Saturday 23 October 2010


1. You need to send on the Arabic nomadic dancers' with traditional dress

2. Then they need to recite Quran' as part of an interlope of show

3. We need some volunteers of celebrities

4. We need to mix in the charity of appeal and fund raising for the Children of conflict, around the world.

5. We need to have speakers' with story telling touch, of the hadith associations' people who can throw their voices to match the situations of the stories'.

6. We need more muslim appearances-of familiarity that other people can recognise across the muslim world, that are not som familiar with European standards and understandings of concepts'.

7. We need to come away from the stage to an isolate room for comm entry of the show, and other topics' that can be discussed when drawing away from the GPU to keep the audience in line wand or tune with the production.

8. We need to see people, participating with enthusiasms', volunteers' of reciters' of male orientations', we need people to re-take their shahadas, and to reaffirm their faith, on stage. To reaffirm the Islamic association of bondships f0r all the world to see.

9. We need muslim youth , to show case their own thoughts and feelings' about their concepts of islam. So we can understand their interpretations and have a better understanding to rectify any misconceptions and or theories'.

10. We need more entertainments', of lyrics' in regards to nomadic culture twisted with a modern touch, how, you work it out.

11. We need T-shirts' sold as part charity and or free ones given for exceptions of readings.

12. We need a GPU order food associations', for deprived children in Europe, this will encourage more of a western audience, to recognise, that we recognise the needs of orphaned children and or deprived children here.

13. We need recognised figures', from other associations' of fame to promote the charities' so that their efforts are recognised in their home lands', that will relieve the pressure of the immediate association of betrayal in regrades to such participation's of fame associations'.

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