Tuesday 1 February 2011

I would advice that all other countries of Arabic origin rest, while we deal with the new proposals for Cairo, Egypt.

We have to deal with one over-throw at a time.

Islamists are not fanatical', rather, is it not better to have Islamic reform ?, then murder-by death, rape, violations' of peoples' humanity and rights', old people-abuses', that have been established, death by hospital staff of murder by association of criminality's', and many other human abuses of other systemic oppressions', all the while this is taking place under a democratic rule of laws', established in the western society, is anyone safe?, I ask you ?.....in the west ?,...take a look at the level of violent-abuses' and crime rates' across the population of American as a prime example....

Then you have the cheek to call the Islamic rule of laws' and established religious values that implement clean living standards of livelihood, family values, and low criminality's', fanatic,, if it stops and prevents such wide spread corruptions', and establishes' peaceful Harmony, then what the heck are the west complaining about.

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