Wednesday 20 October 2010

Freedoms for all

Who does this puffed up canary think he is ?

Guff-damn it.......making rulings' on budgeting, forcing hardworking single mums' for interviews', across the board, applying pressure to get us back into the work market, when they know that the crime rate of abuses' on children has risen across the board, with all sorts of manipulations and carries on, that in some cases' lead to death and or brain damage.

The hospitals' forcing mums' into positions of unfair labour of discriminations acts'.

My back is ruined for life, without the possibility of it ever recovering after the enforced epidural, of what was carried out by student nurses' that never even asked my permission. Making the people who are unemployed; lifestyle unbearable.

Leaving boilers in disrepair of electrics and boards under the bathing systems' old and moulding with age, where peole have fallen through on more then thousand of occasions'.

Leaving heating systems' and radiators old and rusted, window pains' of age that have well-passed there sell by date, the younger generations coming down with effected ill nesses ' of more seen arthritic pains'.

All the while, they are increasing food prices' on doubled taxation's', clothes' of good qualities, lasting to a Good standard of age, are highly priced', higher paid workers' still in debt from the Thatcher days', of mortgages that will never be paid, and a continued system of banking loans to cover themselves' because Thatcher failed to put a cap on the housing market, and that, even then the cap was suggested, so there was no excuse.

Higher standards of educational skills required, where children are feeling pressured into academic literature learning of what hinders and brings on the encouragements of physical maturity, of what is unnatural.

The learning is not liberal in any effective standards at all, and rather it is a pomp of oxford and Cambridge standards that most children on average fail to meet the recommended levels ; of attainments', remember Mr speaker-that Mr Osbourne pomp, was educated where? And at what level and he is failing to understand the lessor classes of individuals' who are not so eloquent in literature

They are killing the babies, with hybrid viruses', and opposing laws' of religious boundaries to suit their greed of wealth accumulations.

All the while student graduates', who are now paying to work, and paying off loans in excessive quantities, all the while the government are sitting back-while their purse is getting fatter.

And who is suffering ?

The university graduates', the mothers' and children and now Mr Speaker; even the higher paid workers' who have worked themselves out from the lessor classes' are being shown the tax card too.

The travel fair has increased, the cap on city entrance fees', this government is making a full time income of relentlessness.

All the while, people, Young and old, are reducing their heating usage, and feeling the aliments of the effects', of what will increase more ill health in the future....
no one can afford to travel, of what has slowed the economy down, the crime rate is and will never recover to a effective standard, and all the while Mr Osbourne is still talking about cuts' to all services' across the board.

Mr Osbourne has never worked a day in his life, and rather his work is a war of words' on praying like a vulture on the poverty stricken and those who are trying their hardest at university without reprieve of any good lifestyle at all, in fact it would have been better if they got themselves' a job in Tosca's filling shelves' and part time spending on the amount of costs' incurred and invested in the educational system.

I can never work, the hospital made sure of that......asked them what they did, with records to prove it.

Shite... when are you people going to stand up in people power and stop all work entries and protest until something is done about your requests', France never sits back on their bums' while the governments are laughing at the income of their fat purse strings and high life swimming pools' and saunas'.

You have to protest and yet some feeling into it, be passionate about it......or are we all dead with useless knowledge that hasn't got us anywhere, except back where we started, in an even worse position.

Wheres' the bob Marley's', and the 70's war protesters', wheres' plight for freedom over occupations, wheres you voice, driven into oblivion, death surrounding the ears of no cries', while our children are allowed to kill each other over a mobile phone without any reaction from anyone,disgusting array of mass mess we are in because of their campaign to destroy us for the greed of their own consumptions, are we all living as nomads that don't understand English.....get up,Get a move on, stand up, before they ethnically clean all of us from every little bit of finance we own. Lorries, cars , business workers, everyone who has been beaten up by the government, its time you came together. Hold your posts' up shout scream panic .....what ever it takes.

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