Saturday 3 December 2011

As for out exposure of the upper body, at the time wishing to be mentioned, there was either a fault in the design ware of the garment, and or strings were intentionally pulled, either way, the intrusion was premeditated, and the virgin holes were still stolen under all intentions and purposes', by the hosting foe, of royalties', unbeknown to them, they got what they were asking for, by interfering in matters that had nothing to do with them in the first place, and had they left things alone, would have either exasperated myself in work issues of project natures' or would have opted for my original choice of house, and nomadic living.

And that actually I am quite happy with my boys being in protection, but what company they reside with, should be up to them and to us as their parents', and shouldn't be theft by intent of trying to assume me with criminality's of spiritual natures', that dont exist....and that if I have insinuations, of sexual whispers' and or worse still, invited by you as a host, and or other word play magics', then , the original source Will pay more for the price of that, and that, Allah hears' all and sees' All intentional and non intentional.

And that, even though I didn't appear to commit any formal sin in your hosting xhat of entrapment's', as a normal person, insinuations' of whispers do exist and that is not to be denied, and yes it is as if you made me feel like I sinned, when, when I review it, actually I never done and or committed to any formal agreements of back and you will see, in the notes, and that, i didn't even agree to be a member of the mafia rather you decided that for me.

And that sorry if I dont appear to be or have emotional ties with the kids on the otherside, but I have to have time to acknowledge it.

I am in denial/

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