Thursday 3 February 2011

Filter controls in Cyber-Space/Internet

It is with pressing concern that there are extreme sexual pictorials of adult animations alongside children's games and animation play time, during Internet play time activities for children aged three years and up...

It is extremely concerning that death images of fetus and small babies and others', are shown alongside fetal descriptions of birth stages of what are extremely concerning to human sensitivities.

It is extremely concerning that adult materials and other liabilities are available on the Internet resource at the touch of a button....

It is extremely concerning that death related and murder crimes and ploys and plans are also available....

The Internet should be filtered of all exploited materials that do not fit into a clean category of viewage ...

Theres no easy way around this....there has to be a separation of adult explicit material, that can be obtained elsewhere for people who have other tastes and or needs of education purposes'.

Fetal stages are acceptable

Abominations of crime affiliations, pedophiles, murders, rapes and other extremely offensive images should be barred with immediate effect.

Internet is accessible to everyone of all ages', unlike the television whereby we can monitor it more rigorously then that of cyber space.....

It is unacceptable that naked images are on screen when children are viewing images of cartoon natures in yahoo programmes. It is a virus.

With holes ion the Internet linage of cyber space it is easy for pedophiles to gain access to homes where children could be prime targets for snatching and other.....for crimes of pedophilia natures'.

Photographs, printouts and other from your computer source should be posted to, within reason of photography standards with complaints that more serious images are reachable, with mass letters of compliant, your Internet service providers'.....

Keep copies of letters'....for file reference....

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