forces' well-known for worldly atrocities' in line and over-seeing; to reduce the likely hood of abuses', and the documentations of the the British forces' involved in any sexual incitements when aiding the Americans' in their bias campaign plight against Muslims' in Afghanistan was extremely low, if they didn't participate in any indecencies at all.

In regards to the well-being of the national citizens' of Afghanistan, and that the British forces were shocked and appalled at the abuses' later discovered and perpetrated by the out-side regimes' of American statesmanship, which claims ' liberty and free-conduct for all, that has quite apparently not worked in their own home land, being the most criminally insane known land in the world. And that; as you can see, the influence of right conduction is to correct your own people before you incite a hate campaign on a global scale.

And that the British forces' are One of the most well, behaved and forces' outside of the Muslim world, in regards to mannerisms'.....most of the time.

And if cuts are made here, who will look after and over-see the atrocious behaviour of the Americans' in lands' that they have personally set about to vindicate.

And that cuts' shouldn't be made any where right now, as the government is making and saving billions' with the new health measures and community leisure, and if they say otherwise they are ripping the monarchy off, in denial of income facts. and re-evaluations of tax document will need to be over-seen by accountants' of the mod as a middle man to reduce the chances of fraud.

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