Friday 4 February 2011

In respect to cuts, we know that cuts need to be made, but rather then making cuts on services that are so desperately needed, a shake up of corrupted staff and or dangerous staff members in the national service working force, should be made.

This will reduce risk factors and or other payments of compensations of mass proportions, and huge other benefits'...investigations have to be prioritise first...and then work your way down the list slowly.....this maybe slow and time consuming, but in the long run, it will save millions of pounds, if not billions of pounds on time wasters', and dangerous staffing managements, and other dangerous members of staffing, generally.

You start with hospitals first, one at a time, the closet to the policing service and work out, then you do schools', then old peoples' homes, then local stores', and other employees' that maybe connected with criminality's....

Insurance will drop, claims will drop and there will be long term insurances of stability's' well care and all other unit services'.

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