Monday 7 February 2011

Cyclone Australia

Though trees' act as a good wind deterrent, there isn't enough of them surrounding the coastal areas of the most frequented visited, cyclone struck areas' of Australia.

I would advice that Australia invests in tree developments on the coastal ports most struck by cyclones'.

Or alternatively, invest in re-designed, atheistically pleasing wind breakers', that resemble the natural course of nature.

Wind breakers will act as water-breakers-act, in the reshuffling and filtering of the strength and force of the winds current, be it a water current and or a air current, it is the same.

Even though they are very different properties', they act in the same manner if behaviours when it comes' to forceful attacks of pressures'.

By interceding the wind with artificial wind breakers', and or investment trees of vast numbers to cover the coastal areas', you will break the current of the force of the winds attacks'on those areas'. Saving lost revenues', lost homes, and damage related clearance and insurance schemes'.

And what?

And investments are always better then mass losses' that occur, over and over again.

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