Saturday 29 January 2011

I am absolutely astounded by Canada refusing to host refugee government figures of the Egyptian regime.

After all the in-convenience America has caused to the Islamic world and mass mess of diplomatic positions', after a mass push for wars' on the poorest of Islamic nations, its the least they can do, to offer respite to refugees, that are IN danger and need protecting under witness and identity of personality.

And remember; just what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo bay...or has America all of a sudden lost its memory status of effective persuasions for a push to illegal wars'.

And that if they didn't push towards these unfounded illegal wars, Egypt may not have chosen to up-rise as they have done so...

And that it was clear by some footage that people were clearly distressed at the footage they saw of the films and pictorials of Guantanamo and the other notorious prison in Iraq that was over thrown for a short period in time by the Americans, whereby mass abuses took place.

Then they have the cheek to turn around and say, we will not be accommodating any refugee of government interim powers of the former Egyptian powers', that have clear status of effect of residence in Canada.

And that, after all the illegal arrests and detentions that have been perpetrated by the Americans in light of the Muslims across all international callings' of identities, because they happen to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, detained for up to ten year period and further, with mass abuses', of American powers', on the poorest nation of people in the world, they cant even be polite enough to show compassion to a ousted government of controls and family that need aid and help to resettle, because their lives are in danger.

Its the least they can do, and they have to take part responsibility in this up-rising, due to all the anger and hostilities incured by the poor Arabs that have little knowledge about the Western ways of life and why they even attacked the Muslim lands in the first place.

And in light of that, they are still finding the means to incite religious slander by allowing cartoons', airing Muslim identities in sexual indications on the news, for all the world to see, without even putting a block on it as a form of offensive material, in light of the circumstance of religious sensitivity after all the abuses of rapes and other incurring penalties of the illegal war campaign, how arrogant is that of the news broadcasters of sky international to allow such derogatory pictorials out, even if the officials are of the opposition in relation to the over throwing of the shia regime.

Then they wonder why the Islamic world is up rising for greater freedoms of Islamic leaderships and laws' of majority Sunni natures'.

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