Wednesday 14 December 2011

I'm a muslim

Generally, dislike hindu people.


Because they over populate the world, without thinking about how they are going to feed their young, expecting handout businesses' from us in Europe, America and the west.

They are very distinctive, from the muslims', because they dont give any funds', their funds' go to idols of golden heavy objectives, that are surrounded by thousands of hundreds of rats', that they feed on all wholesome cows' milk too, then they cry they haven't any funds for their young. While Somali and other countries' are in need of wholesome milks', and they are bleeding all other countering countries dry, to sustain heir rat fetishes', that carry and have been known to carry the Platonic plague, also known as the black death. Rats have been known to swim mass distance's, cross boarders' through carrier ships and much more.

And the disease carrying from rats', is tapping us, but its all very hush hush.

The Muslims', are more reserved in sprouting children, we feed our children on hard earned money, even if we dont work for pensions'....we find ways' of ploughing back into helping those that have helped different ways'.

Muslims', will fill your kebabs', and give you free drinks , the hindu's give nothing.

This applies for most business outlets', if your local provided who has given you freebies for many years then you know you can count on them.

If however their has been a slight change in behaviour, then its doubtful.

Mumbi, Pakistan, operating with confederates', in distinctive greedy ploys' of wealth accumulations'.

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