Thursday 3 February 2011

Why does the Media keep describing this revolt, as a mid-evil display.

It is not a mid-evil display, it is people at the end of their patience, in awe of a repression that has been and was held under direction of western influence, whereby vast amounts of wealth was taken without fair proportions of share distributions, and corrupt economies to meet the greed of the oppressors', without a fair, just share of equities of business opportunities', of which can be corrected with Arabs' now having world economics and world trading experience...of vast amounts

A resolve of finance and shares and these proposals put forward, will see a restoring of peace, prosperity and business opportunities', with fair trade and worked based Visa opportunities for those who plan and sign contracts abiding by the laws of the land.....Islamic rule....We are not a threat to anyone...

The prayers in Trsq

And we say, janaza for Saddam Hussein who died to protect the stealing of the wealth of his and his peoples' oil from the corrupted people of the united states of America, the bush administration'.

Thus not all good actions are seen beneath the scenes'.

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