How can the Government vilify a section of public space for people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol ?
Isn't that encouraging alcoholism's' and social illness ?
Isn't the idea to try to rehabilitate the homeless and downtrodden of society ?
To try to resolve their issues to find out the route cause of their problems ?
To help them back into the housing system and employments ?
Wouldn't violence between drinkers, be likely to increase, giving them the go ahead to drink and behaviour very much the way they wish, in society ?
The best way to decrease alcohol isms is to have a day time-out-side drinking ban......that is not on the premises of licenced drinking locatives'.
Locatives' have special unit gardens', for families' that like to drink outdoors', and can ask for extensions into further greenery's, to extend and expand business costume's into summer months'.
Drinking and alcoholisms are a social disease that causes' much up-sets and violence in society, for normal people who wish to have a nice day out at the park without incurring penalties of assaults by drunken louts who take up residencies in parks', that happen to intimidate the everyday families and or old people wishing to read books under the tree, on a bench in the sunshine and or other. If drunken louts wish to walk their dogs'...they d not have to do so, with a can of alcohol.......rather they will have to leave that at home.........any abuses' because of a new implementation in the law will see an immediate ban from park premises', its not as if there isn't enough CCTV footage to monitor the entrance of the parks for illegal entries after implementations of bandment placements'.
Drinking should be restricted to licenced premises' without compromise, or in the house and or private indoor locations, that do not harm and or intimidate the rest of society and social well-beings'....This with reduce the drinking appeal.....replenish lost pubbing trades.......making pubs more family orientated......of what will cause less violent outbreaks'....with a curfew for all children to be off the premise, within a negotiated time period, before night time drinkers and more adult themes arise.
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